It is Congress' fault. They don't have an Executive LEADER. Originally Posted by InU
As a matter of fact they do. His name is John Boehner, and he cries...ALOT!

Yssup Rider's Avatar
Boehner is a bigger joke than Perry. At least he has the good sense not to toss his hanky in the ring.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
We the skeptics. Some of us need just a ton more evidence than others. [/B] Originally Posted by InU
How fucking ludicrous was the whole birther shit?

Do you have YOUR papers, InU? Rapture's coming!
Maybe Inu would feel better about this whole birther issue if Obama just went to Congress and asked them to pass a resolution declaring his citizenship. Who needs a birth certificate right?
Budman's Avatar
Nice. I am not in the least bit surprised by your response, Budman.

While we're here, what is YOUR take on creationism, and Perry's lies about it?

"Better than Obama" is not a suitable response, as far as I'm concerned.

This vet will vote to re-elect the President. And if Perry is elected, he will consider alternatives to spending any more time on/in The Planet of the Assholes. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

What about my response did you not like?

Do you really think I am going to get into a religous debate on a hooker board?

Please tell us that if Perry is elected you will leave the country (and Eccie). You could go hang with the hollywood types that claimed they would leave the country if Bush was elected. Wait a minute, they never left. Well you could be the first.
Trip's Avatar
  • Trip
  • 08-22-2011, 07:39 PM
What do you have against Romney? Originally Posted by bigtex

Yssup Rider's Avatar
You ever have fun Budman? You grumpy! This thread is about Perry's pandering rhetoric to the religious white and the subsequent calls of Bullshit. If you support Perry, you must support his views, right? Oh, are they not based on religious pandering? So you're saying you DO believe in separation of church and state and therefore you reject Perry's thinly veiled rhetoric. Or don't you.

I get it. It's RELIGIOUS so you don't want to discuss it.

Confused? I think you are.

I think they have ECCIE in British Columbia, don't they? The high temperature this month in Victoria was around 75. I could commute. Would that make you happy Budman?

If Perry is elected, it'll be like rats from a sinking ship.

I just can't believe this country is capable of another Dipshit Uprising so soon after the last two.

BTW -- Hollywood types? WTF is that supposed to mean?
Budman's Avatar
I never said I supported Perry or anyone else for that matter. You seem to think that it is OK for you and others to call GOP candidates anything you want and yet my insult to the fuck wad currently in the white house is wrong. Bullshit. I can't believe this country voted that fucking moron to be the POTUS. He will be a one term president regardless of the GOP nominee.

As far as the "hollywood types". When Bush was running their were several that made the stupid statement that they would leave the country if he was elected. I think one was Alex Baldwin but I'm not 100% sure. I just remember thinking "why wait?"
InU's Avatar
  • InU
  • 08-23-2011, 09:01 AM
How fucking ludicrous was the whole birther shit?

Do you have YOUR papers, InU? Rapture's coming! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Apparently, someone didn't see my original post in this thread. I'm agnostic, so basically your question doesn't apply to me. If I did need papers, then I'd need at least a year to get it right.
[quote=F-Sharp;1588210]Maybe Inu would feel better about this whole birther issue if Obama just went to Congress and asked them to pass a resolution declaring his citizenship. Who needs a birth certificate right?

I bet if he did, he'd get away with it. Seems like he gets away with a whole lot and the ignorant just turn their heads.

As a matter of fact they do. His name is John Boehner, and he cries...ALOT!
Originally Posted by F-Sharp

So what, Sharp. I bet you've never cried. I personally would rather a politician cry in front of my face than Lie.

I'm just a red in a pond of blue in a lake of red in a sea of ..................

If you care about your rights, you will NOT re-elect our current stooge.

If you don't care about your rights, go ahead and fuck it up for everyone else.

Since we are talking about people who are either in the office or want to be president; I'll quote one of our best presidents.

"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is its natural manure."

"We must not let our rulers load us with perpetual debt."

"Those who hammer their guns into plows, will plow for those who do not."

-Thomas Jefferson-

Guess Obama supporters are the former and GOP are the latter.

See ya in the fields!! I know, I wont be steering.

Now, it's time to get me some pussy 4x4x4

Trip's Avatar
  • Trip
  • 08-25-2011, 02:32 PM
As far as the "hollywood types". When Bush was running their were several that made the stupid statement that they would leave the country if he was elected. I think one was Alex Baldwin but I'm not 100% sure. I just remember thinking "why wait?" Originally Posted by Budman
Alex Baldwin


Alec Baldwin