A useful idiot has a light bulb come on...

Yssup Rider's Avatar
I fail to see how vaccine skepticism has anything to do with politics today. Why don’t we move this to the SandBox? Originally Posted by txdot-guy

This is not politics. Yet there are thread after thread in this forum about science denial.

Tell me where I can vote for or against this. Or which of my Congress members
I should mail.

Not polilitcal. Just manic.

This is not politics. Yet there are thread after thread in this forum about science denial.

Tell me where I can vote for or against this. Or which of my Congress members
I should mail.

Not polilitcal. Just manic. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
How you can vote against it by not taking the vaccine. But you took it, so you complied. Your Government alerted you of the Pandemic and the Vaccine. Celebrities, Athletes all campaigned for the Vaccine, Masks ect. So you bet it was Politics. If no one would have said a thing about a Pandemic or any of the suggestions with Masks and Social Distancing, you may not have taken the Vaccine and you most likely never would even caught Covid.
Still talking about the vaccine that trump bragged about getting on the market?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
How you can vote against it by not taking the vaccine. But you took it, so you complied. Your Government alerted you of the Pandemic and the Vaccine. Celebrities, Athletes all campaigned for the Vaccine, Masks ect. So you bet it was Politics. If no one would have said a thing about a Pandemic or any of the suggestions with Masks and Social Distancing, you may not have taken the Vaccine and you most likely never would even caught Covid. Originally Posted by Levianon17
Not politics. Not policy. Not evidence. Not science.

What it is is ...

Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
How is government diktats not politics?
How is upending the entire banking system not politics?
How is shuttering commerce and education not politics?
How is the government censoring free speech not politics?
How is government suspending the rules of law not politics?
How is mandating taking an experimental concoction not politics?
How is the government upending voting laws extra-judicially not politics?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
That’s not what your threads deal with.

They’re just complaint after complaint about vaccines.

You and your two (I think that’s all that remains) fellow science mavens keep repeating the same horse manure time after time. Even to the point of disguising your antivax threads under ambiguous headlines like these.

I recommend you get a life.
Not politics. Not policy. Not evidence. Not science.

What it is is ...

Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
It's BULLSHIT!, they'll do it again not because they care but because they can.
adav8s28's Avatar
If no one would have said a thing about a Pandemic or any of the suggestions with Masks and Social Distancing, you may not have taken the Vaccine and you most likely never would even caught Covid. Originally Posted by Levianon17
Former President Trump did not wear a mask or practiced social distancing. Trump got infected with SARS_CoV2 virus. Trumps condition got worse. Trump's Oxygen level dropped below 95. His doctors gave him an experimental concoction called the Regeneron Monoclonal antibodies. So, an experimental concoction as some of you call it saved Trumps life. The monoclonal antibodies had not been approved by the FDA when Trump took it.

Are the vaccines you take as a child to attend public school, is that politics? Or it's just politics when you take a vaccine for the SARS_CoV2 virus?

texassapper's Avatar
His doctors gave him an experimental concoction called the Regeneron Monoclonal antibodies. So, an experimental concoction as some of you call it saved Trumps life. The monoclonal antibodies had not been approved by the FDA when Trump took it. Originally Posted by adav8s28
But they didn't mandate that ALL employees of Federal contractors (which is virtually EVERY company in the US), and ALL military members take it...

Did they?

I got no issues with people risking their health with experimental medicines if they choose. I have a problem with the Fibbies MANDATING IT. As if they have the RIGHT or AUTHORITY to do so.
adav8s28's Avatar
But they didn't mandate that ALL employees of Federal contractors (which is virtually EVERY company in the US), and ALL military members take it...

Did they?

I got no issues with people risking their health with experimental medicines if they choose. I have a problem with the Fibbies MANDATING IT. As if they have the RIGHT or AUTHORITY to do so. Originally Posted by texassapper
Do you have a problem that it's required for a child to get vaccinated for certain diseases before that child can attend public school?

The Regeneron monoclonal antibodies that Trump got eventually became available for the general public. There was never a mandate that you had to take it.

