The other side of the Timmie story: the Palins

I am having a hard time believing anything Sarah Palin says or whom ever the "unnamed" source is. The Palins are simply out of control thanks to the GOP, in my opinion they ruined her by gambling on the wildcard. Had she simply got the faux Veep as planned the Palins would still be a typical American family with a small amount of baggage and no one the wiser.
In all my debates as a moderate/ liberal I have never seen a conservative that put an ounce of credence in "Realclear". I find it odd that of all the conservative sites that dispute what they have posted, you decide this one time they have it right.
All that being said I have no idea what happened at that Party. Honestly I wish the Palins would step away from the spotlight and get back to being the people they were before this all started.
Munchmasterman's Avatar
RealClearPolitics as opposed to Timmie's source; a biased political blogger. Any you all buy into Timmie's source. Talk about rampant stupidity. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
And an un-named source close to the family telling a story to a biased political blogger is what you consider a good source?

Your stupidity is the stuff legends are made of.

I saw the story on CNN where they were quick to tell you that they had no independent confirmation of the story. They also had the statements and interviews with 2 or 3 eye witnesses.

People who gave their names when they made their statements.

To quickly sum up here, the horse you back in the credibility race has a biased blogger reporting what one un-named source who is close to the family says. The story says nothing about the source even being present at the party. The story says nothing about the person Bristol allegedly punched was the home owner giving the party nor does it refute witness accounts of her striking him.
Also, the queen of trooper-gate, an attention whore extraordinar in the ranks of a profession (politicians in general) that lives on attention, let her son get his ass kicked by at least 4 guys while he was defending his sister? At least Todd tried to help. Mama grizzly mode is standing there telling the ass kickers her son is a vet? And then not press charges? Whatever.

On the other side, the source you and your fellow douche-bags instantly dismiss, there is what you claim is a biased blogger. I can't say that's true one way or another. But I can say all I heard from her was repeating what the eye witnesses said. We also have several people who were there who are willing to put their names on and stand behind their statements. Does that make them automatically true? Of course not. But they are more believable than an after the fact anonymous statement by someone who wasn't there.

And when it's factored in which side you believe is the credible source it's almost a no-brainer. Almost. I still check both because the odds are that some day through blind luck you'll be right.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Since you copied my post I'll assume that your words are meant for me. I don't think you can read very well. I am making fun of this unnamed source who writes a blog. I am also making fun of Timmie who posted the original story without references. If you don't like this source then go after Timmie.
Did any of you even read the article? Let's summarize:

1. The Palins arrived at a kegger in a Hummer stretch limo and got involved in a drunken brawl.

2. NY'er wanted cell phone video.... but now we have an "unbiased" source deemed trustworthy by the Admiral and the rest of the short-bus crowd so it must all be true, right? Especially the part about Track's mommy trying to keep him from getting his ass kicked.

3. Accepting either version of the events as being true....the blogger, or the guy the Admiral wants to rim.....what difference does it make? These people were one of the choices the Republicans offered us as being worthy of consideration for a position in the executive branch of the government of the United States of America? Truly?

4. And, there are still poor, misguided, full-tilt fucked-up voters like the Admiral who think "President Palin" sounds like a good idea?

So....when are one of you dumbasses going to offer up a different story than the one I posted?
Did any of you even read the article? Let's summarize:

1. The Palins arrived at a kegger in a Hummer stretch limo and got involved in a drunken brawl.

2. NY'er wanted cell phone video.... but now we have an "unbiased" source deemed trustworthy by the Admiral and the rest of the short-bus crowd so it must all be true, right? Especially the part about Track's mommy trying to keep him from getting his ass kicked.

3. Accepting either version of the events as being true....the blogger, or the guy the Admiral wants to rim.....what difference does it make? These people were one of the choices the Republicans offered us as being worthy of consideration for a position in the executive branch of the government of the United States of America? Truly?

4. And, there are still poor, misguided, full-tilt fucked-up voters like the Admiral who think "President Palin" sounds like a good idea?

So....when are one of you dumbasses going to offer up a different story than the one I posted? Originally Posted by timpage
Excellent summary, Tim!

