What is a Liberal? What is a Conservative?

winn dixie's Avatar
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Reagan.. conservative
Cody69's Avatar
cody........... completely wrong about reagan, first off the crazy inflation and unemployment was there when ronald took office from carter. carter was a horrible president and it took several years to bring the economy back mainly because of the tax cuts reagan brought in that fueled the economy. as stated earlier, why did you think he gor reelected in 1984 by winning virtually every state?? he brought this country back from a horrible time

and your remarks about him killing the steel industry are utter bullshit. I worked with the steel industry for over 45 years. I was in those plants everyday. I worked with corporate and the unions. I was there when the coffin was done. The unions were offered a new contract which included spending millions to upgrade the plants and modernize them. the unions turned it down
the all in one plants were doomed cody, they couldnt compete with the more modern plants abroad. The union killed themselves.
why do you think the nucors of the world came about? the smaller mini mills could produce steel alot cheaper than the old bof or open hearth plants across the usa. I know, I was there. Originally Posted by chizzy
I don't know where you are coming from. Inflation started when Nixon was in there. Nixon actually froze wages to try and stop it. I am old enough to live that. We couldn't get a raise because of it. Inflation was bad before and during Jimmy Carter term. We had C.O.L. increases larger than our annual raise. We got something like .10 cents a year raise and like 80 cent increase per year C.O. L.. We were working overtime with Nixon and Carter. You are trying to pull the wool over these younger guys eyes. I lived it.

We were fine work wise under Carter. They were hiring everywhere. The interest rate went up to 19% under Carter I don't lie. So things were starting to go crazy at the end of his term, hence I voted for old WELL, Reagan.

Reagan was in there for a full two years when all hell broke lose. J & L steel, Dravo, American Bridge, St Joe Lead, Pittsburgh Demonds, on and on closed there doors. All of Ambridge, Aliquippa, Pittsburgh, up and down the river closed. Two years after Carter was long gone but the Republicans always have done that blame game years after.

Baby Bush fucked up everything also with bailing out the banks or do you forget? Remember how close we were to an depression? I sure you forgot what he did.Obama a Black President had to get use back in the game. But I am sure you will have some kind of bullshit there also.
berryberry's Avatar
amazing. everything you said is wrong. all of it.

the leftist media has told you this and you believe it. what you believe is wrong about conservatives.

prove conservatives rob from the poor when both the 2017 tax cuts and the 1986 tax cuts benefited the middle class the most not the rich. this is fact. the IRS's own data prove it.

prove in any way conservatives don't want certain people i presume you again mean the middle class to have a car. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
This is what leftists do. Ignore the truth and just make stuff up. Which is laughable when it is so easily disproven

IRS data proves Trump tax cuts benefited middle, working-class Americans most

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
I don't know where you are coming from. Inflation started when Nixon was in there. Nixon actually froze wages to try and stop it. I am old enough to live that. We couldn't get a raise because of it. Inflation was bad before and during Jimmy Carter term. We had C.O.L. increases larger than our annual raise. We got something like .10 cents a year raise and like 80 cent increase per year C.O. L.. We were working overtime with Nixon and Carter. You are trying to pull the wool over these younger guys eyes. I lived it.

We were fine work wise under Carter. They were hiring everywhere. The interest rate went up to 19% under Carter I don't lie. So things were starting to go crazy at the end of his term, hence I voted for old WELL, Reagan.

Reagan was in there for a full two years when all hell broke lose. J & L steel, Dravo, American Bridge, St Joe Lead, Pittsburgh Demonds, on and on closed there doors. All of Ambridge, Aliquippa, Pittsburgh, up and down the river closed. Two years after Carter was long gone but the Republicans always have done that blame game years after.

