Sorry To Stray From The Usual "Fluff" Thread.. But This Has GOT To Be Said!.

I am so conflicted...seriously I am.

The gent wrote an honest She just confirmed the condom was not on. he did not force her not to wear one. She did not look to see if it was there.

Bianca, you are beautiful, you do not look 18, but that is not my business. I am shocked that you share an incall and those ladies did not bother to make sure you were okay. He stated in the review he had a condom in his pocket. It is your job to make sure it went on his penis.

I do feel bad for you, im sure you are getting calls from everyone asking for BBFS, please have a mod pull that review if you feel wrong about it. But he did not force you and unfortunately he stated what was true. Sex with no condom. I feel so bad for you. And to the other ladies who share your incall with you, you ladies should be ashamed of yourselves, she is new and, inexperienced, HELP HER, don't just let her learn on her own, have a fucking heart and teach her ways to protect herself.
I am over 18 years old and my age has been verified by P411. I sent in a copy of my ID yesterday. My P411 account is suspended until I get a couple of good reviews. Also a few gentlemen who came to see me asked for my ID and I provided it, I really wish some of those guys would speak up now.

Yes, I am sharing an incall, with three other well known and well reviewed providers. I never claimed to have alot of experience, I said when starting that this is all new to me and it is. I don't know what I'm doing and am trying to learn.

As for the BBFS, I DO NOT offer this as a service. He said he had a condom and I thought that he had put it on, I didn't discover that there was no condom until afterwards and was very freaked out by this and jumped in the shower as soon as he left.

I just wanted to try to put all this controversy to rest. I do want to be a good provider, and am trying to learn. Originally Posted by Bianca Rose
Ok........lets break this down a little bit...........If you are 18, and it can be verified, great.....Looking through the web page, I have seen plenty of providers that do not have reviews on P411 who have a profile on there, BTW, your website is down as well.....If you share an incall with other "well-known and well reviewed" providers, and you have questions, ASK............Any BBFS that is done is the fault of both the provider and the hobbyist and trust me sweetie, a shower is not going to save you from STDs.
Juan Pablo de Marco's Avatar
I read the review and seeing who wrote it I took the wording and everything else in it as not being credible.
The poster has a long standing rep on here as not being a very pleasant person. Most his posts are negative towards the ladies and I am sure he has been put on most ladies do not see list.
So like many others like him he is only able to see the younger mewer girls that show up on the scene. They are usually unaware of the info that is available to them and guys like this can get around the creening process.
Th e fact that he sw the girl carried through with the session and then complained about her aftwerards is like Traci said is disgusting.
Personaly I don't and still don't see any evidence that she may be underage other than thie reviewers comments which obvioulsy all were done to make this girl look as bad as possible.
If she isn't underage all it has done is hurt her business and will continue to do so because of the original review and any other threads such as this.
If she is underage then yes it would be nice if somehow ,somewhere someone could help her out.
What is more likely is that if she is she will move to a different area and start with a new name ,etc.
The reviewer wants us to believe that this little slip of a woman more or less forced him to do all the things in the session.
Personally I feel he has other issues with the young lady and decided to do the review to try and hurt her in any way he can.
Looks like mission accomplished. Originally Posted by looiecypher
man-o-man... i feel the same way about the loser, and have no idea why any members here are supporting the guy. it's been pretty obvious for a long time what kind of guy he is.

daty/o's Avatar
You are real sweet and very beautiful and will make a wonderful addition to the Dallas hobby if that is your desire, but please tread very carefully until you are comfortable with the environment. The vast majority of the people here want nothing but the best for you. Don't be discouraged, just more careful.
I am not defending the reviewer but he never said he thought she was under 18 only that she acted immaturely during the session. I don't know this girl either and it must be tough for her to get into this business at such a young age. the whole BBFS thing has been a sore point here and I chalk it up to he should have known better and she should have spoken up for herself.
Since she appears to have proof of age I wonder if the high and mighty who jumped all over the reviewer are now going to eat crow or stick to their unfounded accusations. Specifically but not limited to the OP.

Me I'll stick to my over 30 providers thank you very much.
LazurusLong's Avatar
The 18 year old or not issue has a long, long history not just on ASPD but ECCIE as well. I could list the handles of escorts who started and had reviews well before they were 18 that were suddenly yanked and provider status revoked and handles guested but it would grow tiresome to try and list less than a dozen in the last couple years. Hell, there's a pimp in Arlington who seems to enjoy finding underage talent and getting them on BP and then the ECCIE guys take over and get her reviews on here and viola she is verified till someone shows proof. Just like BBFS, reviews of underage escorts on ECCIE happen all the time until someone finds out the truth and guess what, they get fake IDs that are very tough to detect, a photocopy of one, unless someone has access and can run the DL# where it shows the actual photo of that person it means nothing. All it takes is a road trip to Houston to get one.

