dear abby...advice

  • Gbfsl
  • 07-01-2016, 08:36 AM
Sorry but y'all are thinking with the wrong heads on this one. That's just wishful thinking. Originally Posted by THN
Right you are. But this is the hobby world and there is only one head doing the thinking when I am on this board.

Glad a voice of reason rang through.
Chung Tran's Avatar
be the asshole, but a mild asshole.. too strong, and you're too obvious.. be Dylan.

you said your pic had been modified.. when was that? after this stuff began? curious if you modified it in response to this new friendship.
be the asshole, but a mild asshole.. too strong, and you're too obvious. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
Yep. Keep it subtle. Believable.
If anyone knows how to take the asshole approach, it would be THN, and she is definitely not subtle about it.

OP, most wives are smarter than you think when it comes to their husbands cheating on them, and her hanging with your new GF is a ploy, probably a sign she knows and is waiting for you to slip up so she can nail you on what her rightful suspicions are.
WalkerTx's Avatar
Most wives are smarter than you think, and her hanging with your new GF is a ploy, probably a sign she knows and is waiting for you to slip up so she can nail you on what her suspicions are. Originally Posted by davidfree986
That's what I was thinking too....Good Luck !
pyramider's Avatar
The OP should just go for ... what could go wrong?
If you have a rock solid prenup and a great attorney, go for it. Otherwise deny, deny, deny, deny. NEVER admit anything.
Deny Deny Deny is the best option for you!! Keep it 100% cool....
Good luck!!
TinMan's Avatar
Bored@home, is the wife hanging out with a single friend and planning vacations together a new thing? Sounds odd to me. In my case, all the folks we hang out and vacation with are married. If the SO brought a single woman into the mix, my antenna would be up. Then you bring up the whole Ashely Madison (or similar) thing....
These responses got me to thinking about that damn country song...
Two black Cadillacs.....
Ohhh shit I just let my crazy out of the box again
PeterBota's Avatar
Talk to a divorce attorney quickly.
Just go ahead and fuck her. That's my advice.
Talk to a divorce attorney quickly. Originally Posted by PeterBota
Like ten of them. The best ones.
to me this almost sounds like the new GF is angling for a threesome. Like she's dropping hints at her wild side and trying to see if you'll both respond in a way that makes her think she should try to take it further with you two. I agree with the deny, deny, deny tactic if she *does* go the other direction... but IMO it's worth putting the paranoia aside for a minute and seeing if there may be a spectacular alternative explanation heading your way.
GingerKatt's Avatar
You're being set up big time. In all my 2 marriages and relationships, I never wanted my guy as a 3rd wheel on girls night. Either the wife is using her friend as a sexy decoy to see if he cheats, or the friend is setting him up for blackmail. Something's not right.
Here's an idea, STOP going out with them. It's weird.