Fee Negotiation: Do(s) & Don't(s)

Guest091314's Avatar
That is right Luny, I dislike talking about them at ALL! Talking about the funds at all will make me nervous and is a complete mood killer. My website, showcase and P411 are always accurate. If I fail to keep my information accurate then I screwed myself anyway.

Dont assume anything a review says. They can be discounted for whatever reason.

Also if I have a special going, I am smart enough to say "Please refer to my rate page located on my website or see my showcase". I rarely offer them anymore so its not hard to remember to post it.

But if you insist on wanting to see that it is correct, please do so discreetly like sending a text in the parking lot AFTER and be prepared if you are not correct. Already having met, it is a little more comfortable.
Roly-Poly's Avatar
What's nice about ECCIE and P411 is that terms are known in advance. No further negotiation necessary. (Safety through peer review / recommendation is also a significant factor!)

Hypothetically, if I were meeting someone regularly and she ran a $20 off special I might even pay the regular rate if I met her during the special. Don't be a hassle, and everyone is happier.
fib503's Avatar
To everyone, Thank you very much for all the advice. I will use them well.
It's never cool to 'negotiate' with a provider. If she isn't in your price range, there are providers who are.
If you want to negotiate, be prepared for drama. It's that simple. The amount of drama you will receive depends on many factors:

-Her level of financial need at the time
-Your attitude
-The difference between your target price and her current advertised rates
-Her attitude
-How comfortable she is with you (the more history you have, the more amenable she will be to frequent meetings at a slightly discounted rate). Volume should always command lower price per appointment.

In general though, it's simply not worth the hassle if your aim is to spend time with a specific lady. Pay what she's asking if you can afford it and deem her reputation and desirability worth it.
69er's Avatar
  • 69er
  • 02-12-2012, 08:33 PM
I'm going to speak the truth here, and expect to get flamed by many ladies here... (Go ahead bring on the heat.)

Every lady on this board will tell you she doesn't negotiate. She will tell you that for a variety of reasons. Having you negotiate almost never benefits her. If you negotiate, she takes home less. The only time a lady benefits from a negotiation, is if you would have walked away at the higher rate.

There are ladies here that will negotiate, and those that will not. Look up negotiation tactics, and think how they might apply to a market like this. For example, It might be taken better by a lady to ask for 75 minutes, for a very slight upcharge from her 1 hour rate. She will make more money, the guy gets more time. I have had lots of success with these types of negotiations.

I have also had ladies "wig out" when approached like this, which to me is almost as valuable of information. If she can't handle a request so clearly not posted on her website, do I trust her to handle other matters with discretion and good reasoning?

The topic of negotiation often leads to discussion of services, and discussing services and money can get a lady in trouble, if she does it with the law. So, most just don't want to discuss money, as it is less of a chance for them to get in trouble. If you discuss money, I would keep the discussion to only time, as buying time is not illegal. No problems for you or the lady, although you will get some that don't understand this, and will refuse to discuss anything other than what they post.

Negotiations happen here. Guys offer to take a lady out for an evening and include other events at much lower than her hourly rate. We post ISO's at a price point and get ladies above that price to respond via PM, offering to meet the price. If you think about how to negotiate, while not outing the fact the lady negotiated, a good number of them will.
I'm going to speak the truth here, and expect to get flamed by many ladies here... (Go ahead bring on the heat.) Originally Posted by 69er
Probably going to get flamed.

The only time a lady benefits from a negotiation, is if you would have walked away at the higher rate. Originally Posted by 69er
This is what I have done in the past. Set priorities, do research, make a list. Make an effort to learn as much as you can about the ladies you are interested in seeing. After speaking with 1 lady, if she gives me a number that I don't feel comfortable with, I go to my list. If I strike out, with my list. I call up a lady that I have already seen. There are too many options out there, to waste time goofing around with someone that I probably would not have had a fun time with anyways.

Plus, BP and hobbying around the end of the month does not hurt either.
Jules Jaguar's Avatar
Simple Rule #1: If you can not afford her posted fee do make an appointment.
Simple Rule #2: If you are overly pleased with the service you are welcome to tip.
Simple Rule #3: When it is appropriate discretely pay the fee. Insure that she is aware that you have paid.

Observation: Repeat visit sometimes make you more desirable to see. That could a positive YMMV. Originally Posted by Fast Eddie
What he said
Blubba's Avatar
There appears to be a missing "not" in simple rule #1.
Jules Jaguar's Avatar
I noticed that too but I figured it was a simple mistake LOL
Many of the ladies here and other places say No Negotiation, dont ask. Many of the ladies say they provide a great service and the fee is expected. Thats all cool, but then many of these same ladies offer specials. So the fees in the hobby can be a bit confusing. And when a hobbyist and does not provide the fee that way paid, then things get even more confusing. When asking about the fee, its not to try and negotiate something lower, its just to have a better understanding. I have seen a lady post on a web page her fee is X. Then they expect Y. So WTF? I ask up front about the fee so I know what to bring, then ask the lady to count out the donation I brought, the lady can never say I tried to steal or cheat her. I know I am different when it comes to the donation. But if you ever get burned by a provider about the fee and they start saying you are a jerk and did not pay the whole fee its difficult to ever build credability in the eye of other providers. I know I have to pay to play and my method takes nothing away from the BCD time, if anything its more relaxing as the lady is happy she got the right fee and therefore I am happy because the lady does all that she can to make me crawl out the door, just my 2 cents worth.
aggietigger's Avatar
Waldo +1 (Post #4)

@Anastasia - I completely understand and respect your position. If your rates are consistent and there are no differences between ads, websites, etc... then there should be no need for verification.

I do think you are in the minority with consistent rates (not a bad thing) and clients don't recognize enough that you are consistent - most providers have discrepancies\discounts all over the place, etc... and in those cases I think it is best before the meeting to at least once make sure the rate is verified to avoid surprises.
Crzytxn's Avatar
I have always had success, with just posting an ISO, stating the rate I could afford. Any ladies that replied, I assumed were comfortable providing their services at that rate.
Pay her price or move on. This is not a car lot.
I agree with Anastasia. There is no need to verify. When I am asked that I simply tell the client to refer to my website, eros ad etc. Generally, where ever you found my number there is a link to my website or you had to scroll past my rates to get to my phone number.

I do believe it's in poor taste to "negotiate". It basically says you don't think she's worth what she's charging. If in fact those are your sentiments it's best to move on and find someone to better fit your financial situation at the time. You wouldn't go to a restaurant and disrespect the waitress before she served your food because you'd want the best service possible, right? Same applies here.

If escorts wanted to be haggled they'd put "or best offer" or "name your price" in their ads.