What do you think?

The DNC and RNC both need to be designated as terrorist organizations.
Their only concern is to gain and maintain power over the government.
And any politicition they can't corrupt they seek to destroy.
I B Hankering's Avatar
hotroddr's Avatar
What is really scary about the beginning of this thread is the opinion formed from information from the mainstream media. People hear the soundbites and look no further for the truth. Thank you pornodave for revealing the truth behind the lies fed to the American people by the media.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
The DNC and RNC both need to be designated as terrorist organizations.
Their only concern is to gain and maintain power over the government.
And any politician they can't corrupt they seek to destroy. Originally Posted by ManOnAMission

if you've been paying attention, they're more like mafioso than terrorists.

rico would work nicely for them, live by lawyers, die by lawyers!
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
the articles are interesting showing the problems the military faces from top to bottom in rank.

this is a seperate topic, primarilly off topic, but I've always been leery about having women serve in combat zones and aboard navy suface ships and apparently submarines too I heard recently...
golfdude40's Avatar
Alexander the Great conquered the world and he was gay. Don't ask, don't tell is a joke, like everything else the government does. I think American's generally need to lighten up about all things sexual, including gays in the military.

After all, this policy may be preventing the next Alexander the Great from entering our military.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Alexander the Great conquered the world and he was gay. Don't ask, don't tell is a joke, like everything else the government does. I think American's generally need to lighten up about all things sexual, including gays in the military.

After all, this policy may be preventing the next Alexander the Great from entering our military. Originally Posted by golfdude40

Ernst Julius Röhm was a co-founder and eventual commander of the SA (Sturmabteilung: "Storm Battalion"). He and other SA leaders, such as his deputy Edmund Heines, were also gay. They helped Hitler and the Nazis gain power in Germany.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Ernst Julius Röhm was a co-founder and eventual commander of the SA (Sturmabteilung: "Storm Battalion"). He and other SA leaders, such as his deputy Edmund Heines, were also gay. They helped Hitler and the Nazis gain power in Germany. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
weren't they killed during the "Night of the Long Knives" when Hitler eliminated his supporters after he gained power.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Alexander the Great conquered the world and he was gay. Don't ask, don't tell is a joke, like everything else the government does. I think American's generally need to lighten up about all things sexual, including gays in the military.

After all, this policy may be preventing the next Alexander the Great from entering our military. Originally Posted by golfdude40
ugh, the ancient greek empire was a very different culture. For one thing they were more open "sexually" when it came to man-man sex & man-boy sex. It had something to do with their "warrior" culture that made it ok to do it. Alexander was probably gay, we really don't know for sure. Its more likely he was bi like many of his soldiers were. Modern greeks don't believe he was gay.

I doubt the DADT would prevent another Alexander as long as he doesn't reveal his orientation.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Regarding Röhm.

Homosexuality was illegal in Germany prior to the rise of the Nazi Party, but it was socially tolerated (see “Cabaret”). Hitler gained power as chancellor of Germany in 1933. Thereafter, gay bars were shut down, and homosexuals were arrested and imprisoned. Once Hitler was secure in his position as chancellor, he eliminated his close associate Ernst Röhm and 300 of Röhm’s men during the “Night of the Long Knives” in 1935. Hitler feared Röhm’s popularity among the SA and viewed him as a potential threat to his own political power. Eventually, many homosexuals were sent to concentration camps where thousands perished.

Regarding Alexander.

“The most widespread and socially significant form of same-sex sexual relations in ancient Greece was between adult men and adolescent boys, known as pederasty” (wiki). Alexander was patrilineally Macedonian. Most contemporary Greeks considered him a barbarian tyrant. After all, Alexander employed a fair amount of assassination, murder and execution to secure his place in history. Typically, it’s only in the West that Alexander is considered a hero. “Foreign intervention . . . was the root of all Iran’s troubles, and it all started with that Greek Alexander [“Alexander the Cursed” in Persian literature], who had burned Persepolis twenty-four centuries before” Mohammad Mossadegh, Prime Minister of Iran: 1953. There is no question that he had at least three wives, Roxana of Bactria; Statira, daughter of Darius III; and Parysatis, daughter of Ochus, and a mistress, Barsine—the daughter of satrap Artabazus of Phrygia. Alexander also fathered at least two children, Heracles by his mistress and Alexander IV of Macedon by Roxana.

Rumors and innuendo suggest that Alexander had a homosexual relationship with his close friend Hephaestion, though there is no actual proof. Further, Roman historian Quintus Curtius Rufus gossips that Alexander had as a lover “Bagoas, a eunuch exceptional in beauty and in the very flower of boyhood, with whom Darius [Shah of Persia] was intimate and with whom Alexander would later be intimate.”

By the evidence, the only conclusion one can definitely support is that Alexander definitely had heterosexual relationships and was possibly also bisexual as opposed to homosexual (DADT doesn’t make that distinction—both are against regulations). And as you, Dilbert Firestorm, state, Greeks today (now the champions of Alexander’s legacy) challenge the assumption that Alexander had any homosexual relationships.

Let me restate my argument from earlier postings. Currently, the “system” tends to turn a blind eye towards those relationships that do not impair performance of duty, but chooses to prosecute those in relationships which do impair performance of duty—regardless of whether those involved are homosexual, heterosexual or hobbyist. Hence, it’s my belief that gays, to a great degree, are asking for a leniency not presently given to heterosexuals.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
yeah, they want special treatment that's not afforded to most minorities.