
Whispers's Avatar
That's bullshit. I have an incall partner who is balls to the walls gorgeous, 26 years old, and she gets no more business than me. $1500 a week, for the both of us. Exactly the same. with some variation, but no huge difference in money that is brought home every month, mouthty old broad or not. Just the same. Explain that. Originally Posted by Annef
How does what you or your friend make have anything to do with what I said? A CoEd in one of the local schools financing her education with grants, scholarships and loans turns a couple of tricks to go from making ends meet on mommy and daddy's contributions to having a couple of grand a month to spend. There is no shortage of women in Austin turning tricks....

To answer your question in regards to why you and her earn the same one would probably need to know who SHE is....Maybe her ads suck... maybe maybe yours are great..... Maybe she is new and maybe you have a lot of regulars..... Maybe you are both unhappy with it.... I have no basis to know how to respond....

Are you saying $1500 a week is enough? not enough?... The new flavor of the month is knocking down $1200 plus a day at the moment and can't keep up with the booking requests.....

Or are you just relating the fact that you both make the same?

If so please consider the PROBABILITY that there are a 100 or so(use 50 or so if you want there is no question that there are far more) UNDER 30yo providers for every one 40yo and older Provider and you have to acknowledge that far more money is going the way of youth....

Hell...I'm have a blast banging at LEAST one new gal a week in the SB market. There is a never ending supply of 18-24yo's to play with it seems.....
expresso's Avatar
Lol, this went from a bullying thread to a economic one! I can explain why she makes less! My guesses.
A. She doesn't have repeat clients, thus needs to spend time getting more clients.
B. She doesn't advertise well.
C. Her hours are shorter.
D. Her screening process is more arduous.
The cause of A could be from lack of skill or effort in the bedroom.
E. There are less older providers that are attractive thus the supply is low, but there is demand for it because face it not every guy wants to always hook up with a 20 something.

Me personally I do but I still date 20 somethings lol. So there's that.
And oh, bullies are bad and generalizations about all board members that post here is also bad.
So yeah calling everyone losers and lacking game and telling people to tend to their families as opposed to posting on the board is ridiculous.
You don't know how people live so judging them by their hobbies is silly. In the advent of new technology and the fact that life does in fact have a lot of down time. It's pretty easy to post a lot and STILL ....tend to the family. My guess anyway.
harkontume's Avatar
Bullying: To intimidate to coerce. etc..

It is my opinion that "some" ladies here have a very difficult time understanding the difference between DISAGREEMENT and BULLYING.

Sometimes I screw up but I always check my post to make sure I have not reduced my argument to :
1. Yeah well your a stupid @#$%&**(
2. Yeah well your just mean

As one highly visible UTR provider mentioned (paraphrase ) many of us guys are old and made enough money to buy the company of young women.
We didn't get there by being stupid, lazy, and non competitive.

If you want a debate and you get a debate then debate and win or lose go on.
I am always careful never to debate things that are personal to me where my feelings are involved.
If you need to vent your feelings talk to a friend.
Ahhhhh another day another dollar , well at least for those of us who haven't pissed off our employers
Loxly's Avatar
  • Loxly
  • 09-20-2013, 08:12 AM
Sometimes there's a diffeence between being bullied and walking into a room with a sign on your back saying, "Punch Me!" And it happens on both ends of the business here.
Still Looking's Avatar
Well if I don't have to prove it....I make $10,000 per day, I fuck like a mad man and can last for hours and I'm super good looking. Most girls don't even want to take my money because of how nice I am.

I love it when providers talk numbers
This rant certainly makes you attractive and desirable, Claire. NOT!

Yep, that's what it is that's been going on here: bullying. A select few hobbyists are trying to be big bad wolves here. If us ladies don't sit down and shut up, we're going to lose business. Ladies should be seen and felt, but certainly not heard. They should not, under any circumstances, have a brain. You're not going to see me because I spoke up? Oh no! Whatever will I do?

