Poll: Free Jon Balls

Unfortunately, this poll will be less than scientific.

Perhaps a follow up poll question might be:
How many profiles does JB create to vote for himself?

I know I would! I say the over/under is 27. Originally Posted by mwebber
LOL!! no way, Id never scew it, don't mind the truth eigher way this place would be no difrent than anyother place in life weather your dealing with people in the workplace or your own family. theres always a mix of personalities its just always unfortunate that the biggest stick in your ass dick heads always end up wanting to run things!!LOL!! thats not directed at you jymie.Besides, they cleared out about 5 handles yesterday!!LMAO!!!

hey Brian (whatever), sensitivity is great but I found that just keeping your junk shaved, washing your ass and nuts, brushing your teeth and a kwick dousch with listerine before the appointment will go just as far,well, and having some refrences to verify that your not an AXE MURDERER helps too.Relax, ive been called worse, jon colden called me a transgendered hooker the other day and Im still here.

Ill still go to the M&G, that was fun and will continue to help out my friends behind the scenes wereever I can.
JB tried to vote twice, but it wouldn't let me do it. Originally Posted by djscape10
thanks !!I just voted NO!!you guys rock!!
iscrewedmeganfox's Avatar
Free JonBalls!!!! Miss that freaking guy. Contact me if you can buddy.
Justin Heranus's Avatar
i met JB at the m&g. Honestly he is a great guy. I had great conversations with JB and OSD. They shared a lot of the knowledge and experances they had. I did learn a lot from them and appreciate that they were open and honest with me. Being some what new and being able to tap in to the knowledge and experiences of some one that has been through a lot is priceless.
As far as JB's post i have enjoyed many of them. Many has made me laugh and some I didn't get, but admits some of his jokes are hit and miss. One thing I have noticed on his posts is that he was always willing to call things out and be the devils advocate at times. When others might shy away from posting just because they don't want to be criticized he will speak up. There are others here that do the same thing. They just approach it in a different way. A good example off the top of my head would be Doove. His approach different, but he is still willing to take a stand and shed light on the other side of things. Even though he knows he will get a lot thrown at him, he still will take that stand. I agree with him on some things and don't on others things, but I still have the up most respect for him for doing what he does. These boards are for information exchange. How can you truly make an informed decision if you can't truly see things from both sides. We need these people to shed the light where others may not see or be to afraid to speak.
Advocatus Dei is the term used for the person being " a devils advocate" up to 1983. Advocatus Dei translated means "Gods Advocate". Also technically the "Devil" is still an angle. Just a couple of examples how things can look different when you are given both side of the information.
Lol sorry a rambled again. Have a great day and be safe .
I voted no with a reason: At some point he obviously violated one or more of "the rules". So shut up and take your punishment for the specified time. To go and create multiple handles to get around it can mean one of a few things. 1)He thinks he is above "the rules" 2)He thinks what he has to offer is SO important to one and all that 3) he is above "the rules" Whether or not an individual finds his posts relevant or entertaining (as I often do) should not matter. When he tries to skirt "the rules" his banishment should be increased in a non-linear manner.
i love it! juan's posts make me want to whisper sweet nothings in his ear all nite
I voted no with a reason: At some point he obviously violated one or more of "the rules". So shut up and take your punishment for the specified time. To go and create multiple handles to get around it can mean one of a few things. 1)He thinks he is above "the rules" 2)He thinks what he has to offer is SO important to one and all that 3) he is above "the rules" Whether or not an individual finds his posts relevant or entertaining (as I often do) should not matter. When he tries to skirt "the rules" his banishment should be increased in a non-linear manner. Originally Posted by RandyinRoc
Hey Randy, absolutly don't feel like I'm above anyone.I never had the chance to be banned for a limited time, it was always lifetime, never for a limited time period.If you look at "BUZZBOMB" posting history, I would defy you to find a post where it even warranted points much less repeated warnings from Jack. I was so flabergasted and agravated that someone would be threatening me over such lame posts, that I told him if he felt that way then go a head and "flush the toilet" because it was really getting rediculous at that point.Basically, i just got bored months latter and decided to try out the site one more time and probably had set out the required time if anyone had been keeping track.I immediatly got jumped all over again and was banned for life a second time .After that, basically had nothing to loose and felt the place was rediculously OVER MODERATED.Some seemed to agree and some not, but eventually they decided to let me stay and went lax on the rules.Then it seemed they decided to all of a sudden re-tighten the rules and "re-engineer" the place just to try and suit a few providers.So I get banned again, no points, no warnings, or I would have sat it out.If I was a chick, like Naomi4U, it would all be good, but Im not so HYPOCRISY is the underlying theme of this place, who would take it seriously?
sunfish's Avatar
let him back in
i love it! juan's posts make me want to whisper sweet nothings in his ear all nite Originally Posted by naughtynikki84
Ill be right over, you have to spot me $$$$$$$ till the bank opens AM..I good for it...trust meoh wait..edit $$$$$$ high maint beeeeotch
  • LynnT
  • 10-17-2011, 07:14 PM
Let him back. You know I think its funny and people have their knickers in a twist.

John Balls smile lights up his whole face and is genuine. Just sayin'
Tiger's Avatar
  • Tiger
  • 10-17-2011, 07:44 PM
Is that JonBalls41 for you 41st profile?

Here's a way to translate when you run out in the English language

Let him back. Originally Posted by LynnT
The little bit I think I may know about ECCIE dynamics is that the more the providers step up and say to let him return, the odds go up geometrically. I won't elaborate beyond that... other to say thanks Lynn.
who says ill be done in the morning?
Jon Colden's Avatar
I don't think that happened. In fact, I'm not sure that I've ever knowingly called anyone that, not even a real transgendered hooker.

But I know that truth should never stand in the way of a good story.

Relax, ive been called worse, jon colden called me a transgendered hooker the other day and Im still here. Originally Posted by JBALLS
But I know that truth should never stand in the way of a good story. Originally Posted by Jon Colden
I don't think he was actually with the Occupy Wall Street throngs either. You're a good sport Jon.