ISO Newbie Friendly Provider

dj8rocks's Avatar
I would like to thank all the ladies that PM’d me. I greatly appreciate it and I look forward to meeting you all.

@rollbama I don’t visit bars, mostly because I don’t drink alcohol, but I do visit the gun range if you’d like to make arrangements since you want to chime in and be tough. Originally Posted by Shield
Sir, threats of any manner here are of zero tolerance. I might suggest a little break from the keyboard for a little while.
Like I told you in the reply to private message you sent me, we can escalate it if you’d like and I can prove to you or whoever else, i can break more than a keyboard. I’m not taking any bullshit from you or any other self righteous guy on here. Understand?
@Cassie I apologize to you if I’m coming off as a jerk, but I didn’t ask for @lovestolick advice. He insulted me, then proceeded to put himself in a high light speaking on how good he is. I don’t care how many women he’s seen or written reviews for. Then his buddy, @rollbama, comes in to stroke his dick, then some punk ass guy sends me a PM about talking shit. I originally asked the LADIES if they were newbie friendly, I didn’t need the peanut gallery to chime in, you know?
Cassie107's Avatar
@Cassie I apologize to you if I’m coming off as a jerk, but I didn’t ask for @lovestolick advice. He insulted me, then proceeded to put himself in a high light speaking on how good he is. I don’t care how many women he’s seen or written reviews for. Then his buddy, @rollbama, comes in to stroke his dick, then some punk ass guy sends me a PM about talking shit. I originally asked the LADIES if they were newbie friendly, I didn’t need the peanut gallery to chime in, you know? Originally Posted by Shield
You should always take the advice of our moderators. Hobby suicide is easy to achieve. Dj is very level headed and fair.
@DJ8rocks is definitely not leveled headed or fair, he’s talking shit in the post, but sending me “infraction” private messages. I’m thinking to myself, this guy can’t be Ultimate keyboard warrior.

@Cassie, once again I apologize to you.
Cassie107's Avatar
Dear he is a moderator here and is doing his job. He doesn't have to help you by reminding you of the rules. Other moderators would have banned you already at this point.
So because he’s the moderator, he gets to talk shit to me and I can’t defend myself? If that’s the case, then just ban me, because like I replied to him in one the private messages he sent me, I’m tolerating shit from him or any other guy on here.
Cassie107's Avatar
I actually do find it extremely hard to believe he was talking shit. I am confident though that he more than likely gave you infractions and told you that threats are not allowed.

If you feel you are being attacked you are entitled to defend yourself in a gentlemanly way. But name calling and threats from anyone is against the rules plain and simple. You also have the RTM option if you feel you are being attacked in either open forum or pm.
Shield, you're getting some really strong advice here and I don't think anyone meant to insult you. I know this whole situation can be frustrating, but Cassie is correct that "hobby suicide" is very easy and common and that most of the ladies here read each and every post before agreeing to see a gentleman. And yes, DJ is actually know to be one of the good guys around here.

Welcome and good luck!
you say name calling is against the rules, but @lovestolick calling me an idiot(when all I asked was who was newbie friendly), @rollbama saying I get beat up in bars, then @dj8rocks calling me a keyboard warrior isn’t against the rules? Double standard, I guess. I don’t feel like I’m being attacked, they don’t threaten me in ANY shape, form, or I’m just letting it be known that nobody is going to come at me without some type of consequence.
@BThree, hello beautiful, how are you? Sorry we have to meet like You say you don’t think they meant to name call me, so name calling is ok as long as it’s not their intent? I’m trying to understand the rules here.
his "idiot" comment was like me saying "you'd be crazy not to do that" - I am not actually suggesting you belong in an asylum. That is where tone doesn't come through the keyboard.

That is were this went off the rails. As someone who studies human behavior and interaction academically, let me give you a piece of Eccie advice. Give people here the benefit of the doubt when you read commentary. Most of the time, you will be the winner. Most people are not out to "get you" - they really want to help. Especially in the smaller communities like this one.

If you really want to see some interesting behavior, come over to the Texas Forums, and if you think DJ is harsh, you miight be interested in what goes on in the Political Forum, LOL.
@BThree I really appreciate you, I want you to know that. I can understand where you’re coming from with @lovestolick, I still kind of feel he was high horsing himself. I don’t think dj is harsh, I just think he’s a bitch for talking shit then giving me an “infraction”, that’s all. He can dish it but can’t take it, but how about we just let all this

Let’s get to what I’m here for. To having some amazing experiences with some wonderful women!!!

I got some good advice from some seemingly wonderful girls and got some providers that are willing to see me. I think they’ll(and you hopefully ) will see that I’m actually a really good guy. As you see, I just don’t respond well to the perceived threat of guys coming at me. Growing up, if there were problems, you solved it at the flag

As far as the Texas political forum, I don’t do politics. I dislike anyone who would blindly follow anyone just because they are the same party as you instead of making the best intellectual decision.
That didn't end well...but not unexpectedly. xoxo
biomed1's Avatar
Please take a few moments in the peace that ensues to review some of the Guidelines that are pertinent to what has happened in this thread:
  • #7 - Threats of violence or physical harm will not be tolerated under any circumstances. There is no place for that on this board.
  • #13 - Our moderating staff monitors the forums with the goal of keeping threads on track and on topic. Occasionally we may issue specific instructions or direction to a poster and we ask that you respect those instructions and follow them. Disregarding a moderator's written instruction or repeating a violation for which you have been warned will most certainly result in penalty.
  • #1 - Avoid cases of unprovoked rudeness to others. No place for it here. Yes, with the dynamic nature of the threads and topics, tempers will flare and things will become heated from time to time. You may often encounter individuals who become passionate or emotional when expressing one's opinion or point of view. That's all understood and perfectly acceptable within reason…….but, start slamming or bashing another member and be met with consequences.
  • #3 - Disrespect to others, IN GENERAL, will be considered an item of low tolerance, especially when posting in our coed forums. Follow the Golden Rule and treat others as you wish to be treated yourself. This applies to fellow members as well as staff. We do not require that you have respect for us, but we do require that you treat us respectfully in the public forums. If you feel the need to vent, gripe, or blow off some steam regarding a staff member's action or decision, we ask that you keep it private. Email, RTM, or the PM system would be the appropriate avenue to take in such cases. In cases where you would like to request additional clarity about a staff decision, you are free to pursue an answer in either a public forum or private means of communication. If handled publicly, post your inquiry in a respectful manner.
  • #4 - Blatant insults or hostility toward another member will be met with staff intervention. This applies to using our coed forums for name calling, personal attacks, or vulgar slang terms to describe fellow members. If you have legitimate concerns about another member here, share them tactfully in the appropriate private forums or with staff.