What these guys fail to realize is that while they may have a few supporters, in the end it comes down to who is going to be there when you want company. The ladies here have mouths to kiss you, eyes to gaze longingly into, hands to caress you. We have breasts to play with, asses to smack, and we have glorious kitties to lick and fuck (and some of us even speak Greek!). We're here mostly for that purpose alone - to play with you. To spend time with you, to give you relief from your shitty day. Do the bullies offer great GFE or a good BBBJ? Nope. Do they look good in a dress? Doubtful. Will they put on stockings for you? Probably not.

So you bullies go ahead and say what you want, try your best to intimidate all of these gorgeous girls on here, but please know that your efforts are in vain. Please know that all of the lurkers here (and believe me when I tell you that the lurkers far outnumber the bullies) see you all for who you truly are: misogynists. You hate women. And you especially hate women with a voice. I think that's pretty obvious when you only see the young providers who haven't been taught any better - i.e. the girls who never post in these threads because they're afraid that this will negatively affect their business. The girls who are buying what you're selling. Sorry, but I ain't buying shit.

If you think you're going to shut me up or ruin my business, you are sadly mistaken. I have a reputation for being an amazing experience BCD, as do the other loud-mouth girls on here. You think I can be threatened into submission? Bring it. Try. I dare you.

Go ahead and keep spewing your hate while everyone on here sits back and watches, because we just can't seem to look away from a train wreck, can we? Originally Posted by Claire She Blows
Whispers's Avatar
It is my opinion that "some" ladies here have a very difficult time understanding the difference between DISAGREEMENT and BULLYING.
Originally Posted by harkontume
SUE: I'm Right!

Rick: No. You are wrong.

SUE: WAAAHHHHHHHHHH! You are mean... Quit picking on me.... I'm poor defenseless woman....

Billy: Yeah..... Quit picking on the girl....
Bobby: Yeah..... What he said... She is sensitive and has feelings..... So what if she is wrong. She lets me give her $300 so I can lick her like the little puppy dawg I am....

SUE: See! I told you that you were a Bully and EVERYONE agrees!

and then via PM to Billy..... Thank-you so much for defending me, You are so much more a gentleman and I would like to reward you. Instead of my normal 300 roses for an hour rate I want you to feel extra special and would like to invite you over. for a 90 minute session for just 450 Roses! I seldom spend more than an hour with anyone but you seem so nice.See you at 2PM!

and then to Bobby: Thank-you so much for defending me, You are so much more a gentleman and I would like to reward you. Instead of my normal 300 roses for an hour rate I want you to feel extra special and would like to invite you over. for a 90 minute session for just 450 Roses! I seldom spend more than an hour with anyone but you seem so nice.See you at 3:45 PM!

and then via PM to Billy at 1:50..... Could you be a dear and stop and get me some Tampax Ultras? I'll understand if you are a little late.

and then via PM to Bobby at 3:40 Hey hon.... Since you are on the way can you stop and get me some cigs and pick up some condoms. I ran out yesterday and just realized I'm out......
Dear Mr. SL , I'm doing a fund raiser for bullied hookers , and I'm looking for sponsors for my marathon . Would you like to sponsor ? OK fuck the bullied hookers , I lied it's for me and my own selfish needs marathon .
Whispers's Avatar
This rant certainly makes you attractive and desirable, Claire. NOT! Originally Posted by Pflugerbill
I don't think I have met her but some might say it is an accurate reflection of how attractive she actually is in which case you have to applaud her for truth in advertising. Some might disagree. Personally... I don't know/

I've always been disappointed in the fact that the vast majority of girls that advertise what great cock suckers they are are fat or ugly. Neither of which appeal to me. So I have to settle for mediocre cock suckers
David.Douchehurst's Avatar
Sometimes there's a diffeence between being bullied and walking into a room with a sign on your back saying, "Punch Me!" And it happens on both ends of the business here. Originally Posted by Loxly
Whoa, Nelly, ya shore got that right!. These gals got it all bass-ackwards when it comes to whut bullying is.