Baby Bush fucked up everything also with bailing out the banks or do you forget? Remember how close we were to an depression? I sure you forgot what he did.Obama a Black President had to get use back in the game. But I am sure you will have some kind of bullshit there also. Originally Posted by Cody69

Obama a liberal/socialist fucked up the economic recovery by dusting off FDR's "spend your way out" of a depression plan and had the same results. total failure. the economy would have recovered much faster if Obama hadn't done a damn thing.

the genesis of the financial crisis was started under Clinton's (liberal) HUD who decided even poor people can afford houses if the Government backs them.

so what did the banks do? robo-lended money to people they knew couldn't afford a house because the loans were gov backed. what did wall street do? hedged their bets with derivatives bundled up as safe because they were gov backed. see who really started that mess?

the US Government. the true enemy of the republic.
berryberry's Avatar
What you are saying sounds so easy. Just don't take the job. RIGHT. There are people in this world that don't have it mentally as in book smarts. Go pour cement, go put a roof on, operate a jack hammer, climb a 100' in the air and install or fix a crane. Walk the boom and fix it see how big your balls are then. Originally Posted by Cody69
I did pour cement, I built huge retaining walls where I was walking on narrow ledges 30 feet up in the air, I shoveled asphalt and paved roads, etc during my summers in both high school and college. And I was paid quite well for doing so.

But I did it to earn money and pay to educate myself further so I could work my way into senior management and help run companies, which I did and was quite successful at.

If you don't think blue collar workers aren't paid well, you aren't paying attention. The construction trades make bank. I know electricians, plumbers, sheet metal workers, etc, etc who all make 6 figures plus excellent benefits

The people that make the pay scale are book smart and couldn't change a tire if there life depended on it. So you say well go to school I did. Some people just don't have that type of intelligence. No difference not everyone has 4.2 speed.. Imagine how everyone would bitch about their pay scale then if they were deciding their pay.

No one should be making 15million a year when you have someone making less than 15 grand working there ass off Originally Posted by Cody69
LOL. You love to paint everyone with a broad brush. Are you upset that there are people who have been much more successful in life than you have? Whose fault is that? Everyone has the ability to determine their own success - just takes hard work and determination. Something not often found on liberals who want things handed to them.

Why are you so upset someone who worked hard to make themselves successful earns much more than someone else? I know, I know - that is the liberal mentality - wanting for free what others worked hard for

Conservatives believe in personal responsibility unlike liberals
Freakin encyclopedias.
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Reagan.. conservative Originally Posted by winn dixie
"Brevity is the soul of wit"

Anybody that needs 1,000 words to get their point across hasn't really thought it through.
berryberry's Avatar
I am not one of you guys, I tell it like it is. I voted for Reagan and wow, did I fuck up. Jimmy Carter they say was one of the most honest presidents we have ever had. I think he is the one with the line item veto. The democrats wanted him gone just like the Republicans did. Jimmy Carter may have not been the greatest, but Reagan, baby Bush, fucked this country up more than Jimmy ever thought of doing. Originally Posted by Cody69
Jimmy Carter was the worst President in recent history - until Senile Biden surpassed him as one of the worst ever. There is a reason Carter was a one term President. He destroyed the countries economy with runaway inflation and an energy crisis Plus his foreign policy was an utter failure (all those remind you of Senile Biden)

The massive failures of Carter and Senile Biden help show the failures of liberal policies and thinking
Lol. There are reasons Bush Sr and trump were one-term presidents too.
Cody69's Avatar
I did pour cement, I built huge retaining walls where I was walking on narrow ledges 30 feet up in the air, I shoveled asphalt and paved roads, etc during my summers in both high school and college. And I was paid quite well for doing so.

But I did it to earn money and pay to educate myself further so I could work my way into senior management and help run companies, which I did and was quite successful at.

If you don't think blue collar workers aren't paid well, you aren't paying attention. The construction trades make bank. I know electricians, plumbers, sheet metal workers, etc, etc who all make 6 figures plus excellent benefits

LOL. You love to paint everyone with a broad brush. Are you upset that there are people who have been much more successful in life than you have? Whose fault is that? Everyone has the ability to determine their own success - just takes hard work and determination. Something not often found on liberals who want things handed to them.

Why are you so upset someone who worked hard to make themselves successful earns much more than someone else? I know, I know - that is the liberal mentality - wanting for free what others worked hard for

Conservatives believe in personal responsibility unlike liberals Originally Posted by berryberry
You have no idea what I have or what I am worth. You are total one sided that's why other than your few followers you are a joke of what you post.

You guys blame Carter for things 20 years later because what I see of it most of the republican presidents are stupid. Baby Bush, KFC Trump, Baby Bush was a classic when 911 happened.

