I've got your BP Deepwater Horizon, your Exxon Valdez and your XL Pipeline RIGHT HERE!

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Our energy is limited by the corporations that make money off of our current system. There are better alternatives.

After watching several Ted Talks on Energy i have realized that most of the people even in Ted do not know the hidden Truth connected with the Energy Innovations of NIkola Tesla. He has become like a forgotten wizard. Indeed, he answered everything in the 19th century which we are searching now.

The law of conservation of energy states that the total amount of energy in a closed system remains constant. But there is no closed system in nature and nothing is constant. Everything in this universe is moving and entangled with one another. In South East Asia on December 26, 2004, when the entire scientific world failed to warn about the imminent threat of Tsunami, the wild animals electromagnetically sensed the danger and had already moved to safer zones of habitat. Historically, this entangled circuitry system is the reason for all forms of intuition from which Bohr discovered the shape of the atom, Archimedes used to get answers to many–a–thing, from where, Buddha spoke, Nicholas Tesla did his wonders, Wright Brothers invented flight, Kristian Birkeland did his ‘Terrella Experiment’. Maxwell, Schrödinger, Feynman, Heisenberg and other quantum champions used, to speak

My dear friends, knowing Truth is more important than simply worshiping or praising it. It is the corporate world that has destroyed Nikola Tesla's innovations just because they cannot make money out of it.

Indeed, the root of energy electromagnetic in nature and exists in nature for ages. Let us check the important videos connected with the Tesla's heartbeat from the links below.

Let us discuss about Nikola Tesla and his suppressed innovation that can give light to the world forever without a single penny!

You can find the videos here:


And if you think that Tesla was the first to come up with it, here's another video you will enjoy. The Great Pyramid in Egypt a power generator? Watch and decide.

Chica Chaser's Avatar
As soon as you come up with a battery that will perform as well as an internal combustion engine then you will see the huge increase in electric usage you so desire.

No one has found the magic bullet yet, especially with as much stimulus money thats been injected into these design companies. With as much brain-power thats been thrown at battery design over the years, there clearly needs to be a new direction in power sources.

Raising prices and taxing the shit out of petroleum won't make anyone discover a solution any quicker, but it sure will line a lot of pockets until that happens.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
You should check out the videos I posted, Chica. You have a brain (rare around here) and I'd like your opinion.
  • MrGiz
  • 11-22-2012, 10:06 PM
Tesla is recognized as a genius, due to timing... his work came early. We are foolish to believe his work has not been built upon and compounded in ways none of us here can even begin to understand! If atmospheric energy transformation was a viable option... we would be hearing more about it, than Tesla conspiracies!

I believe Exxon paid approximately 41.6% of their Operating Income in taxes in 2011. * Approx 40.5% in 2010. * Approx 42.8% in 2009. *
Why do our resident, bloviating idiots continue to ignore simple facts like this?

Solar Panel delivery of energy to our power grid, on any large scale (using today's photovoltaic semiconductor (PV) technology), is quite simply in defiance of the Second Law of Thermodynamics. . . it ain't gonna happen!!

I am certainly no energy expert.... but there is so much green bullshit being strewn about, that's it's making many of our friends, here, dizzy!

Happy Thanksgiving!! If we could harness the methane released from the anus of every turkey stuffed turkey around here.... we would be onto something!!
Randy4Candy's Avatar
Randy4?, I am all for developing alternative power sources. I am for NASA and all that they dowith full knowledge of what they have contributed to society, incliding both benefit vs cost.

What I cannot understand is the idea that we must force one or two forms of energy that is currently in use to benefit another.

Things progress not because we take from one and give to another, but because there is a need that creates the demand. The idea that energy producers have some sort of conspiratorial agenda to thwart new ideas is laughable at best. The same people that rail against them and the corporations that are so greedy with making a profit yet you think that they would not jump on something that could make them even more profit. From the standpoint that it should be the governments responsibility to fund the search for the next great means of capturing and using energy, why do we get to pick the winners and losers. Why do we artificailly favor one and hinder the other?

So far,what I have seen in this thread is the idea of capturing power from solar energy yet the simple fact that it is dark about half of the time places an obstacle that is almost insurmountable.
There are reason that we continue and will continue to use the same types and sources for energy that we have used for thousands of years. It is cheap, and abundant. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
OK, so it's not plauseable to consider conspiracy theories about Big Oil yet it is perfectly reasonable to toss around similar theories involving politicians and the media? You obviously know much more about the energy biz than the other two - and that's fine. Just recognize that you have blind spots, prejudices as well as an agenda.

