Encounter: Fun & Games with Miss Anya

Top 5 worst appointment ever, you have to be literally fucking retarded to spend money with her. Originally Posted by DocXXX
Is this the Anya who wore the Japanese makeup, and was lifeless during the session? She always had dirty stained sheets with jizz and blood.
Is this the Anya who wore the Japanese makeup, and was lifeless during the session? She always had dirty stained sheets with jizz and blood. Originally Posted by Fresh-Memes
Thats her, lifeless is a compliment.

Not sure on the blood part coz I think she used to use lipstick and stuff weirdly but I don't know. Reviews tricked me into seeing her, and yep, never going through that again
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Fast zehn Jahre später und ihr einfachen Bastarde habt es immer noch nicht gelernt. Deshalb ist die Menschheit dem Untergang geweiht
: Nearly ten years later & you simple bastards still haven't learned. This is why humanity is doomed :