Dinner confrontation

can be made or broken by a bad review on an off day or an alert leaves me more conscious and aware but fearful Originally Posted by Chloe
Don't worry about that. You have too many positive reviews and admirers for either to be much of a concern. Just be yourself. Most people go with what they know over what they hear.

The young woman was probably a little intimidated by you and if she heard your comment, simply misunderstood you.
  • Laker
  • 12-07-2010, 09:52 AM

Guys and girls here are right, forget the "nasties" and just dwell on all your friends!! Just read an Austin review there is one very happy Texan (at least ) that is very happy you were there!!!
i agree chloe. your not the prob...her insecurity is. don't let it get to you and don't spend much time dwelling on her. she's not worth the effort. now if you wanted to really put her in her place, i would have just looked at her, and then blew her goodbye...but thats me and i am also known as miss nasty pants hahahaha
Oh Nikki....once again you have me rolling on the floor laughing!!! I'm telling ya you really need your own show. You are the next Chelsea Handler!
  • Chloe
  • 12-07-2010, 09:25 PM

Nikki why weren't you my date that night?? LOL The guy said they were waiting out side too . . . I've had friendlier interactions at a fast food place in the ghetto . . .
bc i'm banned from public!
MajorHands's Avatar
The thing I find so disturbing is the idea that people out in public are so eager to take offense and even pick a fight just for being observed or if they perceive they are the subject of conversation/humor. I had a similar experience many years ago.

I was in Canada for a martial arts tournament with a small group of college kids (I was an old codger pushing 30 at the time). There were TV's mounted all around the dance floor showing various broadcast shows and I was watching one across the floor that was right over the head of some guy. To make a long story shorter, he thought I was looking at him and laughing/making faces about him and came over and picked a fight. I had no idea who he was at first, so it didn't make any sense. Even if I was staring at him, I'm not sure how that justifies a fight, but there you go. It's not anything you did Chloe, some people are just spoiling for conflict.
It amazes me how people can be so insecure and be on the defense thinking that people are talking about them/making fun of them.

Hell I don't even care, I went to the mall the other week, no make up on....and just had my hair dyed so it was up. I probably looked like hell but you know what... I didn't give a flying f*ck who saw me and what they thought. It isn't my norm to do this but I am more and more comfortable with going out plane jane.
HlavinKitheri's Avatar
Sometimes people act as if they were "brought up in a barn," and no amount of money can impart even the merest scintilla of social grace to people like that.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
Hay I was "brought up in a barn" errr never mind
Niktu's Avatar
  • Niktu
  • 12-08-2010, 11:27 AM
It made me start thinking more deeply about myself. . . .how I fear one day I'll turn my computer on and see a review saying "She's great if you like larger providers" or . . . if I go out feeling I am not dressed up enough, too slutty? Too conservative? Too personal? Not personal enough?

I truly LOVE who I am, what I do, who I encounter but being a woman who can be made or broken by a bad review on an off day or an alert leaves me more conscious and aware but fearful . . . wanting to be ME . . .wanting to be perfect for YOU . . .this beautiful angry woman triggered these thoughts . . . I only want to see those who like me as I am . . . here I am take me or leave me . . ..when I am hardened I will not exist here . . . .I love to love. Originally Posted by Chloe
Chloe, dunno how I missed your post; but I agree with NB, don't worry about it. People admire and visit because of who you are.

I'm the first to say guys are visual creatures, still I don't understand why it's the very best and most beautiful women who fret so. Probably that's why they are the best, making sure the appearance, decor, atmosphere is right.
I was speaking with a very special lady when a similar topic came up. Maybe it's just me, but my opinion was while I appreciate the make up (and I really, really do), I'm not visiting the make up. I've no doubt if you see only those who want to see you for who you are, you're dance card will be full.