Despite Biden’s Groveling, OPEC Set To Cut Production.

Precious_b's Avatar
All this oil yammering.
What have people posted about it here in the past?
"Joe did that" when price went up.
"We *use* to be energy independent."
"We exported energy."

President doesn't dictate the price of gas. Yes, as with most things, every action has a reaction. But no president ever had direct control of pricing during non-wartime/non-emergency periods.

I don't know why people are mentioning not being dependent than turning around and bad mouthing that we aren't getting energy beyond our borders. So which is it: do we want to import energy or do we want to be independent? I don't see the oil in those plugged wells disappearing.

When big oil sees that they've given enough $$$ back to the shareholders, *I* can see that they'll open the spigots here. And maybe, just maybe, we'll go back to business as usual and export all the stuff that people are whining about us giving away.

Roy seems to have a grasp on the bigger picture of how the pricing of a barrel of oil is arrived at than most here.

Myself, I have always been a proponent of high oil cost. Best thing for us Texans since our state budget is tied to it. Love me some infrastructure development.
Precious_b's Avatar

If you add coal and natural gas, the USA is a significant net exporter of fossil fuels. Originally Posted by Tiny
Time is overly ripe to build new facilities to convert coal to petroleum products. That would make true #HeWhoShallBeNamed statement of clean coal.
HedonistForever's Avatar
All this oil yammering.
What have people posted about it here in the past?
"Joe did that" when price went up.
"We *use* to be energy independent."
"We exported energy."

President doesn't dictate the price of gas. Yes, as with most things, every action has a reaction. But no president ever had direct control of pricing during non-wartime/non-emergency periods.

I don't know why people are mentioning not being dependent than turning around and bad mouthing that we aren't getting energy beyond our borders. So which is it: do we want to import energy or do we want to be independent? I don't see the oil in those plugged wells disappearing.

When big oil sees that they've given enough $$$ back to the shareholders, *I* can see that they'll open the spigots here. And maybe, just maybe, we'll go back to business as usual and export all the stuff that people are whining about us giving away.

Roy seems to have a grasp on the bigger picture of how the pricing of a barrel of oil is arrived at than most here.

Myself, I have always been a proponent of high oil cost. Best thing for us Texans since our state budget is tied to it. Love me some infrastructure development. Originally Posted by Precious_b

I agree some what that this debate on the cost of gas is missing the point. The point is, could America produce more oil which considering market economics should reduce the cot of gas. How could one argue otherwise when Biden releases oil from the SPR in an attempt to lower prices? If we produced more instead of asking others to do it for us, we, the world would be better off.

But AGAIN, the problem is that the day Biden took office, he promised to eliminate the oil and gas industry so why in the world would oil companies invest in building more refineries and drilling for more oil which they can't do because regardless of a permit, regulations and attitudes hinder the process?

And how in the world does one come to the conclusion that this President is producing more oil, when he promised not to? His constituency would be all over him if he did that. While it is true that Biden has upped the permitting, what good does that do if you also say "I'm going to put you out of business"? It is the height of stupidity and hypocrisy.
HedonistForever's Avatar
Time is overly ripe to build new facilities to convert coal to petroleum products. That would make true #HeWhoShallBeNamed statement of clean coal. Originally Posted by Precious_b

Build new refineries when this President has stated unequivocally that he wants to end ALL reliance on fossil fuels? Biden especially has a bug up his ass regarding "coal".
Precious_b's Avatar
Presidents come and go.
The hydrocarbons will be there until used up.
That's an extremely deceptive statement. We import crude oil and turn around and refine it and export gasoline and diesel and other petroleum products. Since 2019 the USA has been roughly self sufficient in oil plus petroleum products. If Biden and likeminded politicians control the federal government for long enough though, we'll become a net importer again.

If you add coal and natural gas, the USA is a significant net exporter of fossil fuels. Originally Posted by Tiny
We produce around 11-12million a day and we consume around 19-20million a day of crude oil...It's pretty simple... That means we need around 8million a day from other sources to meet our daily consumption. Yes we export crude and refined product, but gasoline is hard and more dangerous to transport and has limited shelf life. Crude can be stored much easier, it is better to trade crude and have it refined close to where it is going to be consumed.
HedonistForever's Avatar
Arizona had a Senate race debate yesterday and here is what the Democrat incumbent Senator had to say about oil production in the US. Mark Kelley said "when President Biden said he would reduce oil production, I called him and told him he was wrong but voted twice to go along with Biden". Is this somebody Arizonians should trust, speaking from both sides of his mouth and BTW he was right to disagree with Biden IMHO.

Mark Kelly Claimed Biden Was ‘Wrong’ For Not Increasing Oil And Gas Production — He Voted To Kill Drilling Twice

Democratic Sen. Mark Kelly of Arizona said that President Joe Biden was “wrong” for not increasing fossil fuel production during a debate on Thursday; however, Kelly twice voted against amendments that would have increased oil and gas drilling.

