DOW drops 500 + as Market Realizes Trump Is In Deep Doo Doo!

It’s just a market correction you dumbass, just doing a 50% retractment.
Next week it will be back up after the profit takers have cashed in.

If it doesn't, I will console myself in the satisfaction that Hillary Clinton is not President.
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  • 02-02-2018, 06:25 PM

If it doesn't, I will console myself in the satisfaction that Hillary Clinton is not President. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Lol...true dat!
I B Hankering's Avatar
Next week it will be back up after the profit takers have cashed in.

If it doesn't, I will console myself in the satisfaction that Hillary Clinton is not President. Originally Posted by Jackie S
texassapper's Avatar
Wait since Professor dumbass is blaming Trump for the 500 point loss does that mean he's also responsible for the increase since he took office?
Kiss those 401K’s goodbye! Originally Posted by StandinStraight

A Nutless Monkey knows more about the stock market than you do, Dimturd. Pack and move,'re done here.
TheDaliLama's Avatar

So it looks like TheDaliLama know's more about what's he is talking about than you do Originally Posted by Hotrod511

I’m the fucking DaliLama.
R.M.'s Avatar
  • R.M.
  • 02-03-2018, 02:13 AM
It’s just a market correction you dumbass, just doing a 50% retractment. Originally Posted by Stockinglover
He's just a teacher what do you expect?
LexusLover's Avatar

Another swing and miss by Mr Poo Poo Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
He's used to that by now, which is why he's in charge of the water bucket and doesn't get up to bat. In fact since he's been on Eccie he hasn't even gotten on base from an error. And he won't. He keeps swinging at those pitches WAY OUT OF THE STRIKE ZONE.
StandinStraight's Avatar
Wait since Professor dumbass is blaming Trump for the 500 point loss does that mean he's also responsible for the increase since he took office? Originally Posted by texassapper
What the market is reacting to is the skittishness of Trump, the more his presidency unravels the worse it will get. Plus the tax scam guaranteed a recession, it was a revenue giveaway to the top 1 % while the rest of the country suffers, things will get much worse as the national debt climbs. I told all of you this when the tax scam was passed and you wouldn’t listen. Maybe you should pay more attention to what I am teaching you and quit being so stubborn .
What the Market is reacting to is the possibility that the Swamp, Main Stream Media The Democrats, Hollywood, and all of the rest of the Socialist/Progressive/Liberal factions in the Country might sooner or later throw enough shit against the wall and something sticks.

Business and working folk are enjoying the new rules that President Trump has brought. The foreamentioned groups hate them because it strips their power to enslave people in economic malaise.
StandinStraight's Avatar
What the Market is reacting to is the possibility that the Swamp, Main Stream Media The Democrats, Hollywood, and all of the rest of the Socialist/Progressive/Liberal factions in the Country might sooner or later throw enough shit against the wall and something sticks.

Business and working folk are enjoying the new rules that President Trump has brought. The foreamentioned groups hate them because it strips their power to enslave people in economic malaise. Originally Posted by Jackie S
If you think the economy is bad now wait until the effects of deregulation kick in! The cost of cleaning up oil spills and bailing out financial institutions will drive us into a depression, if you remember that’s where we almost ended up after the bush years but President Obama saved the country.

Deplorables are dumb enough to not see that it’s happening again, this time we may not be saved.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Wait since Professor dumbass is blaming Trump for the 500 point loss does that mean he's also responsible for the increase since he took office? Originally Posted by texassapper
Trump has taken full credit for the increase since he took office. Some say that that is a somewhat dangerous position to take because if the markets take a dive he will be subject to the blame.
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  • 02-03-2018, 07:16 AM
Yep... it's entirely due to the spike in interest rates. Not just an "expected" rise, but an actual one. The 10-year Treasury yield climbed from 2.72% at yesterday's opening to 2.84% at today's close - a very large 2-day movement. It started the year at 2.42%.

. Originally Posted by lustylad

Hmmmmm....I wonder if our recrnt tax cuts and debt have anything to do with this?

Google wtf Greenspan has to say regarding this.
it was concern with interest rates as full employment is nigh and the jobs report was even more excellent than expected, all that plus coupled with the marked increases since President Trump took office, profit taking proliferated

if the decline was some sort fear trump may be impeached or no longer president, that would only be a reflection of market consensus of his worth to the economy