Is Kamala a Functioning Alchoholic?

txdot-guy's Avatar
txdot-guy posted this,"What’s more believable, Trump shits his pants or Harris has a drinking problem?"

I'm betting it's way better than a 50% chance on both those propositions being true, eh? Originally Posted by Ducbutter
The point of the question was to spell out how ridiculous both items are.

There is no evidence that Harris has a drinking problem nor is there any evidence that Trump wears adult diapers.

Republicans have claimed Harris is or has been
A Whore
Not Black
Slept her way to the top
A cackler
and now a drunk.

Doesn’t anyone on the right realize how stupid and desperate this makes them appear?

It looks like Ol’ Schitzenpants Trump is both scared and desperate now that Biden is out of the race. What a douche bag.
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
She doesn't even realize she hacked off an entire city,

I just want to know if anyone checked the bused in actors for their union cards.
The point of the question was to spell out how ridiculous both items are.

There is no evidence that Harris has a drinking problem nor is there any evidence that Trump wears adult diapers.

Republicans have claimed Harris is or has been
A Whore
Not Black
Slept her way to the top
A cackler
and now a drunk.

Doesn’t anyone on the right realize how stupid and desperate this makes them appear?

It looks like Ol’ Schitzenpants Trump is both scared and desperate now that Biden is out of the race. What a douche bag. Originally Posted by txdot-guy
Wow, you listed six facts about Kamala that just about everybody knows.
txdot-guy's Avatar
Wow, you listed six facts about Kamala that just about everybody knows.
Thanks. Originally Posted by Jackie S
It’s a combination of gaslighting and confirmation bias. None of it is provably true but many people want to believe it. Trump the douche bag is counting on people to swallow his bullshit because he knows that he can not win on the merits.
Lucas McCain's Avatar
MAGAs love to hear and spread stupid gossip more than middle school girls. No wonder Trump loves his gullible blouses.

Hell, maybe she is a drunk but until someone who has a close relationship with her comes out and says so, it is just silly gossip to demean her.
MAGAs love to hear and spread stupid gossip more than middle school girls. No wonder Trump loves his gullible blouses.

Hell, maybe she is a drunk but until someone who has a close relationship with her comes out and says so, it is just silly gossip to demean her. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
Yes, kinda like Joe Biden was “completely fit and more energetic than anyone in the room”, as stated by his press secretary and Kamala herself numerous times.

The world found out the truth, and exposed them to be the lying pieces of shit they are.
txdot-guy's Avatar
Yes, kinda like Joe Biden was “completely fit and more energetic than anyone in the room”, as stated by his press secretary and Kamala herself numerous times.

The world found out the truth, and exposed them to be the lying pieces of shit they are. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Biden may not be more energetic than anyone in the room but he is completely fit for the job of President. If he wasn’t he would no longer be the President. The reason why he backed out of the race is because too many people didn’t think he had the endurance to last another four years in office.

Are you sure that the Press Secretary and the VP actually said “completely fit and more energetic than anyone in the room” as you claim. Please provide a source.

P. S. I’d still rather vote for anyone other than Ol’ Schitzenpants Trump.
Biden may not be more energetic than anyone in the room but he is completely fit for the job of President. If he wasn’t he would no longer be the President. The reason why he backed out of the race is because too many people didn’t think he had the endurance to last another four years in office.

Are you sure that the Press Secretary and the VP actually said “completely fit and more energetic than anyone in the room” as you claim. Please provide a source.

P. S. I’d still rather vote for anyone other than Ol’ Schitzenpants Trump. Originally Posted by txdot-guy
Biden didn't back out of the race because people didn't think he had the endurance to go another four years. Biden backed down because that's the way his handlers and the DNC wanted it. The DNC is equivalent to organized crime. They are ruthless evil bastards.
txdot-guy's Avatar
Biden didn't back out of the race because people didn't think he had the endurance to go another four years. Biden backed down because that's the way his handlers and the DNC wanted it. The DNC is equivalent to organized crime. They are ruthless evil bastards. Originally Posted by Levianon17
What a load of bull. I’m not enamored of the current Republican party but I don’t consider them evil. Describing the DNC as an organized crime syndicate is a terrible lie and nobody made Biden’s choice for him.

