Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
Please do not refer to H I M's name unless in red bold all caps text.

Thank you.
Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
July 27th, 2021

The fraudulent nightly network newscasts have devoted ZERO minutes to crime recently, even though crime is eating away at our cities and our Country. They don’t want to talk about it because it will hurt the political narrative of the Communist Democrats. Just think, six months ago we had the most secure Border in our history. Today, it is the least secure in our history with criminals illegally flooding into our Country—many spreading COVID into our communities—and other Countries’ prisons being emptied into our neighborhoods. America needs law and order, not defunding the police. We need our police back. America should and can be safe!
- The One Who Enjoys
winn dixie's Avatar
  • oeb11
  • 07-28-2021, 09:17 AM
You are stupid on steroids today. Originally Posted by Chung Tran

are you trying to get banned again, CT????
pfunkdenver's Avatar
Please do not refer to H I M's name unless in red bold all caps text. Originally Posted by Strokey_McDingDong can do. trump is complete fool.
Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
August 1st, 2021
The New York Times, and others, always insert a clause into their stories, “WITHOUT EVIDENCE, that the election was decided fraudulently.” As usual, this is FAKE NEWS.

There is massive and unconditional evidence that the election was shattered with fraud and irregularities at a level that our Country has never seen before. Much of it is already public, and a great deal more is coming out in the very near future. Every time you read a statement that there is “no evidence of election fraud,” about the 2020 election scam, just attribute that statement to a crooked and collusive media (they work closely together with the Radical Left Democrats) that will do anything to hide the real facts of this election fiasco.

After seeing the irrefutable evidence from numerous states, others are talking about doing deep forensic audits. This election was a scam, and the Lamestream Media is doing everything in their power not to allow the people to see or read about what really took place. We no longer have a free and open media (they don’t cover the truth), but the word is getting out stronger than ever before.

Even the Justice Department has no interest in the crooked and corrupt 2020 Presidential Election. They are only interested in hurting those who want to reveal how totally dishonest it was. The Justice Department should be looking at the people who rigged the election, not the Patriots of our Country who are seeking to find how our Nation was defrauded.

We must also look to the future and fight for State Legislatures to reform their elections so that this will NEVER happen again. In the end, truth will WIN!

Contribute to Save America and in order to keep continuing this fight.
- The One Who Enjoys
Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
August 7th, 2021
Wisconsin has just canceled 205,000 voter registrations because they say they could not find the voters. Why did they wait until AFTER the election? Would this mean that we would have won Wisconsin? Congratulations!
- The One Who Enjoys

Wisconsin Election Results
Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
August 9th, 2021
Just reported that over 20% of the people coming across our Southern Border have Coronavirus (sometimes referred to as the China Virus), many of them being immediately released into our communities—and then our “Government” tells you how to mask up, use three if possible, and how to otherwise act as highly infected people pour into our Country. Finish the wall in one month, stop paying contractors billions of dollars for NOT building the wall, and stop allowing some of the worst prisoners and criminals anywhere in the world into our Country—jails of other countries are being emptied into ours. Such a thing has never happened to any nation before. This is what a Rigged and Corrupt Presidential Election gets you!
- The One Who Enjoys
winn dixie's Avatar

-The One Who Enjoys
Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
August 11th, 2021
[QOUTE]Good morning, America! While you were all sleeping, the Radical Democrats advanced a plan that will be known as the $3.5 trillion Communist Plan to Destroy America. This legislation is an assault on our Nation, on our communities, and on the American Dream.

It destroys our Borders and the rule of law by granting dangerous amnesty that will flood America’s beautiful cities. It will overwhelm our schools, and make our Nation less safe. It raises taxes like we have never seen, while also making many things you buy everyday more expensive (gas, groceries, and much more). And don’t forget the crazy Green New Deal. America, you are being robbed in the dark of night. It’s time to wake up!
- The One Who Enjoys
Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
August 11th, 2021
[QOUTE]Good morning, America! While you were all sleeping, the Radical Democrats advanced a plan that will be known as the $3.5 trillion Communist Plan to Destroy America. This legislation is an assault on our Nation, on our communities, and on the American Dream.

It destroys our Borders and the rule of law by granting dangerous amnesty that will flood America’s beautiful cities. It will overwhelm our schools, and make our Nation less safe. It raises taxes like we have never seen, while also making many things you buy everyday more expensive (gas, groceries, and much more). And don’t forget the crazy Green New Deal. America, you are being robbed in the dark of night. It’s time to wake up!
- The One Who Enjoys
Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
August 12th, 2021
Had our 2020 Presidential Election not been rigged, and if I were now President, the world would find that our withdrawal from Afghanistan would be a conditions-based withdrawal. I personally had discussions with top Taliban leaders whereby they understood what they are doing now would not have been acceptable. It would have been a much different and much more successful withdrawal, and the Taliban understood that better than anyone. What is going on now is not acceptable. It should have been done much better.
- The One Who Enjoys
Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
August 17th, 2021
What took place yesterday in Afghanistan made our withdrawal from Vietnam look like child’s play. Perhaps in World history, there has never been a withdrawal operation that has been handled so disastrously. A President who has been illegitimately elected has brought great shame, in many ways, to our Country!
-The One Who Enjoys
Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
August 25th, 2021
Biden is destroying America. His policies have created a living national nightmare: he’s surrendered our energy independence, sabotaged the economy, surged violent crime, caved to China, crushed our citizens instead of the virus, created the single greatest humiliation in our history in Afghanistan, stranded thousands of our citizens overseas at the whim of Islamic extremists, and left a wide-open border to deadly drugs, vicious crime, and unlimited illegal immigration at home!
- The One Who Enjoys