Greene walks back

Lapdog's Avatar
Iam heterosexual. I dont care what others do in their own homes. Originally Posted by winn dixie

I certainly can't speak for everyone , but I don't fuck blowup dolls and sign onto a hooker board and brag about it.

winn dixie's Avatar
I certainly can't speak for everyone , but I don't fuck blowup dolls and sign onto a hooker board and brag about it.

BAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAA Originally Posted by Lapdog
where did I brag? ASSume much?

I would settle for a Sarah Sanders doll as well.
Trump supporters are pretty dumb and gullible overall. They believe some of the stupidest shit.
Lapdog's Avatar
where did I brag? ASSume much?

I would settle for a Sarah Sanders doll as well. Originally Posted by winn dixie

Crawfish all you want, goober. You're bragging. I'd be embarrassed.

Ripmany's Avatar
I certainly can't speak for everyone , but I don't fuck blowup dolls and sign onto a hooker board and brag about it.

BAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAA Originally Posted by Lapdog
Why not it make you sound less desperate.
  • oeb11
  • 02-04-2021, 05:51 PM
She is definitely not a patriot.

What kind of idiot allows a group like QAnon to "make her believe things that weren't true?"

This is the end result of your teacher's union education oebbie. You end up with nut cases like this that can't think for themselves being voted into Congress. 4 years ago we ended up with an idiot cult leader being voted into the White House.

These are the consequences of the dumbing down of our education system. Originally Posted by Jam3768

Ummmm - does 'j' not understand that the'Teacher's Union are DPST/ccp marxist .
and have been for decades - 'dumbing down " the education system - destroying civics, and instituting marxist socialism as the curricula.

With safe spaces and censorship of freedom of speech -all directed at conservatives /Republicans???

No -'j' is writing his own specious accusations - trying to foist off the glorious accomplishments of the DPST/ccp marxist Teacher/s unions - to deflect and deny how abominable many of America's schools have become - due to marxist Teacher's Union Socialism teachings and abandonment of math, science, civics, geography, foreign language, - all which are considered 'racist' by the marxist DPST/ccp party.

At least 'j' is correct about the decline of America's public education - if totally incorrect regarding the cause..

No wonder many Conservatives ( read as white radical supremacists and terrorists by the Teacher's unions and their supporters ) - choose Catholic or private schools .

They cannot fight the marxist Teacher's unions.

Specious argument 'j'!

Still- typical of teh hypocrisy of teh marxist DPST/ccp party and its' minions - blinded by the religiosity of their ideology!

Yes - voting has consequences - and when the idiot decisions of the marxist DPST/ccp priests of the new marxist religion of the United Soviet socialist States of Amerika of AOC, come home to roost - 'j' and the minions , in their hatred and religiosity of marxist ideology, will still blame

Wait for it : Donald J Trump - as the entire group is incapable of any rational evaluation of their ingrained marxist religiosity.

Thank U 'j' - for your demonstration of Groupthink and Doublespeak!
Ripmany's Avatar
Trump supporters are pretty dumb and gullible overall. They believe some of the stupidest shit. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
So maybe a transexual blow up doll.
  • oeb11
  • 02-04-2021, 06:08 PM
Trump supporters are pretty dumb and gullible overall. They believe some of the stupidest shit. Originally Posted by 1blackman1

Thank you- 1b1
for the usual patronizing, deprecating, insulting , name-calling and scatology based nonsense.

DPST/ccp minions :you do understand that Donald J Trump is no longer POTUS -albeit alive and kicking around inside your heads.

Do get some professional Help.

Life can be much better without hatred.
This thread is prime example of the deterioration of this board. Topic presented for discussion and those opposed resort to name calling and denegration rather than coherent and logical rebuttal. Due either to lack of logical reason to refute, or unwillingness to exchange opinions in a civil manner. Don't know which.

In either case, I'll rephrase my implied question more explicitly: Now that Ms. Greene has publicly disavowed some of her controversial views, do you still consider her to be a "patriot", and if so, how do you reconcile her about face? Secondary question is should we believe her change of heart, or is she like a leopard that can't change it's spots?
You could take Greene’s IQ and Maxine Waters IQ, add them together, and still be in double digits.

There are total morons o both ends of the political spectrum, and morons that vote for them.
winn dixie's Avatar
This thread is prime example of the deterioration of this board. Topic presented for discussion and those opposed resort to name calling and denegration rather than coherent and logical rebuttal. Due either to lack of logical reason to refute, or unwillingness to exchange opinions in a civil manner. Don't know which.

In either case, I'll rephrase my implied question more explicitly: Now that Ms. Greene has publicly disavowed some of her controversial views, do you still consider her to be a "patriot", and if so, how do you reconcile her about face? Secondary question is should we believe her change of heart, or is she like a leopard that can't change it's spots? Originally Posted by reddog1951
Im game.

All she said before AND after were just words!

So how do you sleep at night knowing what schiff pelosi and others did with the russia russia russia which lasted 3 years and wasted time and money and it was all grandstanding partisan hate? How bout the anti semetic "squad" and what theyve said? See how this works?
Although my examples are far worse than just so called conspiracy "words"!

And for extra credit! Since a leopard cant change its spots. biden bigly backed racist folks and bills in his past.

bahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahh ahahahhahahahhahaaa
winn dixie's Avatar
Im game.

All she said before AND after were just words!

So how do you sleep at night knowing what schiff pelosi and others did with the russia russia russia which lasted 3 years and wasted time and money and it was all grandstanding partisan hate? How bout the anti semetic "squad" and what theyve said? See how this works?
Although my examples are far worse than just so called conspiracy "words"!

And for extra credit! Since a leopard cant change its spots. biden bigly backed racist folks and bills in his past.

bahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahh ahahahhahahahhahaaa Originally Posted by winn dixie
Winn, you may be game, but your reply was lame. Reinforced my post perfectly. You did not address either of the two questions directly, instead you tried to create diversion to other topics. Typical Trump move by the way.

So again, care to address the Cotton Pickin questions?
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 02-05-2021, 06:41 AM
This thread is prime example of the deterioration of this board. Topic presented for discussion and those opposed resort to name calling and denegration rather than coherent and logical rebuttal. Due either to lack of logical reason to refute, or unwillingness to exchange opinions in a civil manner. Don't know which.

In either case, I'll rephrase my implied question more explicitly: Now that Ms. Greene has publicly disavowed some of her controversial views, do you still consider her to be a "patriot", and if so, how do you reconcile her about face? Secondary question is should we believe her change of heart, or is she like a leopard that can't change it's spots? Originally Posted by reddog1951
That was a chicken shit apology...she distorted what she had posted in the past. For example 9/11....she said she believed it happened but did not address the fact that she said a plane did not hit the Pentagon.

These QAnon fuckers with their lying pedophile claims need to be treated like Holocaust deniers.

In fact many are!
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 02-05-2021, 06:49 AM
Im game.

All she said before AND after were just words!
Originally Posted by winn dixie
They were lies.

How about a group of people repeating that you are a pedophile over and over and over again. Would you say , "They're just words"?

She said the Las Vegas shooter was a hoax or some such shit.

People like you and oeb may vote for people like this but the House did the right thing. She still represents her district. Let the voters decide who they want to send to the House but let the House decide if they let people that called an attack in its midst to be shunned.