So....when are one of you dumbasses going to offer up a different story than the one I posted? Originally Posted by timpage
Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
It certainly did not take long for COIdiot's ATF, "Sweet Ass" IIFFY to answer Tim's calling all "dumbasses" call!

Surely the identical "dumbass" Idiot twins, JD&IB can't be far behind their cousin, IIFFY.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
ur'a vajayjay supports MAX government but claims to be a INDEPENDENT...

ur'a vajayjay never supports less government...

ur'a vajayjay gives sloppy blow jobs to Sodom Hussein Obrobro...

ur'a vajayjay doesn't swallow so in his mind he's a Independent Ozombie... Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
You sound like a preschooler, Slobbrin!

What does this have to do with the Palins, and JDIdiot's continued support of the blithering fool who pretty much singlehandedly brought down the GOP?

For a change, you don't seem to know where you are. And you've got the communication skills of a garden variety potato.

I recommend ESL classes.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Did any of you even read the article? Let's summarize:

1. The Palins arrived at a kegger in a Hummer stretch limo and got involved in a drunken brawl. Who said it was a kegger? Like Nolte of Breitbart asks, what is the importance of mentioning the stretch Hummer? Isn't that what Jlo and Kanye ride around in?

2. NY'er wanted cell phone video.... but now we have an "unbiased" source deemed trustworthy by the Admiral and the rest of the short-bus crowd so it must all be true, right? Especially the part about Track's mommy trying to keep him from getting his ass kicked. Actually I never said that the source was unbiased (reading is fundamental Timmie), I said that RealClearPolitics has a liberal slant.

3. Accepting either version of the events as being true....the blogger, or the guy the Admiral wants to rim.....what difference does it make? These people were one of the choices the Republicans offered us as being worthy of consideration for a position in the executive branch of the government of the United States of America? Truly? And what did the democrats offer us twice; a guy who leaps out of the closet with no pants on and his wife the delusional liar (vast right wing conspiracy, sniper fire, billing records, FBI documents, Benghazi)

4. And, there are still poor, misguided, full-tilt fucked-up voters like the Admiral who think "President Palin" sounds like a good idea?

So....when are one of you dumbasses going to offer up a different story than the one I posted? Originally Posted by timpage
And you probably haven't heard that the story of the Palin family's drunken brawl began with a local gossip columnist, Amanda Coyne, a Palin hater, who admitted when she first "broke" the story on September 9 that "the details were a little sketchy" and on September 11 that "I have little time to track down the details of the brawl. And even if I did, I’d probably pass.

In the meantime, we now have 74,100 Google News hits based on a piece of gossip from a gossip columnist who has "little time to track down the details." And it should come as no surprise that many of those Google links are to some of the biggest mainstream media outlets in the country (the very same ones not telling you about Attkisson's Benghazi bombshell or the IRS shredding evidence): The Washington Post, ABC News, Good Morning America, CNN, Entertainment Tonight, and 74,095 others.
I guess you could argue that the media frenzy would be legitimate if the story had been confirmed. But all of this emanated from an anti-Palin gossip blogger who admitted she didn’t care about the truth and had no desire to discover the truth.
Scott Conroy of Real Clear Politics actually tried something the New York Times, George Stephanopolous, and CNN didn't -- reporting. He spoke with someone close to the Palin family and was told that there was indeed a fight, most of the Palin family was there -- including the Governor -- but that the fight was started by a former boyfriend of Willow's, Palin's 20 year-old daughter. From the sound of this report, Track was defending his sister from an old boyfriend who was getting aggressive:
The initial tussle occurred, the source said, after the young man in question “tried to get in” to the Hummer limousine after he’d engaged in some unspecified “questionable behavior.”
Track Palin soon found himself struggling to fend off four men who had “piled on him,” according to the source.
Todd Palin then inserted himself into the brawl, which left the former “First Dude” of Alaska bleeding. …
According to the source, as her husband and son were trading blows with their adversaries, Palin was yelling (in reference to her son), “Don’t you know who he is? He’s a vet!”
This rendition of her words differs slightly but significantly from a previous report, which had Palin shouting, “Don’t you know who I am?”
Over the years, Sarah Palin has spoken frequently about her son’s U.S. Army service in the Iraq War, and Track currently serves as a counselor, working with veterans suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder.
The local police are investigating the brawl. According to them, no one wants to press charges. But why would we expect the media to wait for facts before the frenzy? This is after all the very same media that blamed Palin for a murder spree in Tucson, was sure she was going to divorce Todd, and embraced aging conspiracy theorist Andrew Sullivan while he pretended to believe Trig Palin wasn't Sarah Palin's son.
The media even makes the stretch Hummer sound Hillbilly. It was Todd's 50th birthday. The extended Palin family rented the Hummer for the special occasion to move the family from a party at the family home to the party in question (hosted by a longtime Palin friend also celebrating a family birthday). Renting stretch Hummers is cool in Los Angeles. Kanye rents stretch Hummers. In Alaska it apparently makes you a rube.
You want to know what Sarah Palin did the day of the party? She flew all the way to Houston, Texas, to attend and speak at a fundraiser for an organization called The Mighty Oaks -- a non-profit group dedicated to helping veterans struggling with PTSD. Did you know that Track Palin serves as a PTSD counselor. You probably didn't. But this is happening…
A source I trust told me that since news of the brawl broke, one of the local companies that rents stretch limos in the Anchorage area has been harassed by the media. Over a dozen phone calls. Television crews showing up unannounced. Offers of payment in exchange for interviews.
Over a private family matter based on an un-sourced, un-confirmed item in a local gossip blog, the media is relentless. Story by a real reporter named Scott Conroy.

