Eccie will not protect us in a bind

Double standard? Closing a thread is now equal with deleting a thread?
Its all a lie who. The eccie account doesn't have your fingerprints on it just say it never happened. Follow through with the D she will never look at you the same never trust you again and will always bring it up. I suggest move on she cannot link it to you in court. She doesn't have pictures or video. She just has some posts and reviews saying that its you. Blame it on someone else using your phone, and lawyer up!
Originally posted by barneyrubble
She got the post closed. She made her bed with her comments. Then she didn't like the responses, so the mods closed the thread.

Seems like a double standard to me.
Posted by sp hunter
Double standard? Closing a thread is now equal with deleting a thread?
Agreed ,deleting is not near the same as closing a thread.
Yes the thread was closed but her and everyone else's comments are still there for all to see and to make their own judgments on.
Deleting a thread would allow someone to do exactly the opposite. Make some outlandish posts ,then have them deleted so no one can see what a tool they can really be.
The Op here made a request for help with a personal problem and maybe they should have been deleted.
I have not went back to read them to find out if he had ever written something controversial that needed to be left up.
TheBizzer's Avatar
I think everybody sympathizes with his predicament, but don't appreciate his attempt to put the blame and responsibility on the staff. His post is hostile, which is sure to breed more.

The mods have enough on their plate without having to clean up everybody else's messes.
Now my SO is in a position and has the backing to slam me, Originally Posted by lost
She only gets half in a divorce but hope the little ones are grown up.

She may slam you for this tread!
pyramider's Avatar
Since you got caught, and it was all your fault you got caught . . . I suggest the next time she mentions it just tell her "Okay, now its your turn Chubby. Bend over."
aka's Avatar
  • aka
  • 01-07-2011, 11:44 PM
The quote retaining the original name is really a problem for those who find themselves in a lurch - actually I have found it helpful to connect the dots, which is exactly the scenario that those who desire to be guested are trying to avoid.

Eccie could just create a task to run in the wee hours of mornings to changes the name in the quote to the guested name, once a request comes in. It aint that difficult.
If she's already seen the posts, and has any sense at all, has printed them.

Horse. Barn. Door. Too late.

That having been said, unless she has physical possession of the phone, it's he said / she said on demonstrating the posts in question are authored by the poster in question. And if your lawyer is good enough, maybe even if she does (since you have the phone, how can you *prove* that *you* didn't make those posts...)

It's not like when I fought for custody my middle boy, during which I found nakie bondage pictures taken by her then BF on the web, freely accessible without any sort of age check. Her face was clearly visible, and her profile on that site contained information I could not possibly have known, so it was easy peasy to demonstrate it wasn't something *I* had done.

No, I won't give out the link -- she's a dog, frankly (those who know me know I am very seldom rude to / about women, and never to ladies,) I only took her in as a runaway (four months preggers) to make sure the baby didn't suffer. *He's* a little angel boi, tho
The quote retaining the original name is really a problem for those who find themselves in a lurch - actually I have found it helpful to connect the dots, which is exactly the scenario that those who desire to be guested are trying to avoid.

Eccie could just create a task to run in the wee hours of mornings to changes the name in the quote to the guested name, once a request comes in. It aint that difficult. Originally Posted by aka
I've noticed the same thing. When I click on "Guest0540387" and see his other posts, the threads those posts are on quote him with the original name showing.

But that's just half the battle. There are lots of posts using the posters original name that don't get quoted. For example, people have followed my posts with "I agree completely with Miss Rose" or "Honey Rose makes a good point," etc. Those posts don't get quoted but stay in the thread.

Then you have the people who used their own name referring to themselves in the third person, or answering threads about how they chose their handle, etc.
The problem is when you have your account disabled and ask to have your reviews taken down they will disable your account but not your reviews, but it doesn't matter, if your wife has been watching your account she would have already printed out everything you have wrote. Anybody that uses this site, if its spouse's, Le, etc they print out something when they see it. I went to see an amp girl once and see wasn't working and this other girl asked me to see her, i asked her name and told her i would check her reviews and get back to her, she dragged me into the room and came back with a folder with all her reviews in it..
Lana Warren's Avatar
I think everybody sympathizes with his predicament, but don't appreciate his attempt to put the blame and responsibility on the staff. His post is hostile, which is sure to breed more.

The mods have enough on their plate without having to clean up everybody else's messes. Originally Posted by TheBizzer
Honey, I may be the minority on this, but I really didn't see any hostility in his post! I just think he is distraught and grasping at straws on what to do to save his marriage from going through this! Anytime any of us post anything, we are taking a would be impossible to delete all of it!
I certainly have sympathy for the situation, but it becomes a slippery slope really quick. Anyone that get's irritated, has remorse, or becomes afraid can go to the mods and ask them to delete all their threads. It's easy to blame it on something more than what it is once they learn there is a crack in the system (not saying that's the case here).

The integrity of the board would hit the skids really quick if they started deleting threads/comments/complete accounts everytime someone asked them to.

Tell her that you only boned chicks that were half her age and twice as hot and I think that will help. Originally Posted by Tailgunnr
So much hostility. Yes, he made his bed; no one made him post on the boards. However, if he is in some hot water, why is it so wrong to ask the mods to make things easier for him by deleting his posts or reviews? It's not like his posts alone make this board successful. He asked; the mods said no, for no reason I can fathom which makes sense. And you guys blast him? What harm would there be if his posts were deleted, or if all his posts were authored by "Guest".

I just read a thread where the young lady was ranting and raving about how bad all the men here treat her. She got the post closed. She made her bed with her comments. Then she didn't like the responses, so the mods closed the thread.

Seems like a double standard to me. Originally Posted by barneyrubble
And you are just figuring that out?
jafun's Avatar
  • jafun
  • 01-09-2011, 05:47 AM
You MUST ALWAYS log off eccie and Gmail/Hotmail etc. after you are done with every time. Then delete cookies and browsing history. Afterwards, open new windows and make sure that you are not taken to your inbox etc.

Also, clear you copy and paste buffers. Copying another piece of text will do.

NEVER take a chance on this!