Regarding the enactment of available alternative energy sources, why aren't all forms of public vehicles running on CNG? Why don't utilities use solar, during daylight, to help drive turbines much as they do with wind? Part of it is cost and part of it a lack of leadership and vision. GE, Westinghouse, GM, or Bain for that matter, didn't build the TVA nor did they form RECs. Businesses paid artificially high prices for long distance telephone services in order for Aunt Maud to be at the end of a party line way out in BFE. But, "The Phone Company" was given a monopoly and guaranteed profits (by the big, bad gumment) in order to make it so. The same thing was true of the airline industry. Yep, there were costs, waste and fraud involved in all of those ventures but no one can effectively argue that the benefits resulting from "govenrment interfering with the markets" didn't massively outweighed the costs.

Other than in very rural cases, free-standing, independant solar power for a house currently doesn't make sense other than in a romantic way. That doesn't necessarily mean that solar can't be used in other ways. It might be a good idea to be open to ways to use and explore using what's available while trying to expand newer technology instead of sitting back and merely making fun or by being a default nay-sayer. Only government can make investments on the required scale with no immediate payoff. Businesses can't - not won't, but can't. One can go back and document false starts and screw-ups in the history of all development of anything. It comes with the territory and is a necessary part of the process.
Some people call it skin cancer, some people call it premature aging of the skin.

On average the sun only shines on half of the world at any time.

How many solar cells will it take to get your car home at night?

Typical Democrat. Originally Posted by The2Dogs

There are no carcinogens in oil (right) and we can't wear clothing that protects us from over-exposure to the sun (right)! How much stupidity are you willing to show us you possess?

When there's a huge solar energy shortage, it's called "clouds". Originally Posted by ExNYer
When there is an oil embargo, we are at the mercy of OPEC or their imposition of whatever slowdown suits their political fancy (among other factors). Clouds don't stay in one place.

I'm not sure what you're trying to say (like this time is any different). Isn't the sun responsible for global warming? Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn

As ALWAYS, your "students" get only PART of the picture. Man made greenhouse gases play a large part in trapping the sun's heat, Barleybrains.

It's called a solar flare, one big enough could knock out
the larger part of the worlds electronics plus most of the satellites as well which would be the start of a world wide panic and depression on a scale never seen before.

Libtards would probably be all for it. Originally Posted by bojulay
And we control solar flares? You are a FUCKING MORON!
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
PROOF!!! You got any?

Look up methane
the "burp"
the Bastille Day event
Our energy is limited by the corporations that make money off of our current system. There are better alternatives
At times I think there is nothing but a BIG THREESOME going on..IN Washington--- all there are getting F**ked or F**king us.

1) the Govt 2) the oil Companies 3) the Auto companies. That is the 3some

I used to live in Houston & drive by Anadarko EVERYDAY, some people say they (oil companies) need to pay more taxes, but when you look at ALL the jobs (payroll) they generate, then ALL the supplies (jobs for more people), then oil companies do put people to work. And with the upcoming oil from Eagle Ford etc even more will benefit from Oil… BUT we in the US & the world need to develop other energy sources. When you stand at the generating platform in Boulder Dam & how much energy that bad boy makes you wonder why can’t we build more dams.? I hate paying $3.50 for gas & $3.75 for diesel.
  • MrGiz
  • 11-25-2012, 11:29 PM
The petroleum industry isn't just a huge source of jobs. . . The United States is a net exporter of fuels, such as gasoline, kerosene, diesel, aviation/jet fuel. We are not dependent upon foreign oil for our own consumption! We are only only dependent upon foreign oil supplies so that we can MAKE MONEY, selling fuel! It's called commerce!

With the latest soaring production numbers coming out of the Bakken , Eagle Ford , and other recent discoveries right here in the U.S. , as well as several upcoming offshore deepwater production sites... it won't be long, before we will not need any foreign supplies of oil. We could soon, become an exporter of crude oil as well! That is, of course... unless our anti-commerce, green geniuses figure dependency upon the Wacko Mid East is actually desireable!

We already produce more natural gas than we know what to do with! We need to build more than the one licensed LNG Export Facility, currently being built!

IF we want to even begin to chart an improving economic direction for the country... we are not even remotely close to having any reasonable alternative to developing and producing more of our own fossil fuels!

Any of you greenie mamby pambies, who disagree.... know where you can nipple up!