Sanders Commies, you can thank Sundance, now...

He lies every time he posts... For this one, the freelance faggot from Arkansas will probably reach for the "I was just fucking with you and you're gullible enough to believe me" escape hatch. You know, the same one he uses whenever we regurgitate all of his gay posts bragging aboút how much he loves dick and "white ropey-load facials". Then he tries to tell us he's no sperm burper, he's just playing with our homophobia....

Uh-huh, rii-iight.... we understand, sewer rat... you're a fucking freelance faggot who fantasizes about taking it in the ass from the Hildabeast wearing your favorite pants-suit and a strap-on dildo modeled after your Arkansas mentor Slick Willy's sausage (which you've been dreaming about ever since you first serviced him/it down at the 'holes).

We understand completely, you sick bastard.

Get. Help. Now.

. Originally Posted by lustylad
Why wouldn't I prey on your homophobia? You retrograde retards are half in the bag as it is. You are a classic closet gay.
lustylad's Avatar
Yeah, because I'd never lie to you.... Originally Posted by WombRaider
Of course you would! We've already established that you lie every time you post here. Where you get in trouble is when you mix up your lies and forget how you posted previous lies that contradict your new lies. Talk to your shrink about it, sewer rat. I'm not licensed to dispense psychiatric evaluations, but it looks like you are pathologically conflicted over your relentless simultaneous lust for both Hillary and Slick Willy - to the point where you can only achieve sexual satisfaction by fantasizing about either a 3-way fuckfest or a sexual partner ("Billary") who is a composite of both of them. Needless to say, you're not in a healthy place. Better do another shift at tallywackers tonight for therapy, sewer rat!

lustylad's Avatar
He still claims not to know the size of Willy's crank after spouting about how "it's not THAT big".... He crawfished on that after he was asked how he knew the exact size of Willy's crank and to provide an actual "measurement" for just what "that" is ! Still crickets ! Originally Posted by Rey Lengua

You mean this post?

Bill's cock isn't THAT big. Originally Posted by WombRaider

Hmmm... even if he won't talk about it here, let's hope he opens up to his shrink. Otherwise he will never face his demons and come to terms with the roots of his deviant gender-bending obsession with Billary.

Of course you would! We've already established that you lie every time you post here. Where you get in trouble is when you mix up your lies and forget how you posted previous lies that contradict your new lies. Talk to your shrink about it, sewer rat. I'm not licensed to dispense psychiatric evaluations, but it looks like you are pathologically conflicted over your relentless simultaneous lust for both Hillary and Slick Willy - to the point where you can only achieve sexual satisfaction by fantasizing about either a 3-way fuckfest or a sexual partner ("Billary") who is a composite of both of them. Needless to say, you're not in a healthy place. Better do another shift at tallywackers tonight for therapy, sewer rat!

. Originally Posted by lustylad
I'm conflicted about zero, dickwad. You and your butt buddy reytardo the lesser are classic examples of the modern republitard party. You probably don't even hug your male friends for fear of your penis twitching and spending the ensuing month with your therapist trying to hash out just exactly what the fuck that means. In every way, you're retrograde. Your generation had its chance and you fucked it up. Now, kindly get out of the way and let us show you what the fuck is really going on. We don't want your crony capitalism and old ways of thinking. Bang these dirty whoooores, leave the rest to a younger and more capable generation.
You mean this post?

Hmmm... even if he won't talk about it here, let's hope he opens up to his shrink. Otherwise he will never face his demons and come to terms with the roots of his deviant gender-bending obsession with Billary.

. Originally Posted by lustylad
I explained it. The problem is that I can't explain it AND understand it for him. He's reytardo the lesser for a reason.

He's positively captivated by finding out Bill's size. The size doesn't matter, reytardo's turd cutter is so huge, bill could have an elephant dick, wouldn't matter. He can't seem to understand that. So in turn, his dick isn't THAT big. I don't know how big or little it is, but it's not big enough for reytardo to feel it, regardless.
lustylad's Avatar
Your generation had its chance and you fucked it up. Now, kindly get out of the way.... leave the rest to a younger and more capable generation. Originally Posted by WombRaider
My generation? Which generation is that, sewer rat? Think I'm a baby boomer? Last time I checked, so are Slick Willy and Odumbo. Are they the ones who "fucked it up"? Then why do you keep defending them?

