Oh, geez! Austin following San Francisco and LA.

rexdutchman's Avatar
Oh and ILLEGAL pop and almost bankrupt ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,
Just lookie how that worked out
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
I'd give it a slightly more than 50% chance at this point, but too many things could come up in the 16 months til the general election. Originally Posted by eccielover
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Yes I do. The economy in Pa is the best it’s been in decades..Steel, coal and fracking are coming back. The two largest cities, Philly and Pittsburgh are predominantly blue. The rest of the state is red. It will be close again. But Trump will have a huge war chest and will have a much more organized campaign this time around. If a far left Dem wins the nomination, I’m confident Trump will win Pa. Originally Posted by bambino
Thank you for your honest assessment. I believe Michigan will turn blue but Pennsylvania, to me, is a huge question mark. Your reasoning is very sound.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Please NOTE: the Ultra Liberal socialist have turned Cali into The Highest Tax, homeless, gas tax , personal tax, and LA county the highest sales tax well in the COUNTRY so be very scared ,
Originally Posted by rexdutchman
The economy of California is not doing badly.

"The economy of California is the largest in the United States, boasting a $3.018 trillion gross state product as of 2018. As a sovereign nation (2018), California would rank as the world's fifth largest economy, ahead of the United Kingdom but behind Germany."

California is not only America's poorest state. It is also among the richest. According to the Census Bureau, its median household income in 2016 was $11,500 above the national average. ... California's GDP rose 78% in real terms in the two decades to 2017, overtaking Britain to become the world's fifth-largest economy.

Unfortunately, the negatives you mention about the state are probably true without looking. I wouldn't want to live there but the state obviously has its pluses. Many on this forum point to "the economy" when assessing how well Trump is doing as POTUS. If you use the same criterion on California, the state is doing very well.
bambino's Avatar
Thank you for your honest assessment. I believe Michigan will turn blue but Pennsylvania, to me, is a huge question mark. Your reasoning is very sound. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
I think Michigan is similar to Pa. Trumps policies have helped the auto industry. It will be tight again. My points apply to Michigan as well.
rexdutchman's Avatar
^^ and that's why everybody s leaving cause Cali is doing sooooo well really ?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
You didn’t find that funny, Rex? I did.

ICU 812's Avatar
While this is the political forum. . .it is on a Hobby Bboard, so. . .

What effect will this huge influx of low income women with no marketable skills do to the Hobby in Austin, or any other Sanctuary city?
expect the SW-Spa-AMP scene will explode and depress expected donations.
LexusLover's Avatar
... If we don't see the homeless they don't exist. .... Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
That's how "Houston" has "solved" its problem with the homeless.

Every day I go to work down town ... and return ... I see them.

The past few weeks we've had some solid rains, and that has helped dilute and move the urine and feces down the streets and into the bayou ... as well as rinse off the concrete beneath their tent "city" beneath the freeways on the other side of the bayou. Houston is now controlled by the liberal socialists.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
That's how "Houston" has "solved" its problem with the homeless.

Every day I go to work down town ... and return ... I see them.

The past few weeks we've had some solid rains, and that has helped dilute and move the urine and feces down the streets and into the bayou ... as well as rinse off the concrete beneath their tent "city" beneath the freeways on the other side of the bayou. Houston is now controlled by the liberal socialists. Originally Posted by LexusLover
So you are saying the article I cited is incorrect? Not disagreeing, just asking.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
I think Michigan is similar to Pa. Trumps policies have helped the auto industry. It will be tight again. My points apply to Michigan as well. Originally Posted by bambino
Had Trump's proposed tariffs against Mexico gone through, it would have had quite a negative impact on the U.S. auto industry. Luckily Trump backed off.

Yes, the tax reform plan helped the auto industry as it helped most all corporations. Not sure if anything else Trump has done has significantly helped the auto industry.



The Austin gubbmint will change it's mind when the homeless people start climbing their subdivision walls.

The article made little sense. Seems there's a breakdown at the govt level to find homeless people free or low cost shelter. Seems there's also a shortage of said shelter. It also appears that there are more homeless people and less public shelters from 10 years ago. So where's this money coming from? Again, for the addicted, "free" stuff will just encourage bad behavior.

Tic Tock
Interesting article how Julian Castro, who's running for President, kicked the can on "affordable housing" in Dallas to the tune of hundreds of millions. Although it's not about Austin, I see where some of the methods are at play in the questions I raised in my previous post....


BTW, I was born and raised in Dallas.
bambino's Avatar
Had Trump's proposed tariffs against Mexico gone through, it would have had quite a negative impact on the U.S. auto industry. Luckily Trump backed off.

Yes, the tax reform plan helped the auto industry as it helped most all corporations. Not sure if anything else Trump has done has significantly helped the auto industry.



https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/...=.a4a56893b335 Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
The tariffs didn’t go thru and manufacturing has picked up in Michigan. The USMCA will certainly help. If Pelosi brings it to a vote. She wouldn’t at her peril? Yes?
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
The tariffs didn’t go thru and manufacturing has picked up in Michigan. The USMCA will certainly help. If Pelosi brings it to a vote. She wouldn’t at her peril? Yes? Originally Posted by bambino
How will the USMCA help U.S. car manufacturers? Here's the only difference I could find between NAFTA and USMCA:

"The new deal still has the original goal in mind but included a few alterations and updated a few numbers. One of the changes is the country of origin rule. In the original agreement, 62.5 percent of automobiles components must be manufactured in Mexico, US, or Canada in order to qualify for zero tariffs. But now under USMCA, the percentage increased to 75 percent. This change has the intention of strengthening the three countries’ manufacturing abilities as well as increasing the automotive workforce.

Overall, the shift from NAFTA to USCMA should not impact the three countries dramatically. Only certain industries will be affected, and only by a small amount. Companies from all three countries are going to be impacted, but with backup plans and new redesigns, hopefully, the transition process will not be long."


"In the final analysis, if USMCA doesn’t pass and the existing NAFTA remains in force, the downside won’t be all that substantial because the new deal is only slightly better than the existing one. However, NAFTA remaining in force is an uncertainty, as Trump has been threatening to issue the USMCA implementing legislation and the NAFTA withdrawal notification on the same day to compel Congress to act quickly."


Jobs in the U.S automotive industry have been rather flat but increased just as much, if not more, under Obama as they did under Trump, once the recession was over.
