why should i care how they were processed? (chopped into little pieces)"?
what i care about is cheap food by ILLEGALS at the expense of american labor who's price is jacked up by Corp America
but it's ain't 85 dollars ... yet.
do you?
Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
I like cheap food. Do you really think it's at the expense of american labor? If so, I can assure you it isn't a Biden issue, that goes back to Reagan (at least). Do you think the CEOs are going to take a pay cut to pay american workers 2/3/4 times what immigrants will do the job for, and instead of raising prices?
Remember the part of the article that said "that american workers won't do?". Also, in about 30 seconds of research, they are shutting that plant down because of low demand for whatever they were making, not firing the workers and replacing with immigrants. Maybe that plant made sponge bob chicken nuggets and kids don't want them anymore. It's 1200 workers, in a little town in Iowa, nothing that doesn't happen all the time for decades.
Call it strategy, or corporate greed. Those plants are located in places with few other options for jobs. Always have been, always will be. But on a lighter note, I have it on authority that Tyson has a freezer plant located in what used to be the best mushroom field within hours in central AR. Semi docks where the hippies used to flip cow patties looking for their magic mushrooms.