Gavin Newsome dodges a bullet!!!

  • oeb11
  • 08-28-2021, 08:11 AM
i do not post here to confirm 'a' science projects.

'a' - has made a couple of valid points relating to the vaccines. To my memory

Now - if only 'a' could bring his / her other posts up to the same standards of facts and Truth - there might be some credibility.
'batting average' - is inappropriate when peer reviewed science articles are teh topic.
NiceGuy53's Avatar
You are incorrect. My batting average is at least .500. Let's assume that I didn't know the number of votes to convict (even though in the example above you could have 7 democrats to vote against Harris. I did not say that or indicate that clearly). I did get the number correct to pass a budget reconcillation bill which requires a simple majority. To send out that additional $1400 in April it was 51-50. V.P. Harris broke the tie.
(Gadfly's friends in Michigan were very happy to get that check) LOL.

Tiny has run two contests in this forum. I won the first one. In the second one I can do no worst than second.

I figured out that the death rate constant that the professor from Stanford Univ (who was against lockdowns) calculated was incorrect. He miscounted how many people actually died from CoVid on the cruise ship. I didn't just take a wild guess for the mortality in Tiny's second contest.

Last but not least OEB11 has posted that my science information was good at least three times.

Nice try NG53 but you lose. Originally Posted by adav8s28

You seem real proud of yourself with your proclaimed success rate of at least 50 percent.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Only him and the weatherman consider that successful.
adav8s28's Avatar
You seem real proud of yourself with your proclaimed success rate of at least 50 percent. Originally Posted by NiceGuy53
I posted a batting ave. Which is what you posted. : What's the problem you have reading comprehension problems now?
If your batting ave is .500 in the major leagues you'll end up in the hall of fame. You're the one who went from batting average to a success rate.
Typical eccie repubtard, lose the argument and then switches the topic to cover himself.
adav8s28's Avatar
Only him and the weatherman consider that successful. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
I guess you don't follow baseball do you? What do you think batting average applies to?

BMW's are crappy cars? Then why do people with money drive them?

In 2008 when your other two heroes (Bush43 & Dick Cheney) were in charge and the markets crashed, GM & Chysler almost went bankrupt not BMW. LOL.
NiceGuy53's Avatar
I posted a batting ave. Which is what you posted. : What's the problem you have reading comprehension problems now?
If your batting ave is .500 in the major leagues you'll end up in the hall of fame. You're the one who went from batting average to a success rate.
Typical eccie repubtard, lose the argument and then switches the topic to cover himself. Originally Posted by adav8s28

Yeah, we need to induct you into the Eccie Hall of Fame.

adav8s28's Avatar
Yeah, we need to induct you into the Eccie Hall of Fame.
Originally Posted by NiceGuy53
Why because I keep beating you at debate. You're the schmuck who was talking about batting average. Plus you're making some big deal over Senate rules. Go pound salt!
NiceGuy53's Avatar
Why because I keep beating you at debate. You're the schmuck who was talking about batting average. Plus you're making some big deal over Senate rules. Go pound salt! Originally Posted by adav8s28

You are truly delusional if you think that you are beating me or anyone else here at debate. But if it makes you feel better about yourself, go ahead and believe whatever you want.
LexusLover's Avatar
If there are not 60 republicans in the Senate, then being impeached won't matter. She won't be convicted. Originally Posted by adav8s28
You seem to believe the Senate Democrats are "in love" with Kumola?

She hasn't been creating a positive image of a female VP.

She's Demented Bitten's best insurance for not getting removed.

Of course, in a moment of clarity that might have been his motivation for her.
LexusLover's Avatar
If your batting ave is .500 in the major leagues you'll end up in the hall of fame. Originally Posted by adav8s28
Killing 50% of the recipients won't get you a nomination to the "Hall"!

Health care and mandatory defective vaccinations is not "baseball"!
  • oeb11
  • 08-29-2021, 09:12 AM
LL- Thank you

You casts 'Pearls' before indoctrinated sheeples.