One time president, failures, how bad could Trump be for some old goat beat him severely. You talk about one time president, you talk about leaving a mess, failures, Trump did one thing, not only the five people he got killed on January 6th, and hundreds arrested, he got over 100,000 killed by saying COVID19 was a hoax and then wanted people to drink bleach and swallow a light, that is a real classic and millions sick. Biden had to clean that up. COVID19 is a thing of the past thanks to what you call Senile Biden. GO JOE!

When you worked your way through college so you can tell untrue stories on a hooker board, was you making $2 an hour equivalent to the $7.25 money the republicans want the working people to make now? I don't think so. Do what I say not what I do.

Sorry DNinja69 getting back on topic. The liberal conservative thing is not working, it needs to be one party and get the show on the road. In how many years have they not worked together and the mess this country is in because of them not getting along. Look at here, when Berry don't get his own way he starts cutting down on me of how successful I am and how smart and great he is doing. RIGHT.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Quit letting politicians define your value. Nobody needs to do that. Take life by the balls and set your own worth.
mrmxmr's Avatar
how to define a liberal,

wow so easy, theres one thing for sure most or even maybe all liberals hate trump .

a liberal is usually one who is so filled with hate for trump

that just mention the name and the brain swells so bad smoke comes out of their ears

or just mention the name and they run to the voting booth so fast thinking of no other issue or promise or candidate or whatever is on the ballot

one name one trigger bingo , a vote

just mention the name trump and truth doesn't matter, lies don't matter, justice doesn't matter, children don't matter, history doesn't matter, laws don't matter, education doesn't matter, and most of all america doesn't matter .

all that matters is the hate you have for one man that consumes your very being . if the name trump is all that is needed to trigger your hate and vote then you are at the whim of the elites .
and if you think you are not a liberal and still hate trump , doesnt matter you are still at the mercy of the liberals and the swamp and the against trump trigger vote because you will still vote against him or not vote at all

just watch cnn, or msnbc or the sunday shows you can see the hate in their eyes . thats a liberal

liberals your hate defines you and hate is the opposite of hope and where theres hate hope cannot exist.

a post script to head off the lib counter attack,

i dont hate the bidens, i feel sorry for them , but they have used the gifts we have given them to dishonestly enrich themselves . they have lived a lie their whole lives at our expense and will one day pay the price that is for sure. put trump in their shoes and it would not change that justice is needed and i would want it to be served as i do now for the bidens.
berryberry's Avatar
You have no idea what I have or what I am worth. You are total one sided that's why other than your few followers you are a joke of what you post.

You guys blame Carter for things 20 years later because what I see of it most of the republican presidents are stupid. Baby Bush, KFC Trump, Baby Bush was a classic when 911 happened.

One time president, failures, how bad could Trump be for some old goat beat him severely. You talk about one time president, you talk about leaving a mess, failures, Trump did one thing, not only the five people he got killed on January 6th, and hundreds arrested, he got over 100,000 killed by saying COVID19 was a hoax and then wanted people to drink bleach and swallow a light, that is a real classic and millions sick. Biden had to clean that up. COVID19 is a thing of the past thanks to what you call Senile Biden. GO JOE!

When you worked your way through college so you can tell untrue stories on a hooker board, was you making $2 an hour equivalent to the $7.25 money the republicans want the working people to make now? I don't think so. Do what I say not what I do.

Sorry DNinja69 getting back on topic. The liberal conservative thing is not working, it needs to be one party and get the show on the road. In how many years have they not worked together and the mess this country is in because of them not getting along. Look at here, when Berry don't get his own way he starts cutting down on me of how successful I am and how smart and great he is doing. RIGHT. Originally Posted by Cody69
Once again, this helps show the difference between a liberal and a conservative. A liberal believes that that life is unfair, makes things up and wants things handed to them rather than earning them. A liberal always wants to find a scapegoat for their own failures - whether that scapegoat is their boss, or a President. A conservative speaks the truth and believes in personal responsibility and working hard to achieve their own success.

As I said. everyone has the ability to determine their own success - it just takes hard work and determination. Something not often found in liberals who want things handed to them and who like to blame others when they don't succeed.

