Trayvon Obama??

I B Hankering's Avatar
as usual you're a fucking idiot .... read the quote I responded to in my post ... who was it that said white Hispanics FIRST ... tough one for morons isn't it?

and there are 4 major races, and some 5, 000 sub cultuers of those 4 races

now, go away . Originally Posted by CJ7
You're the moron, CBJ7. The post you addressed questioned "if there is such a thing as a 'white Hispanic'", and you matter of factly provided an incorrect and false definition to that question, moron.

BTW, moron, it was the lib-retard MSM that said it first when it realized it had mistakenly assumed that Zimmerman was lily white. They had to hurry-up and cover their collective ass by distorting his true ethnicity in order to make Zimmerman fit the fallacious, racist narrative they were trying to peddle to the American public. It's that fallacious narrative that you and the other lib-retards in this forum swallowed hook, line, and sinker and continue to regurgitate.
Sickpuppy's Avatar
Gee, and all I was trying to point-out is that Hussein has now shown he is bigoted against everyone but ________ with little or no ________.

Therefore, everyone but ______ with little or no ______should be offended and not vote for liberals since he's the darling of the party.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 07-22-2013, 12:58 PM
Gee, and all I was trying to point-out is that Hussein has now shown he is bigoted against everyone but ________ with little or no ________.

Therefore, everyone but ______ with little or no ______should be offended and not vote for liberals since he's the darling of the party. Originally Posted by Sickpuppy

darling?,... hardly.

myself along with several other conservative minded voters, some are on this board, voted for Obie just to keep idiots like Romney away from the Whitehouse and the puppet masters pulling the strings ... I have little doubt you voted for Romney just because he ran on the Republican ticket, with little or NO regard for anything else other than ____________.
Sickpuppy's Avatar
At least you've got the balls to openly admit you're part of the group that is responsible. The rest of us are still waiting for that group to admit their mistake and issue a collective apology.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 07-22-2013, 01:30 PM
At least you've got the balls to openly admit you're part of the group that is responsible. The rest of us are still waiting for that group to admit their mistake and issue a collective apology. Originally Posted by Sickpuppy

I certainly didn't vote for Obie in round 1.

While you're waiting on something that will never happen prepare yourself for Hildabeast to kick the republicans ass in 16
Sickpuppy's Avatar
Not for him in round 1 but yes in round 2, that's even worse. You mean you had the first 18 days, plus the remaining time he devoted to running for reelection to decide to vote for him again? Of course, most of the really bad news was delayed until after the reelection so I guess you have some excuse. But most of us rely on instinct, like avoiding snakes, telephone scams, TGTBT offers, etc. I'm sure Hildy can count on votes from the continuously uninformed or continuously unemployed so you might be right about the next round. If she does win, at least it will put an end to this madness, she'll run out of money within the first term and, as her last act, she can distribute Rosetta Stone free to all of us to learn Mandarin.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 07-22-2013, 02:12 PM
Not for him in round 1 but yes in round 2, that's even worse. You mean you had the first 18 days, plus the remaining time he devoted to running for reelection to decide to vote for him again? Of course, most of the really bad news was delayed until after the reelection so I guess you have some excuse. But most of us rely on instinct, like avoiding snakes, telephone scams, TGTBT offers, etc. I'm sure Hildy can count on votes from the continuously uninformed or continuously unemployed so you might be right about the next round. If she does win, at least it will put an end to this madness, she'll run out of money within the first term and, as her last act, she can distribute Rosetta Stone free to all of us to learn Mandarin. Originally Posted by Sickpuppy

keep on keeping on, you and your ilk are the dems best friends .. apparently its easier to be a partisan hack and bitch about the dems with every breath than it is to actually unearth a viable republican presidential candidate and support him/her based on merit.
Sickpuppy's Avatar
I give up, you just don't get it and you're overmatched. I'll move on to someone who can carry on a reasonable thoughtful debate based on the issues and not resort to the lib's last resort when losing an argument, name calling.

CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 07-22-2013, 02:33 PM
I give up, you just don't get it and you're overmatched. I'll move on to someone who can carry on a reasonable thoughtful debate based on the issues and not resort to the lib's last resort when losing an argument, name calling.
Originally Posted by Sickpuppy

overmatched? uh huh, riiiiight.

based on the issues? what issues ? the House republicans voting to kill Obiecare for the 40th time while the "job creators" ignore the economy ?
At least you've got the balls to openly admit you're part of the group that is responsible. The rest of us are still waiting for that group to admit their mistake and issue a collective apology. Originally Posted by Sickpuppy

You are a sick puppy good handle...
LexusLover's Avatar
overmatched? Originally Posted by CJ7
aka "over your head"! In other words ... drowning.
Sickpuppy's Avatar
There you go again CJ7 … invoke the classic Obama formula, simply attack the competition party if you can’t offer a record of solutions. I’ll make you a bet; I’ll bet my vote in the next election if you can reasonably support your position - name 3 promises he kept resulting in 3 ways we are better off since he was elected/reelected. That is, without trying to use your perceived failings of any other party. You must stick to 3 successes under his watch that a majority of Americans would likely agree with. I’ll give you 1, getting out of Afghanistan is overdue – better late than never (but that would probably have happened under any pres). And you can’t claim “he would have but the republicans control the house” (since they didn’t during his first term). Now name 2 more successes that were good for America, not just his constituents. Last chance to make your case…..
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 07-22-2013, 03:26 PM
aka "over your head"! In other words ... drowning. Originally Posted by LexusLover

standard approach when you've run out of wiggle room on a topic ... shift credibility/intelligence away from yourself and withdraw immediately

poor puppy ... good thing he has a ticket fixing lawyer like you to hump his leg on the way out the door.
Sickpuppy's Avatar
Rethink again, take the challenge. I've already thought of a 2nd that you'll miss since its not something you'll likely support.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 07-22-2013, 03:52 PM
Rethink again, take the challenge. I've already thought of a 2nd that you'll miss since its not something you'll likely support. Originally Posted by Sickpuppy

I cant say who I'll vote for in the next election ... like I said, didn't vote for Obie, I voted against Romney