Computer Genius needed

Also might be malware that got picked up while surfing the Interwebs.
A year ago something similar happened to my sister's PC. She got and ran free Malwarebytes Anti-Malware which removed the malware and her PC then ran fine.
JohnnyCap's Avatar
She got and ran free Malwarebytes Anti-Malware which removed the malware and her PC then ran fine. Originally Posted by Celso
Hopefully after XY left.
Hopefully after XY left. Originally Posted by JohnnyCap
Celso sister?
Don't pay no mind to that rummy whose prolly, 3 sheets to the wind....

Also might be malware that got picked up while surfing the Interwebs.
A year ago something similar happened to my sister's PC. She got and ran free Malwarebytes Anti-Malware which removed the malware and her PC then ran fine. Originally Posted by Celso
Yes in most cases, but with hers, she isn't even able to get to the boot process. In some cases root kits prevent Windows from loading but she's not even getting to that point from what she has described to me.
Yes in most cases, but with hers, she isn't even able to get to the boot process. Originally Posted by WhyOhWhy
Hmmmm maybe the HDD is going. That's the weakest link and freaking Windoze doesn't always give you warning on a failing HDD. We never asked her how old her PC is and what OS she has?
JohnnyCap's Avatar
Celso sister? Originally Posted by J.J. Walker
Ya, maybe thats why its personal to him. I doubt she's asian, so he might respect her.
it was turning on and then right back off. now it stays on but my screen says no signal... Originally Posted by Angel14609
Curious, how old is the PC and what OS you running?
Plastic Man's Avatar
hmmmmm ...interesting turn ...seems ol mary is actually ...the multi handled troll ...probably even xy ...takes a thread off the rails as usual ...makes personal attacks as usual ...then tries to change the subject like a little girl

...yes indeed ...interesting
Sounds like a multi handled troll be pissed and is venting when his offer of ASSistance be shot down ....
Plastic Man's Avatar
Sounds like a multi handled troll be pissed and is venting when his offer of ASSistance be shot down .... Originally Posted by Celso
mary havin an ...episode? ...yer not makin any sense at all and ...plastic man is ...worried ...ya might need a little help and theres no ...shame in that
I can tell you now that it doesn't sound like the power supply at all, it's a hardware issue for sure but I would more than likely point to ram or the motherboard. Originally Posted by WhyOhWhy
Or a failing HDD.....
  • Bluee
  • 01-24-2015, 07:44 PM
I'll ask the obvious, has anyone checked if the TV (she is using TV for a monitor) is on the correct input? Maybe someone accidentally switched it from the input for the computer to another?
jackalltt's Avatar
I've seen situations like this from a heatsink/fan on the cpu being plugged and the processor overheating
I've seen situations like this from a heatsink/fan on the cpu being plugged and the processor overheating Originally Posted by jackalltt
Seen this also.
Couple years ago had a LF who had similar issues as the OP, plus her 6 yr old desktop fans were always running full speed several minutes after booting up. Asked her when was the last time her PC was cleaned out. She replied never! Well opened it up and it was filthy inside! All full of crap and dust. Heatsink/fan and CPU fins were totally plugged up with dirt sucked in over those 6 yrs! Cleaned/vacuumed it out. Took apart heatsink/fan to clean out the CPU fins. Put it together, fired it up and problem solved. Ran normal, was quiet again and fans didn't go to high speed anymore. Told her she should clean out her PC once a year at least.