I might have an STD

Leslie Cochran's Avatar
I did sue Rudy's BBQ for using my name and likeness. I got a settlement of 2000 bucks. I used it to buy a car, a computer, a prepaid cell phone and the rest I am spending on booze and hookers.
Carl's Avatar
  • Carl
  • 11-29-2010, 08:09 AM
2 grand? And you still have money fro booze and hookers? Must be a pretty crappy car and computer.
It's Humpty. I've known for weeks.
I believe Leslie Cochran's image and likeness was trademarked prior to the manufacture of the Leslie Dress-Up Magnets. I see blatant violations of the federal Lanham Act and Texas statutes regarding misappropriation of images.

I'd save the remainder of that $2000 to hire an attorney for when the real Leslie Cochran finds out you're on here and decides to sue you. That should be fun.
TaylorMaiden29's Avatar
I like the sound of fun!

Taylor- I thought we went over this. The mods did an IP check. Humpty is from another state. I am from Austin. Originally Posted by Leslie Cochran
or whomever you are, We do IP checks all of the time. In your case we could care less. If we had done one and it matched that is not proof that you are one and the same. Tread carefully as there do seem to be similartiies in posting styles and you wouldn't want us to focus on you too much.

Your Friendly Neighborhood Moderator
Kit-4-Kat's Avatar
...AND there was the infamous Bluemax *ahem* who also advocated BBFS openly on the "P". There's always someone for or against the "infamous act" who enjoys stirring the pot here in the community. Let's just hope all the hypocrites who lie about their actions don't decide to jump on the bandwagon & start scaring everyone away AGAIN. *pttth*

Just sayin'...
Originally Posted by Leslie Cochran

Taylor- I thought we went over this. The mods did an IP check. Humpty is from another state. I am from Austin.

So, how do you know so much about Humpty, as you showed up after he was banned?
lol...i think if everone just ignored him...he would go away.
lol...i think if everone just ignored him...he would go away. Originally Posted by bubbaJay
That's what we thought about you and you are still hanging around!
you are welcome...i have served in our Militarty and continue to 'serve'

the differnce between me and humpty...is...almost everyone was bothered by him...as for me...its just for some of you sensitive grapes that have issue. the ladies dont seem to have a problem with me. fellow fucktards are not bothered by me...so all you sensitive old men...can just go suck a nut for all i care. i will leave when im ready.
The_Leopard's Avatar
Humpty, go shoot your cock. While you are at it, stop trying to bury yourself a deeper hole. I know now that you will be worrying about the mistake you made preforming bareback on these street walking girls, and to me, I think you got what you deserve because you think with a small head and not a big head. So, why don't you learn the hard way and take better care of yourself.
He preformed bareback to you???!!!

Oh dear mother of God!!!!

Humpty, go shoot your cock and bury yourself....
Miss Cleo's Avatar
My tarot cards tell me Leslie Cochran is actually Humpty and he recently contracted the clap from a man by the name of Steve in a Valero restroom.