tia travels's Avatar
As much as I know Hondas run a long time and some of the foreign cars are really good...keep in mind I'm from the Motor City. I am probably not going to buy anything that isn't from the top matter how crappy they might be. LOL That "Motown/Motorcity/Imported From Detroit" feeling is just hard to overlook. It's just part of me. I'm Motorcity Proud.

(Go Lions!) lololol
Well Hondas, Toyotas, Hyundias, Nissans, BMWs, and Mercedes are built in the USA. Ford, GM and Dodge products are built in Canada and Mexico among other places. Heck the last generation GTO came from Austrailia.
tia travels's Avatar
I originally had written "buying from the 3 that were orig. American companies". I know some of the cars are made out of the country or with foreign parts and some foreign are made within the USA. I'm not against foreign products....just want to keep my hometown city above water by buying cars whose origins come from a Detroit drafting board.

After driving all over the country and seeing so many little cars in states like NY and along the East and West just gives me a warm fuzzy feeling when I drive into Michigan and see so many Ford/GM/Chrysler products.

Makes me feel patriotic for some reason.

I like warm fuzzy feelings, don't you?

(p.s. I do appreciate all your help, advice, tips, and opinions so keep 'em coming.)
Actually, thanks to everyone who's commented on this so far.
it just gives me a warm fuzzy feeling when I drive into Michigan and see so many Ford/GM/Chrysler products.

Makes me feel patriotic for some reason.

I like warm fuzzy feelings, don't you?

(p.s. I 'do' appreciate all your help, advice, tips, and opinions so keep 'em coming.) Originally Posted by tia travels
I love warm and fuzzy, especially if it is you!!!

I do really like the Chyrsler 200 ad that first aired on the Superbowl with Eminem doing the voice over and in it. Plus his music. I wish he was still in the shorter spot that continues to air.