All of her photos do not show one bit of anything that would classify them as a felony (child pornography) if it were to turn out she is not truly 18. It's an even bet as to whether that was her choice or the photographer's about being careful to avoid that felony if she has a fake id in play. Feds don't care and neither do the state police if you pay for sex with someone under 18.

I read the review and seeing who wrote it I took the wording and everything else in it as not being credible.
The poster has a long standing rep on here as not being a very pleasant person. Most his posts are negative towards the ladies and I am sure he has been put on most ladies do not see list. Originally Posted by looiecypher
So, instead of looking at the entire review, including another one that also made not so positive comments about her service, you'd rather take shots at a guy who posts his personal experience along with his opinion as a veteran hobbyist?

I'm not going to waste too much time defending SteveSanderson, the poster of that review and had not even read it until this mini rant about the reviewer but...

One of the biggest issues on this board and it is a carryover from the ASPD days is the sugar coated white knight ass kissing reviews that are accepted as golden.

There are numerous escorts on this site who get a frank and brutally honest review and every single white knight jumps out to defend her piss poor YMMV claimed service. Or the white knights, without even having seen her recently, will come post hyper glowing super positive reviews to defray the damage HER shitty services provided.

Claiming a guy who posts his opinion is simply mean or antagonistic is bullshit.

Way too many guys on here feel so lucky that they can go have sex and pay hard earned cash with girls who wouldn't give them the time of day on the street and are a third their age just illustrates the reason why the GPS syndrome is so prevalent.

Girls with shitty services - starting from not responding to her own emails or not reading the P411 profile of guys so that when the guy shows up she doesn't have a clue what he likes or expects is just a jumping off point. yet some lackeys on here and other sites will defend such shoddy practice and way overpay for that sort of crap.

If Bianca is not even responding to her own emails because that "group" of girls has a central screener and email handler, is anyone even sure she is the one online right now in that initial reply? THAT is the worst aspect, we all have seen girls who have someone else doing their emails and in some cases, even the texts. It's one reason I normally require to speak to the person I'm about to get naked with so I know what voice to expect and make sure all expectations are clear before heading out.

Attacking the poster is bullshit.

Why not instead go spend your money and see what happens to your hard earned money and how your time is spent when you go see Bianca?

I'd rather take this sort of review to heart rather than one that is sugar coated. Sugar coated ones have burned me so much more than any honest ones where I knew going in what to expect.

This sort of bullshit attack reminds me of one of my very honest reviews in the spring when I was attacked by a white knight for posting about being upsold. But lo and behold, that same escort soon had numerous reviews all posting the same thing about her actions. Obvioulsy I didn't lie one bit about any thing in my review, it was just some asshat who also felt I had an agenda when my ONLY agenda was telling the truth about how I was treated.

That's all Steve did here. Posted how HE was treated.
stevesanderson's Avatar
And this, my friends, is why members are afraid to post truthful and accurate reviews on a forum. I did not say the girl was underage. As an Eccie VERIFIED PROVIDER I assume the provider has been "verified" to be 18 or more". What good is "verification" if they don't verify that it is legal to post sexually provocative pictures of her here. That should end this issue.

The young lady states that she was freaked out that there was no condom, however I did state (and as the original poster of the ROS I may declassify this info) that she mentioned that we were not using a condom but we did continue. The statement that she didn't realize there was no condom until afterwards is a lie. She later commented how good it (and I) felt and that I was a good partner. A condom was never seen from start to finish, so I do not know how she could have thought that I put one on.

As a matter of fact, I can forward an email from her afterward that states "Glad you had a good time, I did too.. " and she wanted to see me again. That hardly puts me on her "do not see" list now, does it?

Believe what you will. Go and see the girl yourself and let us know if you have a different experience. The ones that do have the same experience will be afraid to post here as we will be labeled a "posse".
SweetAterPie's Avatar
He is a violator.

This is only slightly related but I found it interesting he had responded on the thread.

Sorry I can not get the link to work. It is a coed thread 7/13 titled man charged for not using protection. By holi2010
Stevesanderson, how come you decided not to wear a condom?