Somebody tell the people on this board that Biden is not "producing more oil than was produced under Trump".

“When the president refused to increase oil and gas production, I told him he was wrong,” Kelly stated.
Kelly voted against an amendment on Aug. 7 that would require the Biden administration to hold additional oil and gas lease auctions in certain states before the end of 2022. The Democratic senator also voted on the same day against an amendment that would require at least 10 offshore drilling leases to be put up for sale by no later than 2027.
The Biden administration has worked to block oil and gas leasing in order to phase out fossil fuels as part of its aggressive climate agenda. The Bureau of Ocean Energy Management found in July that cutting back on offshore drilling auctions would hike energy costs and force the nation to import more crude oil.
Kelly voted to pass the Democrats’ $370 climate spending bill which will allow the Environmental Protection Agency to crack down on oil and gas companies’ methane emissions. Climate policy is one of Kelly’s top priorities, according to his campaign website.

So climate being one of Kelley's top priorities is for more production of fossil fuels for energy use. Sounds like this guy is trying to have his cake and eat it to.

Here’s exactly what Biden said on oil drilling:
"Number one, no more subsidies for fossil fuel industry. No more drilling on federal lands. No more drilling, including offshore. No ability for the oil industry to continue to drill, period, ends, number one."

"If" Biden were producing more oil ( he isn't ) he would have lied to the American people about his stated policy goal

Arizona Democrat Mark Kelly distances himself from Biden’s border ‘mess’

In the first and likely only debate for the Arizona Senate race, Democrat Mark Kelly pitched himself to independent voters as someone who can stand up to President Joe Biden and his own party, particularly on border security.

Kelly, who won a special election in 2020 by getting more votes in Arizona than Biden himself, has distanced himself from Democrats’ messaging on immigration amid a record number of arrests or detentions of migrants at the southern border.

That includes the Biden administration’s decision to lift Title 42, a controversial Trump-era public health order which cut down opportunities for migrants to make legal claims to avoid deportation during the coronavirus pandemic.

“When the president decided he was going to do something dumb on this and change the rules that would create a bigger crisis, you know, I’ve told him he was wrong,” Kelly said. “So I’ve pushed back on this administration multiple times, and I’ve got more money on the ground.”

Kelly called the situation at the U.S.-Mexico border a “mess” and said he supports some physical barriers at the border.

So Kelley now says Biden is also wrong on the border "mess/ crisis".

it is better to trade crude and have it refined close to where it is going to be consumed. Originally Posted by royamcr

Only 5 months in office and Biden closes a refinery already in operation.
Jacuzzme's Avatar

Is America Really Producing More Oil Under Biden Than Trump? No, Obviously Not.

The White House and its allies are circulating a misleading talking point that the Biden administration is overseeing the most oil production in U.S. history.
Both White House chief of staff Ron Klain and President Joe Biden have used the talking point as a response to Republican criticism that Democrats are discouraging domestic energy production through regulation and not issuing new drilling permits. Earlier this month, Klain shared a chart on Twitter showing oil production under Biden—at an annual average of 11.18 million barrels a day—was higher than any of his five predecessors. In March, Biden said the United States was "approaching record levels of oil and natural gas production."

The claim from Democrats that domestic production is higher now than during the Trump administration is based on a comparison of four-year averages that includes the tremendous drop in economic activity at the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. Domestic oil production under Biden has yet to come close to the pre-pandemic levels reached under the prior administration, a more detailed Free Beacon analysis found.

The Free Beacon analysis of domestic crude oil production data shows that prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, the United States produced just under 13 million barrels of oil per day at the end of 2019 and beginning of 2020. For comparison, that figure is more than 20 percent higher than the amount of oil the United States produced per day in September 2021. Energy industry expert James Wilson, who runs an oil and gas economics consulting firm, says the White House is abusing statistics to fit a narrative.
"You can claim anything with statistics," Wilson told theWashington Free Beacon[ "When COVID hit, the price of oil dropped and then production dropped. Surprise, surprise."

The White House’s insistence on repeating the oil production claim bolsters the impression increasingly held by the public and some Democrats that the Biden administration is out of ideas to tackle rising prices. Even as the cost of gas skyrockets, the White House is sharing a months-old graph from liberal blogger Matthew Yglesias, a symptom of an office "defined by insularity," as Politico has described it

Domestic oil production trends prior to the pandemic show how misleading these sorts of claims are. For example, the United States produced an average of a million barrels more per day between the start of 2019 to April 2020 than the 11.185 million barrels a day averaged under Biden.

