The Clintons on welfare...

A problem with the liberal mindset (there are many) is when their hero's and heroine's lives are exposed as total and complete lives of fraud

they always point to someone else as having done something wrong, as if that makes everything equal

while who knows what someone's son did or what the real facts are or how others are really treated in todays society, some sycophant will say something they really have no clue about

conservatives will shun frauds of their own

liberals will turn blind eyes toward anything of theirs

lets face it once and for all, rand paul's son getting in a wreck notwithstanding, bill and hillary are total and complete frauds, liars, hedonistically mean spirited, cheats, full of avarice and are co-dependently socio-pathic Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
Go bang one of your serfs. I can say what you said in far fewer words; politicians are pieces of shit. This is not news. Why are people continually surprised?
RedLeg505's Avatar
I am not the least bit worried- I am laughing at all you trolls who think the GOP is going to win- go ahead and start the Clinton bashing we all know how it's going to end. Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
Just like we are laughing at the Dimitards that believe Hillary will win. Yep.. we know how it will end... just like it ended when she tried in 2008.
Just like we are laughing at the Dimitards that believe Hillary will win. Yep.. we know how it will end... just like it ended when she tried in 2008. Originally Posted by RedLeg505
A democrat won that year... so I'm pretty sure we'd be ok with it ending that way again. The conservative candidates have too many retrograde ideas. I just don't see if happening.
RedLeg505's Avatar
A democrat won that year... so I'm pretty sure we'd be ok with it ending that way again. The conservative candidates have too many retrograde ideas. I just don't see if happening. Originally Posted by WombRaider
You mean just like 2000 and 2004 they were too retrograde???
A problem with the liberal mindset (there are many) is when their hero's and heroine's lives are exposed as total and complete lives of fraud

they always point to someone else as having done something wrong, as if that makes everything equal

while who knows what someone's son did or what the real facts are or how others are really treated in todays society, some sycophant will say something they really have no clue about

conservatives will shun frauds of their own

liberals will turn blind eyes toward anything of theirs

lets face it once and for all, rand paul's son getting in a wreck notwithstanding, bill and hillary are total and complete frauds, liars, hedonistically mean spirited, cheats, full of avarice and are co-dependently socio-pathic Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
Yeah, the Clintons are totally unbelievable. They've also raised Chelsea to be the same way. In an article it was stated a Secret Service Agent overheard Chelsea talking to one of her friends referring to the agents as "Pigs" The agent confronted Chelsea about her comment and he told her that her parents wouldn't approve of what she said. The agent said Chelsea just laughed and replied," I don't think they'll be upset, that's what they call you anyway". If that's how they feel about the men that keep them safe and do a great deal for them, how must they feel about the average citizen that doesn't do anything.
You mean just like 2000 and 2004 they were too retrograde??? Originally Posted by RedLeg505
This is 2015. I'd say a lot has changed in the interim.
Yeah, the Clintons are totally unbelievable. They've also raised Chelsea to be the same way. In an article it was stated a Secret Service Agent overheard Chelsea talking to one of her friends referring to the agents as "Pigs" The agent confronted Chelsea about her comment and he told her that her parents wouldn't approve of what she said. The agent said Chelsea just laughed and replied," I don't think they'll be upset, that's what they call you anyway". If that's how they feel about the men that keep them safe and do a great deal for them, how must they feel about the average citizen that doesn't do anything.
Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
She was probably 12 or so years old. It's a reference to police or law enforcement. I'm not saying it's right, but put it in context.
RedLeg505's Avatar
This is 2015. I'd say a lot has changed in the interim. Originally Posted by WombRaider
Yes.. a LOT has changed... Hillary is being caught being a criminal. That will go well with the independents, right??? You guys forget, there aren't enough "forget everything and only vote Dem nut jobs out there to elect Hillary by themselves. Yep,.. keep telling yourself Dems have a lock...
She was probably 12 or so years old. It's a reference to police or law enforcement. I'm not saying it's right, but put it in context. Originally Posted by WombRaider
Her comment wasn't referring to Law Enforcement , It was Secret Service.

Guest123018-4's Avatar
The libtards voted in a criminal not just once but twice and they damn sure will not fail in their attempt to get another criminal in with Hillary.
Her comment wasn't referring to Law Enforcement , It was Secret Service.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
Secret Service is a federal law enforcement agency. Protecting the president and visiting dignitaries, etc., is just one part of what they do.
Secret Service is a federal law enforcement agency. Protecting the president and visiting dignitaries, etc., is just one part of what they do. Originally Posted by WombRaider
I know what the Secret Service does. Most of what they do is commando style baby sitting. The Clintons referred to them as "Pigs" in a disrespectful manner even in the presence of their daughter. Whether Chelsea might have been to young to realize the term "Pig" in reference to the Secret Service Agents was less than affectionate term is neither here nor there, but that agent sure got a glimpse of what was behind her parent's façade.

Reality is a BITCH... Right?... Ozommuslims ...
I know what the Secret Service does. Most of what they do is commando style baby sitting. The Clintons referred to them as "Pigs" in a disrespectful manner even in the presence of their daughter. Whether Chelsea might have been to young to realize the term "Pig" in reference to the Secret Service Agents was less than affectionate term is neither here nor there, but that agent sure got a glimpse of what was behind her parent's façade.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
Your labeling them as baby sitters is as disrespectful as calling them pigs IMO

And you're also taking the word of a 12 year old. When confronted with doing something wrong and the threat of telling your parents is brought up, what do kids say? They already know or some variant of that. You dislike the Clintons, I get that. But taking third-hand hearsay about something like this is petty. They've done far worse to be upset about.

They do a bit more than
"Financial Crimes, covering missions such as prevention and investigation of counterfeiting of U.S. currency and U.S. treasury securities, and investigation of major fraud."
Your labeling them as baby sitters is as disrespectful as calling them pigs IMO

And you're also taking the word of a 12 year old. When confronted with doing something wrong and the threat of telling your parents is brought up, what do kids say? They already know or some variant of that. You dislike the Clintons, I get that. But taking third-hand hearsay about something like this is petty. They've done far worse to be upset about.

They do a bit more than
"Financial Crimes, covering missions such as prevention and investigation of counterfeiting of U.S. currency and U.S. treasury securities, and investigation of major fraud." Originally Posted by WombRaider
You simply missed the point which is common for someone who is anal retentive and lacks common sense.
