Shine's foooking hooka site; Da Great!

boardman's Avatar
Zero tolerance doesn't mean what we think it means tb2..
b3.....points when a guy threatens a lady here don't mean very much.
The rules are very clear when it comes to THREATS. He should have been banned and everyone on this board knows that.
Personally I could care less about sc and or shine but I take threats very seriously. I thought this board thought the same...but I guess not.
This board doesn't even believe in their own rules that they preach all the time.

Should I be bringing this up out in the open? Everyone here see the same thing I do so why not.

If my complaint warrants points from the mods....don't bother with just points and don't bother with a temporary ban. Make it permanent.

Because of all the bullshit the ladies don't even stick their heads in co-ed any more. Co-ed means both sexes...not just guys.
USAsoldier's Avatar
b3.....points when a guy threatens a lady here don't mean very much.
The rules are very clear when it comes to THREATS. He should have been banned and everyone on this board knows that.
Personally I could care less about sc and or shine but I take threats very seriously. I thought this board thought the same...but I guess not.
This board doesn't even believe in their own rules that they preach all the time.

Should I be bringing this up out in the open? Everyone here see the same thing I do so why not.

If my complaint warrants points from the mods....don't bother with just points and don't bother with a temporary ban. Make it permanent.

Because of all the bullshit the ladies don't even stick their heads in co-ed any more. Co-ed means both sexes...not just guys. Originally Posted by tbone2u
Stop whining bro and go get laid, damn.
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
I’m not going to comment on specific members infractions, but how in the world to you purport to know who gets infractions for what? I gave out more infractions yesterday in this forum than I probably have given out in my entire tenure. I’m sure several people can raise their hand and say that they heard from me....

I will say that y’all were all screaming bloody murder that you wanted someone to come in and get this forum under control. It would appear from the numerous PMs that I received, that I made at least a darn good effort of that and put certain requests in place. I also believe in St. C’s philosophy of guiding members to better behavior when possible and using banning as a last resort.

I’m an extremely fair and equitable person, by nature and by training and you will be hard pressed to find solid examples of me being selective when dealing with members.

There is more than enough lame to go around for what happens in any forum. But if people stop responding to threads they find offensive one of two things will happen, the thread will die or the person will stop posting.

Problem solved. Originally Posted by B Three
You shouldn't have to explain yourself B3. People think because they see a situation one way that must make it true. SC is a sweetheart he's never threatened anyone let alone a female. SC also minds his business...What you will notice is that 99% of the time people engage SC lose the engagement or argument and then resort to heralding that SC is a bad guy. That's essentially how things take place. What you're witnessing is people refusing to take responsibility for their own unsavory or unbecoming behavior. I was always taught to take responsibility for your actions not blame shift. My view B3 is that the people complaining like the drama. They refuse to put SC on ignore, they refuse to stay out of his legit threads, and they refuse to stop asking his opinion on matters. They act like I'm God or something by holding my opinion with such high esteem if I dont agree with them they essentially fall apart. I've never thought this was a fair way to behave. I'm reasonable to the nth degree and all I ask for is reasonableness in return. I may legitimately think I'm smarter than 99% of my detractors because I've learned from old school cats already from way back in time mixed in with the progressive elites of the modern era. However through it all I exhibit a sincere humility towards people with good hearts. When I'm not hanging out with my savage child hood protectors or well connected white friends I'm fucking sweet as cherry pie and soft as a pussy. ;-)

Peace and one love.
Wanna be patriot...wannabe soldier.....don't tell me what to do
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
Stop whining bro and go get laid, damn. Originally Posted by USAsoldier
exactly it's really getting ridiculous.
sissy lips...he hasn't earned the right to tell me what to do and neither have you. Now that you know you can threaten young girls and get away with it....why don't you go find some more.
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
sissy lips...he hasn't earned the right to tell me what to do and neither have you. Originally Posted by tbone2u
Dont call me sissy lips please. And all we're trying to encourage you to do is back away from the keyboard for a while take a break my brother. You're letting this consume you. What will you do if eccie gets shut down for good? Stop taking everything you read to heart it's not attractive.
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
sissy lips...he hasn't earned the right to tell me what to do and neither have you. Now that you know you can threaten young girls and get away with it....why don't you go find some more.
toodles Originally Posted by tbone2u
Again SC threatens no one. I suggest you get over yourself before you end up being the one to get banned. Time to change we all had our fun now it's time we all mature.

