amazing how the DPST's focus on stupid, irrelevant things that have no bearing on issues at all
typical of those who tihnk memes are debate of issues.
A PT CRUISER - OMG - what horrors will the White Supremacists think of next????
Perhaps a ZR-1 orvette - america's sports car???
OP is just jealous - neither car fits in a burrow.
The real crime is attempting to kidnap a State governor - and if real - perps deserve to be charged, indicted, and tried in a court of law. Whitmer is a rabid anti-trumper whom blames her own periods on trump - still - no excuse for violence like that
Violence is the preserve of the Biden-led DPST and OBLM /antifa party - it is their preserve - just look at Seattle, Portland, baltimore, etc. Little whiny babies love to destroy their own nests, yet complain about stupid stuff like a
PT Cruiser.
How foolish - OP