Chief Justice Roberts Rebukes President Trump.........

I B Hankering's Avatar
President Lincoln did the same during the Civil War. He told the Court that he had a war to win, so just shut the fuck up.

President Trump needs to use his executive power as Commander in Chief to simply close the border. Considering the circumstances, he would be on firm legal ground. Originally Posted by Jackie S

"Mr. Marshall has made his decision: now let him enforce it," President Andrew Jackson (D).

This whining, gnashing of teeth and false claims of "unprecedented" from the talking-heads in the lame-stream media is so much bullshit. It's happened before, and it will happen again.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
President Lincoln did the same during the Civil War. He told the Court that he had a war to win, so just shut the fuck up. Originally Posted by Jackie S

I believe he arrested and jailed 2 of them after they made a ruling against Lincoln.

President Trump needs to use his executive power as Commander in Chief to simply close the border. Considering the circumstances, he would be on firm legal ground.

yup, according a number of laws congress passed. he should be.
WTF's Avatar
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  • 11-23-2018, 06:37 AM
President Lincoln did the same during the Civil War. He told the Court that he had a war to win, so just shut the fuck up.

President Trump needs to use his executive power as Commander in Chief to simply close the border. Considering the circumstances, he would be on firm legal ground. Originally Posted by Jackie S
He could be the Mexican version of the Japs in WWII....except we are not at war with Crntral America and the Courts would clobber that EO.
themystic's Avatar
Perhaps that is the one thing that drives the liberals on this board so crazy, that no matter how much they hate Trump and try to hammer him with their useless drivel, as the OP stated so eloquently, "The President made it plain he's not taking any shit off of anybody" ..... as Trump ever so efficiently goes about the business of replacing them, one at a time ..... Originally Posted by 00 gauge
Just like hes going to do with the upcoming investigations. Handle them one at a time.
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  • 11-23-2018, 08:15 AM
President Lincoln did the same during the Civil War. He told the Court that he had a war to win, so just shut the fuck up.

President Trump needs to use his executive power as Commander in Chief to simply close the border. Considering the circumstances, he would be on firm legal ground. Originally Posted by Jackie S
We disagree on him being on firm legal ground or even sound political ground. We are not at war with Central America
He could be the Mexican version of the Japs in WWII....except we are not at war with Crntral America and the Courts would clobber that EO. Originally Posted by WTF
I' m sure you meant to say Japanese.
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
What Trump should have learned from the recent elections is that his tweets do more harm to his popularity than help it. I don't totally disagree with what Trump said but it was in his best interests not to say it. The statements appeal to his base. They will likely alienate a few more voters. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
I don't think you can back up that claim. People who like Trump like that he dishes shit back out. You even said you agree with Trump on this. You just don't like the delivery. What rational person could say that Trump is mistaken, right, Chief Justice Roberts.

Progressive FDR tried to pack the Supreme Court when they disagreed with him.
This kind of reminds us of that moment in history when Napoleon was told......"the Pope does not agree with your actions"

Napoleon responded......"exactly how many battalions of artillery does the Pope command".

The only recourse that the SCOTUS has against the President if the President simply refuses to obey their dictates is to compel the House to impeach him.

And they just might do that. But then there is that pesky Senate that the President just picked up seats in and held the Majority.
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  • 11-23-2018, 09:13 AM
I' m sure you meant to say Japanese. Originally Posted by Jackie S
No, I meant to say Japs and I meant to say Central!

I could of said Japan I suppose. That technically is the country we were at war with.
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  • 11-23-2018, 09:14 AM
This kind of reminds us of that moment in history when Napoleon was told......"the Pope does not agree with your actions"

Napoleon responded......"exactly how many battalions of artillery does the Pope command".

The only recourse that the SCOTUS has against the President if the President simply refuses to obey their dictates is to compel the House to impeach him.

And they just might do that. But then there is that pesky Senate that the President just picked up seats in and held the Majority. Originally Posted by Jackie S

Remember Jackie, there is still a Pope but Napoleon is long gone.