Not Exactly How I Envisioned my First Hobby Experience.....

Reviews are mostly bullshit.

I bet a bucket of chicken I can name her, breast meat only. Originally Posted by monkmonk
I'll bet 51 dollars that I can, too. I will also accept 51 pieces of chicken as an alternate bet, but I prefer wings, preferably Popeye's.

OP, one of those negative reviews is pretty recent, which indicates a trend. Post the review. Do it. A fair rule of thumb, btw, is that for every negative review there were at least 10 others who walked away disappointed. You'll be helping a lot of guys out by posting that 4th negative review (and, man, it was negative on so many levels).

Make no mistake, OP, there are many great providers on this board who have never had even so much as a single negative review. That being the case, recognize that 3 is a lot, and it doesn't matter how many positive reviews stand alongside it. This ain't baseball. You have to hit 1.000 to be a star in this league. Especially at $325. Sheesh. That's adding insult to injury, but I guess videographers are expensive. Again, post the review. Others tried to warn you, so you owe it to the next guy to try to warn him even if you didn't heed the warnings yourself. And don't think that everybody will be able to figure out who the provider is (even if I did).

Now, get back in the saddle and go see Jessica (or anybody else on my review list, if their showcases strike your fancy -- they will NOT treat you like this girl did. That I can promise). But write that review first.
To OP, I think I get the point of not trying to distroy or downgrade someone's business. But personally, I started bad with BP ads, but after getting bitten once, found ECCIE and have to say never had that bad experience. Had couple not so good experiences, but heck even my mistake wasnt so bad as your experience.

But ouch 3 Bills and that bad, thats one messed up arrangement.
Doing your research is somewhat of an art form on ECCIE and P411. You just joined and there are many, many pitfalls in this game. You need to do ALOT more research. There is much quality to be experienced. Take your time and learn the dynamics of the board. Learn how to sift through all of the bullshit and you will have more fun than you've had so far. Develop a thick skin and a super bullshit detector because bullshit is rampant here and on P411. Good luck!
pyramider's Avatar
Wait a minute ... It could not be too bad ... Apparently his pecker has not fallen off.
uncle buck 50's Avatar
You got fecked, and not in a good way. Write a review, simply tell the truth. If you don't, your original post is worthless.
mtabsw's Avatar
For future reference - it's ok to "just say no" after you walk in and feel like turning around.
Write the Review DFWsoccer...we wanna bash you...

Seriously, you have a decent command of the King's English and we need more of that here. Just be totally honest...maybe the studio will read it (maybe? ha!) and see that a bed is necessary and will use your $325 towards buying one. A decent massage table shouldn't be that expensive. (I liked the ones at Studio 1, nice and padded).

Hey, who says the OP didn't pass on valuable info? I can just see all the guys reading this will now be asking all the studios if they will be fucking on beds or floors.
Wow... the floor? If I was a guy I believe I would have left right then.
Talk about being uncomfortable....
You had a bad first choice. I hope you have a 2nd choice more worthy
Sounds like he wen to to Silk-n-Satin. Who, I ask, WHO in their right mind would drop 3+bills @ Silk-n-Satin?!?! Heck 1 bill is too much. Silk-n-Satin whilst a Granddaddy of Studios here in Dallas is also the unfriendliest, most discouraging joint in town I do believe. And yes there is no furniture there.

Disclaimer: Before I possibly get flamed for what I just wrote: I haven't been there in some time... infact alot of time, way before anything like ASPD and Eccie even existed.

So perhaps I have it all wrong and the place has been 'classed' up a bit. But for some reason I don't feel that to be true.

That all said if I'm wrong... I'm sorry... but if I'm right... well then there ya go!

Still right or Wrong: 3+bills for a studio/Modeling joint? Alarms would be going off like no other.
Some things should be taken to the grave.
I just can't believe you paid $325 to fuck on the floor.
Don't think of it as a bad review. The review of the meeting should be fair and honest account of what occurred. Just layout the facts. Everyone else can read the facts and they can decide whether it means you had a good experience or not. You can be tactful if you don't want to appear to be mean.

But PLEASE write the review. This could be a trend in a different direction. This could be miscommunication. This could even help the young lady realize that SHE needs to change something. If all she reads is good reviews why would she feel she needs to change? (OK that may not be true, but it could be).
Here, I'll do it for him: search the terms "snuggle" and "cuddle" (in separate searches, by necessity) and restrict the search to the Dallas forums (recall that he said the provider mentioned her fondness for those activities in the past week). You'll see at least one name that used both terms in multiple posts in the last week. Then check to see which one of them lists a $325 an hour rate in her showcase (hurry before she changes it to throw you off the truck).

There must be 51 ways to waste your money in this hobby. Prolly more....

You still need to write the review, dude.
Write a review so others don't spend 3 bills on a waste of a provider.
TinMan's Avatar
You may as well name her. We are all starting to make assumptions as to who it is, and it would be a shame if the wrong lady was fingered (so to speak).

I'm pretty sure I know who it is, but am going to hold off awhile on providing my comments on the slim chance I'm wrong.
jezzee's Avatar
eccienewbie's method worked quickly even for this dummy, and then many lightbulbs went off about counting pieces of chicken, many, many lightbulbs.