SARS_CoV2 virus is highly contagious (especially the original variant from Wuhan, China that does not have a greek alphabet nick name). Two hundred million people got infected and 1 million people died in the USA alone. Yet the antivaxers don't want shutdowns and don't want to be forced to take the vaccine. It's as if you don't care if it spreads as long as you don't have to take vaccine and nothing gets shutdown to control the spread.
texassapper's Avatar
There was never a mandate that you had to take it. Originally Posted by adav8s28
Now do the Covid vaccine.

Nothing you wrote in any way shape or form justifies a mandate.
Ripmany's Avatar
It call directly wire solar panels with out a battery is how you get light bulbs come on when you don't need them too.
adav8s28's Avatar
Now do the Covid vaccine.

Nothing you wrote in any way shape or form justifies a mandate. Originally Posted by texassapper
If one million deaths in two years does not justify a mandate then nothing will. The virus Influenza_A averages about 40,000 deaths per year. It would take Influenza_A twenty five years to kill 1 million.

When would you consider a mandate necessary, if the Bubonic plague or something similar came back?

You don't need any mandates now. The JN.1 variant is not as deadly as the original variant from Wuhan, China due to all the mutations that have occurred. The mutation pattern for SARS_CoV2 is becoming similar to InFluenza_A. Where a new strain becomes the dominant strain from anywhere from 6 to 9 months. For Influenza_A it's once a every 12 months. Thus a new booster is rolled out every September. Older people might want to condider the boosters for SARS_CoV2. You certainly don't need mandates now for SARS_CoV2.

Children going into the first grade in public school have to take the polio vaccine and others before they can attend. You have a problem with that? Just asking for a friend.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Former President Trump did not wear a mask or practiced social distancing. Trump got infected with SARS_CoV2 virus. Trumps condition got worse. Trump's Oxygen level dropped below 95. His doctors gave him an experimental concoction called the Regeneron Monoclonal antibodies. So, an experimental concoction as some of you call it saved Trumps life. The monoclonal antibodies had not been approved by the FDA when Trump took it.

Are the vaccines you take as a child to attend public school, is that politics? Or it's just politics when you take a vaccine for the SARS_CoV2 virus?... Originally Posted by adav8s28
Wowzers! No wonder I have you blocked. You just make schtuff up on the fly and fling whataboutisms ad nauseam - none of which have much of anything to do with the OP. Could you at least consider vetting your sources more carefully? In your spare time, maybe try simple searches to validate your facts.

This is but one: "an experimental concoction as some of you call it saved Trumps life" You don't know it saved his life anymore than you know whatever else he took or did. Regardless, he did so of his own free will, albeit I suspect under questionable guidance. But hey! If that Doc says this is the only thing to keep you alive and you have 10 minutes to decide. Well...

BTW: Blood oxygen level of 95 isn't all that bad. One can be considered as normal if you are in the 75-100 percent range. Though I would much rather be running closer to 95 than 75, for example.

Have you even lightly considered the incongruant comparison of an existing vaccine, on any front, to EUA of an entirely untried method, which absolutely, positively, has no track record, which would categorically be banned under existing vaccines methodologies and threshold "trigger" signals based upon the measured results of such?

For the sake of brevity, I'll gloss over the galactic <inflammatory noun deleted> of even taking a DNA test to see if you're sick with something, as the thing that is likely sick is not respiratory, but it may well be right behind the nasal cavity.

Sounds like a cheer leader screaming: Pravda! Pravda! He's our guy! If he can't do it he'll make another lie!
adav8s28's Avatar

This is but one: "an experimental concoction as some of you call it saved Trumps life"You don't know it saved his life anymore than you know whatever else he took or did. Regardless, he did so of his own free will, albeit I suspect under questionable guidance. But hey! If that Doc says this is the only thing to keep you alive and you have 10 minutes to decide. Well...
Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
Trump and Doctor Ben Carson got the Regeneron monoclonal antibodies. Both started to feel better after they got it. That's two for two. A traditional vaccine was not going to be ready by first quarter 2021 for rollout. I did not make anything up a link was provided. BTW I did not say an blood gas for O2 at 95 was bad. I said/wrote that is when Trumps doctors decided to give him the monoclonal antibodies.

You really think Trumps system was going to make the antibody for him right at the time his doctors decided to give him the monoclonal antibodies?

Moderna tested with 44,000 people. How many people did you want them to test with 400,000? Do you know how long that would take?

If I am on block how did you quote me? It's a free country, no skin off my nose.