Wiley64's Avatar
Aint God good! Originally Posted by Seeking ~P
You may have issues with certain MODS but until you walk a mile in their shoes, you are clueless as to what goes on behind the scenes. PD has done allot behind the scenes and IMO has tried to be fair with all. We're not perfect we make mistakes just like you. Mods are voluntary and most have demanding RL jobs.
pornodave69's Avatar
Aint God good! Originally Posted by Seeking ~P
Well, when you create 2 fake male profiles and write 3 fake reviews of yourself and get busted for it you suffer the consequences. At least now I don't have deal with a lying whore.
JustHagin's Avatar
You have been the BEST Dave! Good luck to ya and be sure to FULLY complete your reviews!!!
That's why you should walk a mile in someone's shoes before you criticize them...well, no, really it's so you'll be a mile away AND you'll have their shoes. Dave, go in peace. All the best!
Thank you for your service!!

I didn't realize they let mods out alive....
Sunny Taylor's Avatar
DING DONG the short FAT little DOUCHE BAG is GONE!

Good luck on those wedding plans!
turbo-dog's Avatar
Well, when you create 2 fake male profiles and write 3 fake reviews of yourself and get busted for it you suffer the consequences. At least now I don't have deal with a lying whore. Originally Posted by pornodave69

Good luck Dave - thanks for contributing so much to the board. I knew I could always get answers from you.
dezperado's Avatar
PD: you were my favorite mod...always on point, and often hilarious. best of luck to you in new adventures!
Sunny Taylor's Avatar
Seeking P he is just pissed he is like 4'10, and his future tall amazon looking wife made him her little dumpy bitch, so strong whores piss him off. You would think as much as he criticizes whores he would have at least be marrying someone hot. I mean, outdoorsman lucked up with Nikki Tylor, and you would swear Dave and Outdoors are related. Napoleon tricktards!
Bababoeuy's Avatar
Hate to see you go. Thanks for all your help in the past. Let's still have those meets on Vets.
Later Dave....
Seeking P he is just pissed he is like 4'10, and his future tall amazon looking wife made him her little dumpy bitch, so strong whores piss him off. You would think as much as he criticizes whores he would have at least be marrying someone hot. I mean, outdoorsman lucked up with Nikki Tylor, and you would swear Dave and Outdoors are related. Napoleon tricktards! Originally Posted by Sunny Taylor

I'm talking to myself via PM with the (fake handles) on here and answering myself. I must be a real nutjob. I can't show the PM's.

Guess I'm just going back and forth with my ownself on here and thanking myself with the (fake handles)

Also my Twitter shows me thanking the (fake handles) for my Bday gifts etc. 2yrs ago.....Guess i was thanking myself for that magic wand which was desperately needed cause i couldnt have a damn orgasm for months. So i guess i brought myself the magic wand, thanked myself for it after finally making myself have the most intense orgasm i've ever had in my entire life.
I'm thanking my nutjob ass again cause that orgasm was the best so far in life....

Thanks ST!!!!
Originally Posted by turbo-dog
No. I overlooked the rule on introducing someone to Eccie and them registering to join from your pc.
Sunny Taylor's Avatar
Seeking he just mad cuz he knows he couldnt lay it to a black chick with a big ass, his gut ate his dick a long time ago.
albundy's Avatar
Seeking he just mad cuz he knows he couldnt lay it to a black chick with a big ass, his gut ate his dick a long time ago. Originally Posted by Sunny Taylor
Is this fucktard actually "Siberia"/"Lorde" or something. Makes the same type of asinine comments as her sorry ass did.