Three Reasons Trump's Impeachment Wouldn't Sink Stocks

I B Hankering's Avatar
A fourth reason why Trump's impeachment wouldn't sink stocks: impeachment ain't fucking goin'a happen!
I'm not that old yet but I'm getting there I was 17 when I enlisted my parents had to sign a waver I was in country in 69 Originally Posted by Hotrod511
I'll bet that was a tough waiver to sign for a parent.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Or the Judge...
bamscram's Avatar
Maybe they just wanted him out of the house.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Or jail.
Meanwhile back in reality.....
Check out this story on CNN:
Yssup Rider's Avatar
I love this. More and more, those who generally and full throatedly vilify CNN are citing it to support their position.

Glad to see you’re down with FAKE NEWS CNN, Ellen.

Filing these away for future debates.

And yes, Trumps candidates won last night. Pity for him they’ll have to face an angry America in November ... that is if he’s not behind bars!

Viva CNN!


lustylad's Avatar
I love this. More and more, those who generally and full throatedly vilify CNN are citing it to support their position.

Glad to see you’re down with FAKE NEWS CNN, Ellen. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Even a broken clock is correct twice a day, yssup.

Maybe if you could debate substance instead of cravenly complaining about sources all the time it wouldn't matter.

We only cite CNN once in a while because it's doubly delicious to let your fellow "libbies" prove you're wrong.
bamscram's Avatar
It is only fake news until they have something the right agrees with.
Even a broken clock is correct twice a day, yssup.

Maybe if you could debate substance instead of cravenly complaining about sources all the time it wouldn't matter.

We only cite CNN once in a while because it's doubly delicious to let your fellow "libbies" prove you're wrong. Originally Posted by lustylad
Jackpot! And Lusty gets it again!
I B Hankering's Avatar

CNN lies all of the time, but it is fun to turn their words against the lib-retards when the occasion arises.

Any intelligent observer that isn't brainwashed by CNN can tell you these Antifa thugs from Portland do not look black at all:

Hotrod511's Avatar
Did someone open a peanut gallery
I B Hankering's Avatar
And let us not forget MSNBC, that bastion of lies and disinformation, for instance Ali Velshi's full blown propaganda segment -- with bells and whistles -- on Florida's gun laws.

In MSNBC's haste to propagate their anti-gun agenda, Ali Velshi misses the opportunity to learn the guns in question were purchased legally in Maryland -- where gun laws are very restrictive.
bamscram's Avatar
In the haste to be first a lot of stories are not checked before airing.
Even faux news has has to walk back some of their misinformation..
I B Hankering's Avatar


(The Daily Caller)
