Liz Warren Destroys CNBC Anchors!

LexusLover's Avatar
You are half way there dong dinger...

Smart or Dumb depends on one's viewpoint. Originally Posted by WTF
I'm almost afraid to ask, but ... What's your "viewpoint"?

For instance, on using illegal aliens to work on residential construction?

Or the prohibitions against it, good or bad ... dong dinger?
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 01-08-2015, 10:57 AM
I'm almost afraid to ask, but ... What's your "viewpoint"?

For instance, on using illegal aliens to work on residential construction?

Or the prohibitions against it, good or bad ... dong dinger? Originally Posted by LexusLover
I have no problem with employers hiring whom ever they please. I do not believe in forced labor. I do realize there are people like you that need government protection from willing workers...

Are you for the government mandating who employers can and can not hire?

What is your viewpoint on more government regulations?

What is your viewpoint on Cellphone apps being installed of every plane? Should the government mandate that?
boardman's Avatar
Does anybody watch CNBC? Originally Posted by The2Dogs
Everytime I scroll past their programing it seems like they're playing another episode of their documentary Cannabusiness. Not that I have a problem with it...ijs
If you think you have a need for Glass-Steagall, I whole heartedly suggest that you indeed need Warren and the government protecting you from the big bad wolves on Wall St.. Keep cheering.

Or, one could pick up some books on finance and investing, learn how to read a prospectus and how not to be stupid and lose your money to someone smarter than you.

That's the difference between a capitalist and a socialist, btw.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
The idea that all government is good and more government is better is the mantra of libtards.
LexusLover's Avatar
Are you for the government mandating who employers can and can not hire? Originally Posted by WTF
Yes as far as children and illegal aliens. Then restrictions on hiring some people with certain convictions in certain "sensitive" positions ... for instance convicted pedophiles at day care centers and public schools... and convicted terrorists as TSA screeners, etc. etc.

But since you don't mind profiting from illegal alien workers, you may have a different "viewpoint" on all those profit destroying "regulations."
lustylad's Avatar
You are half way there dong dinger...

Smart or Dumb depends on one's viewpoint.
Originally Posted by WTF
What is your point, dong hummer? Do you agree that a lot of regulations are dumb?

What is your viewpoint on more government regulations? Originally Posted by WTF
What is your viewpoint on people who are too stupid to understand it depends on the regulation?


What is your viewpoint on more government regulations? Originally Posted by WTF
They SUCK!!!!searchR...%252BFR%252BPR
lustylad's Avatar
They SUCK!!!!searchR...%252BFR%252BPR Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB

You are right 99% of the time. Libtards seize on the other 1% to keep the suck going.

Dodd Frank contains plenty of new regs that have nothing to do with finance. Section 1502 of the Dodd–Frank Act requires companies using conflict minerals in their products to disclose the source of such minerals. Anyone wanna explain what the fuck conflict minerals have to do with keeping the financial system stable?
bigcockpussylicker's Avatar
You are right 99% of the time. Libtards seize on the other 1% to keep the suck going.

Originally Posted by lustylad
what's the margin for error?

I B Hankering's Avatar
Warren did mention the S & L scandal of the 80s but she got it wrong that Glass-Steagall would have prevented it. The reason we had the crisis is that a senator named Metzenbaum decided that he didn't like people getting over on the government by being able to deduct their home mortgagoe interest. So he put in a bill that reduced the deduction by half. A lot of Savings and Loans used real estate and homes as their assets. Once the deduction became so much less the value of property dropped and that means the value of the assets dropped. Which led to S & Ls losing billions of dollars in value. The runs began and they just did not have the money on hand to pay people. They failed and it was up to George HW Bush to pay off the bills. So about 180 billion a year had to be paid by Bush right up until Clinton became president. Clinton never had to make one single payment so his budget looked so much better by comparison, an unfair comparison by the way. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
JD, please provide a source on this Metzenbaum -- mortgage-cut connection.
JD, please provide a source on this Metzenbaum -- mortgage-cut connection. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Something you don't know shit about, and are not a authority on I'm stunned.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Something you don't know shit about, and are not a authority on! I'm stupid! Originally Posted by i'va biggen
FTFY and highlighted some of your other errors, Eatkum the Inbred Chimp.

JD, is this the measure you were referring to?,3325998
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
Something you don't know shit about, and are not a [sic] authority on [sic] I'm stunned. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
You blew it again on the grammar and punctuation, IvaBiggenIdiot.
Get that cock out of your mouth and think, IvaBiggenHomo. (That's what your boy AssupIdiot calls you)
You blew it again on the grammar and punctuation, IvaBiggenIdiot.
Get that cock out of your mouth and think, IvaBiggenHomo. (That's what your boy AssupIdiot calls you) Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
Grow up you fucking no balls wannabe. You are unable to construct two intelligent sentences like your hero no balls. It is apparent you two are sucking each other off.