You don’t agree with democrats that’s fine but language like yours simply encourages extremism. It’s uncalled for.
Hey, here’s an idea.

Trump said that Joe should have been subjected to a blood test before the debate, how about Kamala blowing the tube.

You know she will take a few shots before she takes he stage. Like all drunks, she needs it. She, in her booze riddled mind, actually thinks she is better when boozed up. Originally Posted by Jackie S

... Crikey! ... What's Next?? ...

To prove she's NOT a drunkard - Kamala should blow the tube?

The tube is prolly one thing Kamala hasn't blown. ...

#### Salty
Ducbutter's Avatar
The point of the question was to spell out how ridiculous both items are.

There is no evidence that Harris has a drinking problem nor is there any evidence that Trump wears adult diapers.

Republicans have claimed Harris is or has been
A Whore
Not Black
Slept her way to the top
A cackler
and now a drunk.

Doesn’t anyone on the right realize how stupid and desperate this makes them appear?

It looks like Ol’ Schitzenpants Trump is both scared and desperate now that Biden is out of the race. What a douche bag. Originally Posted by txdot-guy
Whore might be a little hyperbolic but she was a 29 year old sleeping with a 60 year old who got her appointed to the Ca Medical Assistance Commission. Do you deny that? In '94 she earned the equivalent of $125K in todays money from that position alone.
(edit: I actually think that was the combined salary she recieved for 2 appointments Brown arranged for her.)

Harris is certainly no genius. If she was she'd have passed the Ca Bar exam on her first attempt. But she didn't.

She was sleeping with her boss when she became DA of "'Frisco", so ...

As for cackling, have you heard her? You can't seriously think that discription of her laugh is that far off base.

These things are inconvenient for Harris's supporters but desperate they are not.

Trump may or may not wear adult diapers but the way he dresses, who knows? At near 80 years old, nothing would surprise me. And with Harris's rambling word salad speeches and interviews she sure sounds like she's buzzed. I'm not convinced the two propositions are that far fetched.
Lucas McCain's Avatar
Harris is certainly no genius. If she was she'd have passed the Ca Bar exam on her first attempt. But she didn't. Originally Posted by Ducbutter
I heard she was drunk the 1st time she took it and was sober the 2nd time when she passed it, so I don't count the 1st time. That may be gossip though.
Ducbutter's Avatar
I heard she was drunk the 1st time she took it and was sober the 2nd time when she passed it, so I don't count the 1st time. That may be gossip though. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
I'm halfway joking about her being a drunk, but her speeches etc. don't go a long way to dispell the idea. I think Michael Malice's clip is hilarious.
What a load of bull. I’m not enamored of the current Republican party but I don’t consider them evil. Describing the DNC as an organized crime syndicate is a terrible lie and nobody made Biden’s choice for him.

You don’t agree with democrats that’s fine but language like yours simply encourages extremism. It’s uncalled for. Originally Posted by txdot-guy
If you can't take the truth, then don't align yourself with the Democrats. They are dirty players, and they don't respect their opposition.
txdot-guy's Avatar
If you can't take the truth, then don't align yourself with the Democrats. They are dirty players, and they don't respect their opposition. Originally Posted by Levianon17
From your perspective I’m sure they are. From my perspective Republicans, Trump and Trumpism are just as bad if not worse. but for the most part I agree that both sides sincerely believe in what they are saying and doing. We should be able to agree to disagree without resorting to insults and name calling on both sides.

The ability to call the opposing side “evil” is a key factor in why we have not been able to make headway in solving some of our most intractable problems.

Describing the other side as evil is almost as bad as Clinton using the word “deplorable”. If republicans could just rid themselves of Trump and his ilk I think it would go a long way to resolving some of our grievances on both sides.

Just my opinion though. Take it for what it’s worth.