Timmie is looking pretty stupid (but I don't think he knows it) about right now.

You've never heard of RealClearPolitic? What rock have you been living under?
Hey Judy, were the Palin's in a brawl or not?
First off renting a stretch Hummer is not normal anywhere. And if you want to think that the Palins are just like Kayne, then you have just proved the point that they are not right in the head.
You have chosen the Realclear story because it is the only one that favors or at least does not condemn the Palins. I personally like Realclear and they are unbiased in my opinion. They did not research or confirm the story either they only posted what a unknown source told them. Like I said before I have no idea what happened at the party. I think I will go the majority of witnesses that dont have a problem giving a name. It will all come out in the wash.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
The point was that in Timmie's tawdry little hit job we are to take away something about the stretch Hummer. I don't know what but I pointed out that renting a stretch Hummer is hardly the equivalent of drowning kittens. It was Todd's 50th birthday after all. Renting a Hummer does prove or disprove that anyone is "right in the head". I would almost bet that Timmie has never rented a Hummer in his life but we see how he is. There are stories out there that say RealClear called several parties to check out the story. This unnamed source is known to them. An unnamed source is far different than an unknown source like the blogger used.
The "right in the head" is in reference to Kayne not the Hummer. I also have never rented a Hummer or at least not a "hummer" that I could drive LOL.
I don't think it is normal to rent one especially in Alaska but it is not a sure sign of instability either. I am still not sure what the questionable action was the x-boyfriend was doing either.
While I agree that until there is more solid evidence know one really knows what happened that night . But I will say this in response, 99% of the threads here are lies or half truths about the Dems and Obama the vast majority stemming from some biased source but they seem to be okay. Explain the difference to me.
LowRider69's Avatar
Poor TrannyTim and his fellow progressives; they have backed a total loser, someone who hasn't been right on anything, a proven liar, a complete and utter failure.

It must suck being an Obamazombies these can hear their personal failure/pain in every post.......

Their only recourse is to deflect from the failure that is Obama. Originally Posted by Whirlaway

These swallowers will swallow any jizz their liberal masters shoot in their mouths.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 09-16-2014, 11:15 AM
These swallowers will swallow any jizz their liberal masters shoot in their mouths. Originally Posted by LowRider69
Just as the loyal righties will have any war shot up their ass their masters sell them.
LowRider69's Avatar
Just as the loyal righties will have any war shot up their ass their masters sell them. Originally Posted by WTF
You swallowed the line that the right started wars. Not true. Bush and Obama are not conservatives. They just pretend to be when election time rolls around. You're one exceptionally stupid swallower.