Just because she was ok with it, doesn't mean you should be. In fact, it should be a huge red flag!! If she was going to have BBFS with you, imagine how much others she potentially had BBFS with?
Meaning you could be a proud owner of a new STD!!

I don't think any RESPECTABLE or REPUTABLE provider will want to see you now knowing you engage and apparently condone extremely risky behavior.

On the other side, Bianca made a huge mistake and it will follow her around on this board. I hope she realizes the extent of her negliegence and I pray you both get tested ASAP.
I have that email too--Glad you had a good time, I did too... (that was after the first time we met). I also have the emails following where we set up your return visit. If you remember we met twice, once on tuesday and then again on wednesday. Everything went smoothly on tuesday evening but when you came back on wednesday is when the situation with the condom being removed happened.
Also I'd like to tell everyone thats worried, I do have an appt already set for next week where I'm being tested for everything.
I have that email too--Glad you had a good time, I did too... (that was after the first time we met). I also have the emails following where we set up your return visit. If you remember we met twice, once on tuesday and then again on wednesday. Everything went smoothly on tuesday evening but when you came back on wednesday is when the situation with the condom being removed happened. Originally Posted by Bianca Rose
So Steve does a bad review on the session done wednesday and no review for the one on tuesday? did you do BBFS in that session and kept it "hush, hush"? Lazurus, I agree with you about posting honest reviews and about the WKs that are on here, eg: Not if, but WHEN a new "No recommendation" review on a provider who is established on this board, in the opinion of the reviewer, is posted, watch all the WKs respond on that thread that he is full of sh*t and if anyone agrees with that said reviewer, then they get the same treatment as well. And Bianca, just because you test negative this week does not mean you will not test positive in 6 months!
I hope that one of you seasoned providers will take Bianca under your wing and help her out. Hopefully you will tell her to go home to her parents. This is no place for a nieve and inexperienced young girl. People participating in this "hobby" play hard ball. If not that, at least tell her how to operate her business with the least risk to herself and others, and how to operate without a pimp.
Also I'd like to tell everyone thats worried, I do have an appt already set for next week where I'm being tested for everything. Originally Posted by Bianca Rose
Also Bianca,just a sincere query. Why did you agree to the BBFS? It appears that you were quite aware of the condom not being there. How do you justify that? So did you have BBFS on Tuesday too? Were you not aware of the serious dangers of BBFS? Or did the reviewer pay you more to agree to the BBFS? And were you having BBFS regularly with other clients too before this review popped up?

Either way, BBFS at such a young age is such a risky behavior especially when you have your whole life ahead of you and your journey has just started. Good luck and sincerely hope everything gets sorted out for you.
stevesanderson's Avatar
I have that email too--Glad you had a good time, I did too... (that was after the first time we met). I also have the emails following where we set up your return visit. If you remember we met twice, once on tuesday and then again on wednesday. Everything went smoothly on tuesday evening but when you came back on wednesday is when the situation with the condom being removed happened. Originally Posted by Bianca Rose
Yes we did have a second session. The review I posted was for the first visit. And since you must bring this up, I did not mention here that I gave you a second chance, nor that it was mostly stalling again. I made that appointment after you told me how great the sex was and that I do something different that no other guy has that made you orgasm.

So, I did have a second session with Bianca the following day...and did not post my review until after the 2nd session...and left out any mention of 2 bad sessions, for Bianca's benefit. Hence the strong negative recommendation. Foolish for taking the gamble that the ice had been broken and the stalling games would not repeat - yes, I was.

Interesting how you did not mention the 2 visits and how the first visit was supposedly positive for you until AFTER I mention your email and how I had proof that you enjoyed the sex.

As I recall, the incident without any condom at all was on our first visit. If you claim something different then we have one person's word against another's. There is not much any hobbyist can do to defend an accusation like this. If ANY provider chooses to play the "he slipped the condom off" card, there is NO defense against this. Well played young lady.

What I do notice is that ANY provider here would be pissed off..REALLY pissed off if a customer removed the condom midstream. That's a definite alert. Did you post an alert before my review? And how come you are not upset, REALLY upset and pissed off that a customer did that to you? Your laid-back reaction here to a customer slipping off a condom just does match up with the severity of the accusation. Unless of course, it didn't really happen.

And if I did slip off a condom and was being sneaky, would I really post a BBFS review here which would reveal my handle? None of this makes sense.

What does makes sense is that we both screwed up and did not use protection in the heat of the moment. I admit it, didn't hide it, didn't lie about it...and knew that it may hurt my reputation. Is anyone else brave (or stevesanderson stupid) enough to do the same?