Bad reviews and Drama

Randy4Candy's Avatar
^^^^^ f*cking engineers.................LOL ^^^^^

1) Put Slot A into Tab B
2) Move back and forth vigorously until cream C is produced
3) Leave envelope D
4) Get into Car E
5) Write good review F or bad review G
6) Produce Drama H....

Repeat as required...

DFK Hunter's Avatar

1) Put Slot A into Tab B Originally Posted by PurplePussyEater
Putting a slot into a tab, that just sounds painful.

Thanks DFK, I cannot self edit sometimes


1) Put Tab A into Slot B
2) Move back and forth vigorously until cream C is produced
3) Leave envelope D
4) Get into Car E
5) Write good review F or bad review G
6) Produce Drama H....

Repeat as required...

Guest101610-2's Avatar
^^^^^ f*cking engineers.................LOL ^^^^^ Originally Posted by Randy4Candy

I was just thinking that.
I have been as guilty as anyone of dumping on a review, but one review lately...kinda made Me think about some things a little differently. I'm just a divorced Man, in My forties and I tend to look at life with a narrow view. I mean, I'm the customer...right?

But there was a review, and rebuttal, that hit a little too close to home. The reviewer, told His side,and the provider told hers.

Make no mistake, I consider myself a pretty good businessman,and when I make a deal, or sign a contract....thats My word, My bond

But after reading the drama filled posts, concerning the review/rebuttal. it dawned on me...

If I was a respected member of a review board, had a really good career, a career I worked and studied so hard to achieve....a position that affords Me a certain ...respect in My community, and allows Me to help people in need, and those that can afford Me

And then I found Myself in a bad situation, of My own doing....with a person Whose state of mind, should have been a giant red flag,and I continued to try and get what I paid for, .......should I have posted a scathing review? so what is the reviewee is 23, and I'm a fully grown and accomplished man, so what if this girl has issues? I paid My money....

I think as much as drama is entertaining, and we all wan't our say, some times thing get taken too far, and YEAH I understand business, BUT sometimes the person on the other end of the beatdown, is somebodies daughter, sister,...

And if I were an accomplished individual, somebody who sacrificied to become something in life.......I might not be so quick to judge

Flame on

Shit happens.

Would you want to fuck you? really?

Some clients are hard to please. They come into a session with high hopes and expectations. Some providers do not know that part craft of "escorting" is making the client feel special and create an intimacy that does not really exist.

On each side, some will learn, some will not. In the beginning for both hobbyists and providers, there will be critical reviews and drama.

In the Internet hobby review boards inception, it merely weeded out the ripoffs from the girls who provided a solid service. Since then it has evolved into a full blown "consumer reports" detailed analysis and advertising venue for the escort community unlike anything we have ever seen before.

This Internet is the wild west. What boards like this and those that follow will evolve into in another 5 or 10 years will be amazing. It has forever changed the industry and the changes will not be without stressors.

Of course, the perverted side of me likes a good train wreck. Much useful information can be gleaned from reading many of these "drama threads" the first 100 or so times.