What a click bait post. Nothing has happen in Frisco, at least contribute with a review not with another “what if” stupid crap like this
Look, we all take that risk every time we walk to that door. It is part of the hustle. All we can do is stay vigilant and let one another know if something is getting too shady or we sense the Fuzz. Watch your 6 and hold your dicks gentlemen.
BigBamboo's Avatar
What a click bait post. Nothing has happen in Frisco, at least contribute with a review not with another “what if” stupid crap like this Originally Posted by theteamplayer
“What if” YOU contribute with a review instead? I’ve got plenty of reviews contributed to this board compared to you who is bitching about clicking on this post. Don’t be a hypocrite!

Here’s some proof that you’re taking things for granted, as it’s just a matter of time until Frisco police, Collin County Sheriff and DHS make another pass at weeding out these Asian massage establishments. And it only takes a handjob to get one of these women arrested and the place shut down.

And although this link is not AMP specific it’s more proof that the buyers of sex are also being sought by LE right here in Frisco.

So I’m not sure in what world you’re living, but in Frisco there are law enforcement investigations and operations being conducted against sexually oriented businesses, which includes AMPs and independents alike. You can choose to hobby cautiously or not - no one here is forcing you any particular direction.
The amp scene is resilient. Every time they shut one down two more open up down the street. It’s almost like the war on drugs.
BigBamboo's Avatar
The amp scene is resilient. Every time they shut one down two more open up down the street. It’s almost like the war on drugs. Originally Posted by Sadzeck
That may be true so long as those two more aren’t in the same town as before. But AMP resiliency is NOT the point of this thread.

Frisco used to be the place where the brothels operated and then the town decided to clean house. Those brothels moved to another town. And Frisco began to encourage more family oriented developments and establishments.

But now the AMPs have moved in and are operating near schools, churches, retail shopping and legitimate small businesses. Residents and business owners alike are taking notice and speaking out. It’s also an election year. Those AMPs are getting attention now and not just from horny suburban dads and grandpas looking for handjobs and blowjobs.
vigilant17's Avatar
I'm unclear as to your purpose in this thread. What do you expect to achieve here?
ntxguy's Avatar
I'm unclear as to your purpose in this thread. What do you expect to achieve here? Originally Posted by vigilant17
I had know idea Frisco had that kind of reputation or Amps either. If I had known I wouldn't have spent so much gas money driving to frickin Harry Hines by 35 and 635.
But its probably all over now.
Glad I left Texas 2 years ago. It was never this bad in the 8 years I lived there. I'd be scared to go to an AMP now.
Glad I left Texas 2 years ago. It was never this bad in the 8 years I lived there. I'd be scared to go to an AMP now. Originally Posted by twitch760
Believe me
It’s not bad here
I have never had so much pU$$y in my whole life and yes it’s good!
BigBamboo's Avatar
Believe me
It’s not bad here
I have never had so much pU$$y in my whole life and yes it’s good! Originally Posted by Theblackone1
Interesting your perspective is completely opposite of Twitch who has been on this board much longer as a regular contributor. Where were you before April 2024?

Where is here? Your location states Dallas. Dallas is NOT Frisco.

Regardless whether good or bad, Frisco is prime for some LE intervention. It is bound to happen sooner than later. Read the room, as they say.

I just feel bad for the girls who think they’re seeing regulars when in fact they’re being investigated by undercover LE gathering intel on them. They may have even exchanged phone numbers too at one point.
The amp scene is resilient. Every time they shut one down two more open up down the street. It’s almost like the war on drugs. Originally Posted by Sadzeck

Originally Posted by LoneStar41
True true and very crazy
True! Frisco is promoting itself as a family town. Not a horndog playground. Originally Posted by BigBamboo
The ladies are here in Frisco and they are watching this thread. They have apartments, not Spa/Amps. They promote themselves as safier than Spa/amps and raise their rates accordingly, and upsell too.