Anyone want to travel together?

Apitt12's Avatar
Absolutely! I mean.. Sure you will get the it's my overnight x 10 girls..
But if someone asked if I wanted an all expenses paid trip to Barcelona for a week.. I can factor in that I am not paying for anything at home and I have been wanting to go back to BCN for a while now..
You just have to think.. Everyone will be together in the early am.. Throughout the day..
We all have to agree to our time and space.

If you're asking for 24 hours of our time and to go at it 5x a day, then yeah.. But if it's more like a conventional relationship without the nonsense that comes along with it (you know, how one should be) it's not any more (most likely less) than you would be paying to buy all of the clothes, gift, purses, swimsuits, and etc that you would with a wife and you're guaranteed to be getting some. Originally Posted by Alyssa Marie
Ok so how much would it be to go the bang all day route to the casual route only reason i ask is when im on vaca i seem to want it all the time lol
hardliner's Avatar
Well, boy... doesn't this sound familiar. It all makes sense now.

Dude, my last email to you was in Oct - when, my last sentence said "Be patient, I am interested." ... To be honest, if you were serious, you wouldn't have waited this long and then throw a tantrum about it. I expected you to be a gentlemen and send a reminder note after a short time. Like, I dunno, when I wrote you to say my RL wouldn't calm down til at least XXXX. Not start a BS campaign on boards what... 6+ months later? Seriously? .... Originally Posted by ~Ze~
woah.. that was never meant about you. I always thought I was being patient. I asked, you said be patient, told you an idea of the plans, even looked into the opportunity for you to surf, but I had to have a backup plan in case things fell through with you and THAT is who I am talking about. I was going to spend around $3k on trip and a large chunk of it I wasn't going to get back if things fell through.

Mid March, one of my cousins ran into some legal problems and I gave him everything so that cost me Comic-Con.

Again, I'm sorry, Ze, but my comment was never meant towards you.
Hardliner - I'm sorry for you situation with your family member, but it seems that was the issue that failed the comic con experience.. Nothing more, nothing less.

Apitt - that's the issue. You're usually working all of the time, so when you have time off you're ready to do it do it do it. Maks sense. We do it for work all of the time so when we think vacation, well... When *I* think vacation I think sun, beach, snorkeling, tan, massage.. See the difference between your ideas of vacation and a sex workers idea of vacation? There is no cut and dry when it comes to rates for extended time with me. I would only go with someone that I had a history with so we would figure out what would work for us.
Apitt12's Avatar
Hardliner - I'm sorry for you situation with your family member, but it seems that was the issue that failed the comic con experience.. Nothing more, nothing less.

Apitt - that's the issue. You're usually working all of the time, so when you have time off you're ready to do it do it do it. Maks sense. We do it for work all of the time so when we think vacation, well... When *I* think vacation I think sun, beach, snorkeling, tan, massage.. See the difference between your ideas of vacation and a sex workers idea of vacation? There is no cut and dry when it comes to rates for extended time with me. I would only go with someone that I had a history with so we would figure out what would work for us. Originally Posted by Alyssa Marie
O trust me i realize your end of things i wouldnt wana work on vaca either thank you for your insight on the situation
I remember reading that the usual session lengths in Australia are different than ours.

I think 40 minutes is a short session and 75 minutes is a long session.

It stuck with me because they aren't the ususal half hours and hours in length.

But the rates are much higher. Then again, the hotels are higher and airfare is pricey.

Here are links to Australian forums:
Australian rates can be more, but it reminds me of Las Vegas. If you're just visiting and want to charge the higher rates please research before you go and learn where to advertise.
I charged the same as when I am here. I had 90% requests for an hour. The others were 30 mins or two hours.
The main difference is screening, but I always politely ask for the donation upfront, so I don't really come across that potential problem. is the higher end
Punter planet - I got one call off of.
I got every other call off of Craigslist.

I didn't put much effort in to advertising as I was going more for vacation and just wanted to post on cl when I wanted to work. Each time I posted on cl I met at least one person. Most of the guys brought unique to Australia gifts.. Chocolates, ice creams.. Comes in handy since food is so darn expensive over there.