Biden told a group of labor union leaders on Tuesday that "I'm doing everything in my power to blunt Putin's gas price hike" and blamed rising prices on "nothing else but that." Despite that claim, federal data show that average daily domestic oil production in March, after Russia's invasion of Ukraine, was lower than in November of last year.
Unlike during Trump’s final year in office, consumer demand for energy is elevated today. Total U.S. petroleum consumption is estimated to rise 730,000 barrels per day this year over last, according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration.

Some industry analysts point to macroeconomic trends out of the Biden administration’s control, such as oil companies’ reluctance to invest in new drilling sites because of shareholder pressure, as reasons for lower domestic production. That explanation, Wilson says, does not tell the full story.
"Another thing that’s inhibiting these guys from drilling is uncertainty about what this administration was and is going to do," Wilson said, referring to new and potential future regulations against the oil and gas industry. "The bottom line is that when Trump was president, these companies started producing and oil was cheaper."

Earlier this month gas prices hit an average of $5 a gallon nationwide. Industry analysts expect that price to only increase throughout the summer when more Americans travel for vacation.
The rising price of gas and household goods is the driving force behind Biden’s plummeting approval rating. A majority of voters say the economy is their top concern in multiple surveys, and a RealClearPolitics aggregate of recent polls shows Americans' approval of Biden’s job performance is lower than at any time since he entered office.
From the publication you called garbage.

Oil production in Biden’s first year on par with Trump

America produced 11.185 million barrels of crude oil per day in 2021, compared with 11.283 million a year earlier under Trump.

Biden has surpassed Trump in issuing drilling permits on public land, the Washington Post reported in January.

Maybe that's what is confusing you not oil production.

It defies logic and common sense that under Joe Biden who literally told us he would end oil and natural gas production, has increase oil production.

This really isn't rocket science. While Biden may have increased drilling permits, the oil companies are asking themselves "why should we invest more in an industry that the Biden administration has committed to shutting down?

There is the problem in a nutshell. The Biden administrations policy of committing to eliminating the oil and gas production in the US while begging for other countries to produce more because have decided to cut back and eliminate the oil and gas industry as a policy of the US government.
Originally Posted by HedonistForever
Don’t confuse the NPCs.
HedonistForever's Avatar
We produce around 11-12million a day and we consume around 19-20million a day of crude oil...It's pretty simple... That means we need around 8million a day from other sources to meet our daily consumption. Yes we export crude and refined product, but gasoline is hard and more dangerous to transport and has limited shelf life. Crude can be stored much easier, it is better to trade crude and have it refined close to where it is going to be consumed. Originally Posted by royamcr

Then why are Democrats opposed to building new refineries ANYWHERE if we are to end the use of fossil fuels RIGHT NOW?
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
That's bullshit, we need their oil to meet our demands. We produce a little over half the oil we need per day. It was the same under trump. Oil production has actually gone up during Biden's term. Originally Posted by royamcr
Ever hear the term, "making something out of whole cloth"? It means an outright lie. Congratulations, the results of your TDS are in and you're positive.
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
Here's the nasty truth, Biden lies, his press secretary lies, his wife lies, Kamala lies, and his cabinet people all lie. Not the flummery that Trump peddled but black, dark lies that get people killed or hurt and they do intentionally.
Think about it, when any of them say (and they say this often), Joe (or we) are doing EVERYTHING we can to fix this. They're not. We're doing everything we can to fix gas prices...except allowing our own oil companies to produce oil. We're doing everything we can to prevent Putin from invading Ukraine...except cutting off his flow of money with his energy pipeline. We're doing everything we can to stop the immigration crisis (ever since we're feeling it in New York and Martha's Vineyard)...except to enforce the law, build the wall, reinforce the border patrol and putting that stay in place agreement back in.

They lie and people are getting hurt and dying.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 10-07-2022, 05:05 PM
Build new refineries when.... this President has stated unequivocally that he wants to end ALL reliance on fossil fuels? Biden especially has a bug up his ass regarding "coal". Originally Posted by HedonistForever
The total freaking ignorance regarding oil in this forum is beyond the you even know when the last refinery was built in this country?
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
The total freaking ignorance regarding oil in this forum is beyond the you even know when the last refinery was built in this country? Originally Posted by WTF

you just exposed the left for their over-regulation. it's the democrats and their love of salamanders and toad frogs that over-regulate every industry they can. it's the same general reason why a new nuclear power plant hasn't been built in decades.

we have plenty of refinery capacity for all types of crude. the left just doesn't want the US to produce it.

thank you valued poster
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  • WTF
  • 10-07-2022, 05:22 PM
Build new refineries when.... this President has stated unequivocally that he wants to end ALL reliance on fossil fuels? Biden especially has a bug up his ass regarding "coal". Originally Posted by HedonistForever
The total freaking ignorance regarding oil in this forum is beyond the you even know when the last refinery was built in this country?

Once you figure out the answer to that get back to me with this Biden and refinery building.