The Left Wing Police State

Such moral high ground in this have set the bar so high!

. Originally Posted by WTF
America doesn't have a moral high ground, it never did. So it's a free for all actually.

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
The right has the Senate, House and President. When will they quit bleating about the left and get on with making America great again? Originally Posted by bamscram
How about when all the Deep State agents resign from office.
When the Senate dems start following tradition and allowing Trump his people.
How about when the democratic media starts playing it straight.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 04-06-2017, 11:47 AM
How about when all the Deep State agents resign from office.
When the Senate dems start following tradition and allowing Trump his people.
How about when the democratic media starts playing it straight. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Jesus...I'd cut your nuts out if you had any and all that thought like you.

Wtf...deep state agents????

Gtfo of here and go solve your missing plane theory.

Munchmasterman's Avatar
So the senate, the house and the presidency isn't enough? And you being involved in local politics and being active on campus doesn't help? Trump playing golf every weekend can't overcome the media that keeps all you douche-bags honest?

More that 3 years and 9 months left (if he makes it).

There will be nothing left of you. Y'all are already babbling,
blathering, bleating douche-bags.

You spent 8 years bitching about Obama and you're ready to keep bitching about him for 4 more.

Shut the fuck up and get current. Talk about state politics or something.
Stop defending the most unpopular new president in history.

How about when all the Deep State agents resign from office.
When the Senate dems start following tradition and allowing Trump his people.
How about when the democratic media starts playing it straight. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
You know that a copperhead such as yourself was so blinded by hate for Lincoln that they would betray their country. It's only a matter of time for you to betray your country...if you haven't already.