Also, I found a short stay nice hotel in kings cross (Sydney) for $100/115au a night. So I bought groceries and ate at home. on the Gold Coast I chose to stay on the NSW side to not have to worry about the legalities of BBBJ. In Brisbane I only did outcalls. I didn't work in Melbs since you have to have a workers number and I didn't want to draw any attention.. Though I did title my ads, "do you like American accents??" Lol

It was my second trip and both times were equally amazing! You can rent a live in rv and drive up to the isolated beaches. I'm doing that next time.
Jessika Sweetz's Avatar
Looking for someone to travel to Australia with. Could be another provider or gent, it doesn't matter to me, I just don't like traveling alone. Must be well respectful and fun to spend time with. Originally Posted by honeydavis
hey if youre still looking feel free to pm me, Australia sounds fun!
I also am one of those ladies that - as long as expenses during the trip are covered, and we have a very good understanding ahead of time what is expected on BOTH sides, my fees are extremely reasonable. Like... stupidly so. A few meetings ahead of a long trip is always a good idea. I rarely go on extended trips lately with people I haven't seen a handful of times. I want to enjoy myself more than I care about the money.

Alyssa... bish... give me the scoop on Australia! Right now, all I know of it - they make bottle openers out of kangaroo balls and have really awesome towels. (inside jokes)

Amadeus - where did you stay? I spent a week+ out on Ambergris and Caulker just the past month. Fuck I love the diving.

@ HoneyDavis - Darling babe... I am fucking SPOILED by DFW airport. Gotta love me some nonstop flights. But Hell.. the lure of GBR won't even get my ass on a plane to Aus for a week. Tell me you are staying a month and hmmm... let's talk. Plus, ain't "this" legal down there? Originally Posted by ~Ze~

I'm planning on staying there as long as I can. If I can support myself there I plan on moving there.

And yes, this is legal there. You're not supposed to work there as a non-citizen, but shit, we do what we do here, don't we?

I've already got an inbox full of gents wanting to spend some time with me when I get there. Get an account on PP and lets go!
Just read up on the legalities, tourist visa aside, it's not so cut & dry. Each state has their own laws. I missed my flight on purpose the first time that I went.. A few days before the 3 month max I started being concerned with deportation. It just wasn't worth it for me. If you ever do have to come back to America for any reason you can be banned upon trying to return to Australia.
I only know Australia as a tourist.. Medical care might be an issue to seriously research as they have national healthcare, but you won't have a national identification number.. Unless you plan on moving legally.

Oh, and lastly.. If you think things are expensive in America.... Be prepared for a wake up call. Sydney and Melbourne are in the top ten most expensive cities on earth.
Jessica Jade's Avatar

I'm planning on staying there as long as I can. If I can support myself there I plan on moving there.

And yes, this is legal there. You're not supposed to work there as a non-citizen, but shit, we do what we do here, don't we?

I've already got an inbox full of gents wanting to spend some time with me when I get there. Get an account on PP and lets go! Originally Posted by honeydavis
Holy shit HD! I've never thought about this until reading this thread. I'm down to go but if you end up going before me, I'll be right behind you and will have to meet up with you. So looking into this now! Thanks babe
Jessica Jade's Avatar
hey if youre still looking feel free to pm me, Australia sounds fun! Originally Posted by London Bridge
Yes it does! I'm looking into it too now.
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
Interesting topic.

When I was considering going to Australia to work, I knew someone who went there and worked the mining towns and made a fortune.

It's my understanding, and perhaps Alyssa can shed some light on this, that they advertise in the newspapers in those areas because often, there is limited internet coverage.

And you know what else that I've heard? (I haven't noticed this with the Aussies that I've visited in the US)

Those guys like to SWIVE. Which is something that is not a regular thing here in Dallas. Oh well. I've heard a bunch of things about working in Australia.

I've also heard that being ripped off is almost unheard of. That calling the authorities wouldn't be out of the question, either, if that were to happen.

However, working illegally there changes all of the parameters, I figure.

Interesting topic.

If I were considering a permanent move there, though, I would certainly just visit the country, first!

Damn ... as a segue ... I didn't know that there were so many interesting topics in the Dallas Sandbox these days.

If these topics keep always being so great to read, I'd better start checking in with more frequency!