Peace and one love
DEAR_JOHN's Avatar
I have a question and it's not directed directly to you B3.
It seems like points are being handed out selectively.
Shine can call someone a jackass and that's just fine. SC can THREATEN a lady on the board...enough that the mods have to go to the trouble to remove his threatening post but yet he's still here. He should have been banned for the threats...end of story. Now he has "turned over a leaf" and all is forgiven and he's Mr. Niceguy and we are instructed to follow his lead? No one on here believes that for one millisecond. Why is this board so intent on protecting these two. Ever since they started their spamming the ladies on this board have completely stopped talking in co-ed. Surely someone else thinks the same as me.
Eccie needs to change this forum from Co-ed to Racebaiting and Politics.

The members are not responsible for what has become of co-ed....the mods are. Originally Posted by tbone2u

shine called me worse than a jackass.....I sure hope he was pointed for this from 5 days ago.

You have got to be the most miserable mofoooker on eccie by far. No longer buy pussy but hang around to dispense misery or talk about the good old aspd days. You hate everything and everybody, possibly you don't hate the desperate providers who were throwed enough to let you raw dog them. Like seriously dude mental health is a serious issue we all should be concerned with , especially from our pale brothers(I don't think Trey is) because we know you'll don't know how to process any pain and will go postal in a heartbeat unfortunately. It's time out for sucking it up. I would rather the dude took a month off to get himself together and any employer with some sense would without jeopardizing his job. My best friend is a lineman. There is no way in hell I would work alongside someone sleep deprived. The power companies should never work guys like that, but at the end of the day most companies really don't give a foook about their most valuable resource; people. Sometimes sit one out dojo. This wasn't the time like you don't want anyone lecturing you about the sense of raw dogging providers during the height of the alphabet epidemic.... Originally Posted by shinepro
sissy need to understand one thing. I don't care if I am banned. If the truth gets me banned than so be it. The good thing is others here already see through all this bullshit that's happening.
You may get away with threatening girls but it doesn't work on me.
Your love you're trying to show is the same love as the guy that sticks a knife in your back and then gives it a twist before pulling it out.
It means nothing because it comes from nothing. To me you are a nothing.
Maybe the mods now consider nothing an insult.....wouldn't surprise me
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
Im gonna ignore your false allegations because one thing I've learned in studying human behavior is that no matter how wrong a person may be they love nothing more than to double down on being wrong. Believe whatever makes your heart content. However. You've been carrying around alot of anger for a long time. Why?
boardman's Avatar
What staff seems to not understand is that Co-ed has traditionally been a place where guys could get to know providers and vice-versa. With the way things have changed in the last year, P411 Profiles basically down to nothing, Eccie image standards PG rated, reviews becoming limited, etc there are less ways for guys to research.

One way that we had, in the past, to determine a providers temperament was to engage her in Co-ed. It would actually weed out the BP trash from the better providers. Actually, a lot of information could be gleaned from that. Not to toot my own horn but I can show you some 20 plus page threads that I started that did just that. It engaged people. That helps both sides of the hobby.

When members are allowed to attack and threaten the providers though, everyone sees that. The providers don't want it and they leave. Here, it limits our options.

Hmmmm, Or maybe staff does understand this...
boardman's Avatar
Im gonna ignore your false allegations because one thing I've learned in studying human behavior is that no matter how wrong a person may be they love nothing more than to double down on being wrong. Believe whatever makes your heart content. However. You've been carrying around alot of anger for a long time. Why? Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel

What would one call a 6 post meltdown in the span of thirty minutes?

Double down, triple down, quadruple down.
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
What staff seems to not understand is that Co-ed has traditionally been a place where guys could get to know providers and vice-versa. With the way things have changed in the last year, P411 Profiles basically down to nothing, Eccie image standards PG rated, reviews becoming limited, etc there are less ways for guys to research.

One way that we had, in the past, to determine a providers temperament was to engage her in Co-ed. It would actually weed out the BP trash from the better providers. Actually, a lot of information could be gleaned from that. Not to toot my own horn but I can show you some 20 plus page threads that I started that did just that. It engaged people. That helps both sides of the hobby.

When members are allowed to attack and threaten the providers though, everyone sees that. The providers don't want it and they leave.

Hmmmm, Or maybe staff does understand this... Originally Posted by boardman
LMAO....engage her in COED...did you setup detailed appoints in COED? That's what PM is for..stop with stories. You know better than that.