Whut they're a-dealing with is the same thing that happened ta me when Ah a-buffaloed mah way into a Democratic Party fundraiser after Ah knocked back a dozen Old Fashioneds inna Senate cloakroom. Ah told tha whole passel of 'em that tha reason they couldn't win a race fer dogcatcher inna statewide election wuz that they wuz a-shitty at raisin' money and they wuz even shittier at knowin' how ta spend it. Just dumber than a fencepost about how ta do it. Ah told 'em I was only tryin' ta help 'em outta tha goodness o' mah own heart cuz Ah wuz a-gettin' tired o' winnin' my races so damn easy. That's no fun. Them dumb liberal mofos wasn't even putting up a decent fight. Ah told 'em, winnin' a race a'gin 'em wuz like beatin' a retarded kid at checkers. Shore, a win is a win, but there ain't no sport to it. Well, they proceeded to yell an' scream at me and call me all sortsa names and vile appellations.

Ah coulda said, "Hey, stop a-bullyin' me! Ah got mah right to free fuckin' speech! Y'all ain't tha boss o' me!" But ah wasn't gettin' bullied.

I was gettin' mah big, fat, idjut ass handed ta me fer pickin' a fight in enemy territory, even if'n Ah thought Ah wuz a-tryin' ta help and Ah was too drunk and muthafuckin' stupid ta have mah wits about me and realize Ah was just pickin' a fight instead o' offerin' helpful advice.

And down deep inside Ah knew it. Ah knew Ah wuz a-stirrin' up a hornet's nest but the ol' whiskey had a-hold on me, so I went ahaid an did it. Ah thought it might be fun until Ah started gettin' stung. That shit sobered me up real damn quick.

Ah told them thar wimmin's rights liberal retards tha same durn thing when we searched 'em and a-rousted 'em outta the Senate chamber that time we ripped apart their abortion rights. When we haul yore ass outta thar and put ya in tha pokey when ya put up a fight, it ain't bullyin' when ya started shit yore own damn self by a-tryin' ta sneak in jars o' piss and bags o' fecal matter ta throw on tha lawfully elected represen'tives o' the Great State o' Texas! Y'all start sumpin' and we'll a-finish it!

That wasn't bullyin'. They picked a fight they couldn't win and when we took it to 'em, then they're all a-whinin' and a-cryin' like l'il babies. Like l'il born babies, not them dead aborted babies they always seem ta wanna make more of. Sum'bitches. And Ah tell ya, if'n them stoopid l'il mofos hadn't a-run me off in that thar fundraiser, maybe them whiny l'il basterds mighta learnt a thang or two and won a few more statewide races and made it a l'il bit harder fer us 'Publicans ta do whut we wuz a-gonna do anyway. Them idjuts mighta at least made the fight a little interesting.
pussycat's Avatar
I always laugh when I hear a girl bully a guy because he "doesn't have any game and needs to pay for it." I think she's the one who's bullying here. But the reason why I laugh is because I'm proud of the fact that I have no "game" and I don't lie and charm girls into my bed and then treat them like shit like most of the boyfriends of the girls I've known all my life.

I'm an honest guy who makes no effort to play, lie to, or charm girls. And for that reason I've always lost out in the sex department with the charmers, the liars, and the assholes that most girls would rather sleep with. If I've heard it once I've heard it a million times from providers, "My customers treat me sooo much nicer than the boyfriends I've had!" Yeah I'm proud I'm a nice guy who pays for it rather than being a manipulative asshole that girls worldwide love to be fucked by.

All the angry feminists say they demand that women be taken seriously by men. But I'm still waiting for the women to take themselves seriously first. The things women place importance on are just stupid.
I refuse to voice an opposing opinion in this thread because I know in doing so I would be labeled a board bully. Oh shit I just did, didn't I?
actionjackson647's Avatar
all i know is from personal experience.
claire is one the finest woman ive met in this hobby. shes smart,sexy as hell and one of teh best BCD.
I know there are some guys on here that cant stand the idea of a smart woman. somehow it threatens them. I met a lot of guys like that in a previous life.
If a smart hot woman scares you like it seems to scare some of the guys here then dont see them. no need to rip them apart. keep seeing the 21 year old brain dead crowd. I for one like my woman to be intelligent as hell as physically attractive...
When we see one we'll let a WK know !
Personally shooting your mouth off , to offend potential clientele is the least smart thing . Unless you consider opening another thread to self alert even more is ?