There was no evidence of vote fraud in 2020

Lucas McCain's Avatar
Yeah. Let's forget the fact that all of Trump's fraudulent claims were thrown out of court. How about we find some bullshit on the internet and claim that as facts instead? That certainly sounds perfectly logical.

It is 2024 now. Get the fuck over 2020... I am surprised that some of you conspiracy theorists have not started a thread about who actually kidnapped the Lindbergh baby.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Why can’t y’all let this idiotic shit go already?

The long con? You’re either promoting it, or you’re the target of it. Either way, it’s another Trump con.
Links please?

Where are you going to find enough crazy people who love Joe Biden so much they're willing to risk years in jail to perpetrate a fraud of that magnitude? And how come they never got caught?

And the same thing happened in Georgia, Arizona and Pennsylvania? Or a minimum of two out those three states?

We had the worst recession in the USA since the great depression in 2020. Yeah, it was COVID, not Trump that caused that. But people vote their pocketbooks, and they weren't doing too well around election time.

And yes, some of the rules were changed, to allow more mail in voting and the like. But Trump lost fair and square, and his refusal to admit that has been a yoke around the neck of the Republican Party. If he weren't a world class narcissist he wouldn't have run this year.

Well, my locality and state do a hell of a lot better job of providing efficient government than the Feds. Where practical, power should be closest to the people, far away from Washington, D.C. Originally Posted by Tiny
Yeah, individual States are far more efficient at Governing. The Federal Government is prone to corruption. Iam willing to bet if the Federal Government didn't exist the immigration problem would seize rather quickly in border states and crime in major cities would drop. The relationship between the Federal Gov't and States has become toxic.
The claim of voter fraud is just trump preying on the dumb and uninformed. Do some research on voting processes and the non dumb will understand how hard it would be to "rig" an election. If there are any issues it never even comes close to enough to change election results. It would be such a massive undertaking to rig enough counties in swing states it just wouldn't be possible without being reported by someone. Thousands of supervised bi-partisian election workers would have to conspire to changing the outcome. All with the penalty of prison if caught.
On top of that Mike Pillow is the dumbest of all of them. The dumbfuck says get rid of all the machines. Then there is a lot of losers complaining it takes too long to get results. Can one imagine how long it would take to get voting done 100% manually? Weeks? Months? And during that time there would be way more opportunity for fraud and questioning results.
We don't actually know that because fulton county deleted 340K+ ballot images that can now no longer be compared to determine if there was fraud.

So 11K is nothing.... the democrats cheated and fools helped them solidify their fraud. Originally Posted by texassapper
... Let's steer the conversation back on-topic, shall we?

... The ballot images "missing" are actually 380,761.
THAT figure was mentioned by the GA Elections Board.

So Fulton County gets a REPREMAND... Likely scanned
over 3,000 ballots twice during the recount.
And GA Officials cannot be certain "double scanning"
of ballots didn't happen with the first tabulation.

... No worrys - a proper Investigation of the piss-poor
investigation of all this is coming Next Year.

... Yet, "no evidence" of any vote fraud.
(Except - duplicated ballots, missing ballot images, and
the double-counting of votes .... )

#### Salty
The thread title is accurate. “There was no evidence of vote fraud in 2020” The narrative that Sap is pushing is merely the fevered imagination of Donald Trump and the conspiratorial right wing media. This has been debunked and debated endlessly. Please Stop! Originally Posted by txdot-guy
There's fraud but not in the form of voter fraud. That's why there is no evidence. While everyone is concentrating on voter fraud and not finding any the real fraud goes undetected. Trump might win and Biden might win. Whoever does win your vote was not a factor. Voting is just a formality. Voting is a meaningless joke.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
There's fraud but not in the form of voter fraud. That's why there is no evidence. While everyone is concentrating on voter fraud and not finding any the real fraud goes undetected. Trump might win and Biden might win. Whoever does win your vote was not a factor. Voting is just a formality. Voting is a meaningless joke. Originally Posted by Levianon17
Shhhhhh. Don’t tell nobody!

Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
'Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it'----George Santayana
  • That and the dog ate 1.7Million ballots in Georgia.
  • That and 37 States changed voting laws because of the Wu-Flu, most extra-judicially (that's illegally to the uninitiated)
  • That and 2020 was the largest dead voter turnout on record, as well as voters who lived at 7-11s.
  • and so much more...
Notwithstanding, the future is more important and can be changed. Not just with AI. Look up a teensey bit on Neural networks. I'll toss you a couple bones:
What is a neural network?
Explained: Neural networks

The below is current State of the Art and very here and now. These folks munged together some states records ad found immense voter fraud, in real-time, in court and other venues. The are able to reach across hundreds of disparate data sets, like voter rolls, property tax records, utility bills and so much more and show the inter-connectedness (or lack thereof) and frauds in the blink of an eye. The below video is an example of it in work tracking Demonicrat Dark Monies.

It's 17 mins, but totally mind blowing and worth it - IMHO
Fractal Dark Money Tacking
This should probably be in the Technical forum, as it's pretty heady, but everything is political these days, thanks in no small part to Central Planning Media, the dumbing-down of America, the race to mediocrity, partisan agendas, suspension of actual reality and scripted narratives these days.
Shhhhhh. Don’t tell nobody!

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Don't worry I won't destroy your fantasy that the Government is looking out for ya, lol.
Lucas McCain's Avatar
^^^^ You may want to let the MAGA cult members know that. I know that the only person looking out for me and mine is me alone. Hell, I even started a thread about it:

MAGA members are dumb enough to believe otherwise which is why they comically think their miserable lives would be less shitty than it is now if Trump won in 2020 and why they refuse to let this bullshit go so many years after the fact.
^^^^ You may want to let the MAGA cult members know that. I know that the only person looking out for me and mine is me alone. Hell, I even started a thread about it:

MAGA members are dumb enough to believe otherwise which is why they comically think their miserable lives would be less shitty than it is now if Trump won in 2020 and why they refuse to let this bullshit go so many years after the fact. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
Self reliance is all anyone has left. At this point anyone who thinks Biden or Trump or any president in the future will save the country they are delusional.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
The end is near!!!
texassapper's Avatar
The end is near!!! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Quite true, The future is uncertain and the end is always near.