And what do you mean by a "younger and more capable generation"? Bernie Sanders, your latest idol and the subject of this thread, is an angry old white guy. Oh wait, he must be in the wrong party! You keep telling us it's the GOP that is the party of angry old white guys. Go figure, moron. You obviously need to find somebody younger to lead this "more capable" generation. Try Marco Rubio, you douchebag, if you're really looking for someone young and capable.
lustylad's Avatar
He's positively captivated by finding out Bill's size. The size doesn't matter... bill could have an elephant dick, wouldn't matter.... his dick isn't THAT big... Originally Posted by WombRaider
So you're saying you were surprised when you saw Slick Willy down at the 'holes and acquired personal knowledge that his dick is tiny and jalapeno-sized? Thanks for sharing, sewer rat. Is that why you prefer to let Hillary drill you with an elephant-sized strap-on while you fumble with a magnifying glass searching for Willy Jr. so you can get airtight during your three-way sessions? Ok, now we get the picture. You need to tell your shrink about this. You are one colossally fucked up douchebag!

lustylad's Avatar
You are a classic closet gay. Originally Posted by WombRaider
You mean like this queer-as-fuck asshole?

And my boyfriend does complain, about my dick being too wide, not my ass. Originally Posted by WombRaider
Dick AND tits? Is it christmas morning? Originally Posted by WombRaider
Open your mouth and you shall receive... a big fat dick. Originally Posted by WombRaider
My pedilection for dick is well known. Originally Posted by WombRaider
Nope. I swallow. Originally Posted by WombRaider
Good. More dick for me. Originally Posted by UnderConstruction
I do love a good ding dong. Mmmmm Originally Posted by UnderConstruction
And don't worry about me, I get ALL the dick I want. Originally Posted by UnderConstruction

Seriously? You post all this gay shit and then complain and call everyone else gay when they taunt you and make fun of your self-proclaimed dicksucking zeal? Get real, sperm burper.

You mean like this queer-as-fuck asshole?

Seriously? You post all this gay shit and then complain when we taunt you and make fun of your self-proclaimed dicksucking zeal? Get real, faggot.

. Originally Posted by lustylad
That ought to get the swishy walker running crying to the mods and his Momma / SEEster !
You mean this post?

Hmmm... even if he won't talk about it here, let's hope he opens up to his shrink. Otherwise he will never face his demons and come to terms with the roots of his deviant gender-bending obsession with Billary.

. Originally Posted by lustylad
That would be the one !
My generation? Which generation is that, sewer rat? Think I'm a baby boomer? Last time I checked, so are Slick Willy and Odumbo. Are they the ones who "fucked it up"? Then why do you keep defending them?

And what do you mean by a "younger and more capable generation"? Bernie Sanders, your latest idol and the subject of this thread, is an angry old white guy. Oh wait, he must be in the wrong party! You keep telling us it's the GOP that is the party of angry old white guys. Go figure, moron. You obviously need to find somebody younger to lead this "more capable" generation. Try Marco Rubio, you douchebag, if you're really looking for someone young and capable.
. Originally Posted by lustylad
It's not just about a literal age, you fucking retard. Bernie is connected to what the younger generation want. He's angry at the right people; you fuckers. Rubio is a bigger douchebag than you. He's not a leader. The only leader they had, they forced out a few days ago, because he wouldn't submit to their unrealistic bullshit.
You mean like this queer-as-fuck asshole?

Seriously? You post all this gay shit and then complain and call everyone else gay when they taunt you and make fun of your self-proclaimed dicksucking zeal? Get real, sperm burper.

. Originally Posted by lustylad
You're just mad you get trolled like a bitch. I've told you before, If I were gay, I'd just tell you I was. I don't give a fuck what you retrograde shitstains believe. I think it's hilarious to see you get all up in arms about shit, though. Keep copying and pasting, you degenerate cocksucker.
lustylad's Avatar
I've told you before, If I were gay, I'd just tell you I was. Originally Posted by WombRaider
Huh? You're being funny, right? You already told us at least 8 separate times, sperm burper. Did your reading comprehension fail you when you got to post #23? Go back and read it again, you dick-obsessed faggot.

lustylad's Avatar
It's not just about a literal age, you fucking retard. Bernie is connected to what the younger generation want. He's angry at the right people; you fuckers... Originally Posted by WombRaider

Hahahahaha.... yeah, that makes perfect sense - to a libtard asshole like you. A normal person would say - "gee, maybe I shouldn't push the old white guy angle at my opponents, seeing as my own candidate is 74 years old and comes frrom a state as white as the snow in Vermont. You know, pot versus kettle and all that."

But not sewer rat! He spent an entire weekend with Bernie and swears the old fucker is "connected" to the youngins!

Here's another angry old white guy named Howard Beale. We should elect him President. Try to think like a libtard sewer rat. It's not about a literal age. Besides, Hward is angry at all the right people!

Huh? You're being funny, right? You already told us at least 8 separate times, sperm burper. Did your reading comprehension fail you when you got to post #23? Go back and read it again, you dick-obsessed faggot.

. Originally Posted by lustylad
Be for real, you fucking idiot. Once in your fucking life. You got trolled. You've been getting trolled. If it makes you tingle up your leg to believe it, have at it, dicksucker.