Some memberss on this board are supporting a communist muslim

Jimbo, even if it were true (and I'm not saying it is), would he be the first (and only) POTUS to be an unfaithful Christian?

Assuming Obama is the Christian he claims to be, his level of faith is not ours to judge. Originally Posted by bigtex
That's all we hear that Obama is a Muslim. Then he talks with a great deal of Knowledge of Islam and by his own admission he claims to have seen Islam on three continents. Then he attends a supposedly Christian Church with a maniacal preacher like Jeremiah Wright. Sorry just don't see it. Besides he's a public figure if his personal life finds it's way in the public light it's subject to being judged.

Sorry just don't see it. Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
Jimbo, I don't believe it is your place to pass judgement on Obama's actual Christian beliefs, any more than it is mine.

Who died and left you to be God?
Jimbo, I don't believe it is your place to pass judgement on Obama's actual Christian beliefs, any more than it is mine.

Who died and left you to be God? Originally Posted by bigtex
I never judged his Christian beliefs. I only question his faithfulness there is a difference.

I never judged his Christian beliefs. I only question his faithfulness there is a difference.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
That being the case, who died and elected you to be the questioner of Obama's Christian "faithfulness?"

Or are you the Eccie Political Forum's self-appointed expert on Obama's Christian "faithfulness?"
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
As an American citizen who is charged with electing presidents to office it is our place to judge the character of others. If they don't want to be judged then they can just refuse to run for office. If Obama is a Muslim which as been alleged. It means that he lied about his faith, Islam is the religion of our enemies (but not all muslims are our enemies), there are different types of Muslims and it would behoove us to know which type Obama is (if he is a muslim). Is he part of the 10% that has been radicalized? Is he part of the majority that cannot recognize the evil of the 10%.
If Obama is a Muslim which as been alleged. It means that he lied about his faith, Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
And I suppose for his next words of wisdom, JDIdiot will delve into Obama's place of birth.

Something along the lines of: if Obama was born in Kenya, which has been alleged. It means that he lied about his birthplace.

Thought for the day:

How did a Kenyan born Muslim get himself elected twice by overwhelming margins to be the leader of the free world?
TxTo's Avatar
  • TxTo
  • 08-16-2014, 05:21 AM
To hell with both major political parties.

I'm a military veteran. I'm a fiscal conservative. I opposed ObamaCare. I support gay marriage. I have no stake in the abortion debate, as I can't get pregnant. I support gun rights. The bible is a collection of mythical stories capped by a zombie who makes wine and feeds people magic fish.

That puts me outside the confines of both of your stupid parties. Can we stop the breathless posting of the latest politically contrived "scandals" already?
As an American citizen who is charged with electing presidents to office it is our place to judge the character of others. If they don't want to be judged then they can just refuse to run for office. If Obama is a Muslim which as been alleged. It means that he lied about his faith, Islam is the religion of our enemies (but not all muslims are our enemies), there are different types of Muslims and it would behoove us to know which type Obama is (if he is a muslim). Is he part of the 10% that has been radicalized? Is he part of the majority that cannot recognize the evil of the 10%. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
People accusing Obie of being a Muslim are the same type who would not vote for JFK because the Pope would rule the USA.
That being the case, who died and elected you to be the questioner of Obama's Christian "faithfulness?"

Or are you the Eccie Political Forum's self-appointed expert on Obama's Christian "faithfulness?" Originally Posted by bigtex
No one died and left me anything. I have a right to my opinion if you don't like it lump it. You're making a big deal out of this. Now take a seat you sound like a whiney little bitch.

You're making a big deal out of this. Now take a seat you sound like a whiney little bitch. Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
Jimbo, I hate to be the bearer of bad news but I am not the "whiney little bitch" who is "making a big deal" about Obama's "Christian beliefs" and Christian "faithfulness." The one "making a big deal" about it, is you!!!!!

Why am I not "making a big deal" about it is because Obama's so called "Christian beliefs" and Christian "faithfulness" are not any of my business. As far as I am concerned, Obama's "Christian beliefs" and Christian "faithfulness" are (only) between him and his God. I am not involved in the process!

While on the subjct, Obama's "Christian beliefs" and Christian "faithfulness" are not any of your business either.

You "whiney little bitch!"
Yssup Rider's Avatar
You guys are totally un-American, anti-Constitution and shit on the founding fucking fathers with this ethnocentric poppycock.

You of all people should be criticizing another man's faith. Hypocritical dipshits.
Jimbo, I hate to be the bearer of bad news but I am not the "whiney little bitch" who is bitching and moaning about Obama's "Christian beliefs" and Christian "faithfulness." You are!!!!!

Why, because Obama's so called "Christian beliefs" and Christian "faithfulness" is not any of my business. His "Christian beliefs" and Christian "faithfulness" are (only) between him and his God.

While on the subjct, Obama's "Christian beliefs" and Christian "faithfulness" are not any of your business either.

You "whiney little bitch!" Originally Posted by bigtex
Iam not bitching about anything. I simply made a statement based on my observations. You're the one that has been going out of his way to Oster size me for judging Obama's faithfulness or lack there of.

Yssup Rider's Avatar
Did he Oster size you? Or Super size you?

Iam not bitching about anything. I simply made a statement based on my observations. You're the one that has been going out of his way to Oster size me for judging Obama's faithfulness or lack there of.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
Jimbo, you are the poster child for "Oster size"(d), whiney little bitches.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar

You do realize that Muslims loathe communists, right?

The jihadists in the Muslim Brotherhood hate ALL secular ideologies and the commies are outright atheists.

The Taliban in Afghanistan back in the 1970s were among the first to fight against the communists. The problem for us is that they also want to fight against Christians, Jews, Hindus, and any one else who is non-Muslim, not merely the atheists.

So, no, Obama isn't a Muslim communist, whatever that is. He may be a closet pinko, but he is not also a Muslim. Originally Posted by ExNYer
I guess you are the idiot now, no wonder you couldn't afford Manhattan...

from wikipedia after a 15 second search
Islamic Communism

Islamic Communism can be used to refer to a number of Communist ideologies rooted within Islamic thought. Islamic communism traces it's roots to late-nineteenth and early-twentieth century Russia when a group of Muslim farmers, peasants, and petty-bourgeoisie in Russian Tartarstan founded the Wäisi movement. Members of the Wäisi movement would go on to establish an experimental commune in the town of Chistopol. Numerous movements and ideologies have appeared since then, each promoting their own form of Islamic communism.