Why do liberals get so upset over other people who worked hard to make themselves successful and earn much more money than someone else? Why do liberals want to punish success?

Because that is the liberal mentality - wanting for free what others worked hard for
DNinja69's Avatar
how to define a liberal,

wow so easy, theres one thing for sure most or even maybe all liberals hate trump .

a liberal is usually one who is so filled with hate for trump

that just mention the name and the brain swells so bad smoke comes out of their ears Originally Posted by mrmxmr
I would not agree that it defines liberal but for sure there is great angst and disagreement on the liberal side for the former Prez. Also fair to said he gave them a lot to be mad about during his re-election campaign and exit from the White House.

With so much energy finger pointing and bashing from one side to the other my question is what does that accomplish? In my opinion a good amount of that energy needs to be spent working on solutions that would require both the Liberal and Conservative base to make some compromise, yet still hold strong on the more important portions of those issues.

An example would be abortion. A Conservative approach that seeks to ban or severely limit access to abortion (no rape exemption, unrealistic time limitations) does not serve the people any more than a Liberal option that allows for late term or widespread access to minors etc. There are solutions available if the goal ever becomes actually working towards them but for now its a pissing contest at the expense of citizens who are paying for it both financially and personally
DNinja69's Avatar
Once again, this helps show the difference between a liberal and a conservative. A liberal believes that that life is unfair, makes things up and wants things handed to them rather than earning them. A liberal always wants to find a scapegoat for their own failures - whether that scapegoat is their boss, or a President. A conservative speaks the truth and believes in personal responsibility and working hard to achieve their own success.

As I said. everyone has the ability to determine their own success - it just takes hard work and determination. Something not often found in liberals who want things handed to them and who like to blame others when they don't succeed.

Why do liberals get so upset over other people who worked hard to make themselves successful and earn much more money than someone else? Why do liberals want to punish success?

Because that is the liberal mentality - wanting for free what others worked hard for Originally Posted by berryberry
This in a nutshell is an example of why I posed the question. Both Liberal and Conservative people myself included (though I currently am Independent and do not attach myself on any real level to either side) often start with finger pointing. It isn't me it's them. What does that accomplish? Does it work in the business world? Do we navigate family life this way? Where is the example that this contentious angst filled approach with regard to groups of people existing in the same social system is a productive structure to obtain solutions?

We all pay the bills for it both through taxes and for those who contribute out of pocket to campaigns and candidates etc. The word we use is representative. That does not mean they represent just those who voted for them.

So long as we attach things like 'truth' to just one side or the other we are failing in the effort to find solutions. There are highly successful individuals from both sides and great ideas as well. Neither side is inherently wrong, and we cannot be truthful to the foundational structure of our nation if only one side gets to be right.
Cody69's Avatar
I would not agree that it defines liberal but for sure there is great angst and disagreement on the liberal side for the former Prez. Also fair to said he gave them a lot to be mad about during his re-election campaign and exit from the White House.

With so much energy finger pointing and bashing from one side to the other my question is what does that accomplish? In my opinion a good amount of that energy needs to be spent working on solutions that would require both the Liberal and Conservative base to make some compromise, yet still hold strong on the more important portions of those issues.

An example would be abortion. A Conservative approach that seeks to ban or severely limit access to abortion (no rape exemption, unrealistic time limitations) does not serve the people any more than a Liberal option that allows for late term or widespread access to minors etc. There are solutions available if the goal ever becomes actually working towards them but for now its a pissing contest at the expense of citizens who are paying for it both financially and personally Originally Posted by DNinja69
I see you are a man that talks with sense. Some on here have a problem with that. I am glad you brought up Trumps exit from the White House. Most of his aides were told not to help the transition team at all when Trump lost the election. A lot of them quit rather than dealing with the bullshit.
So for the ones that worship Trump daily, he fucked all of America. Not just the Biden team, all of America by not helping the transition. There is no doubt in my mind all of his stolen top secret documents he stoled, and he took rooms full was to try and fuck Biden. That is why he wouldn’t give them back after our government beg him to bring them back. That is why they had to go and get them from some of his hiding spots. Who knows what he still has. Lucky countries like Russia are more fucked up than us because they missed there chance.
My opinion is China got its act together. They could shut this country down in a day, week at most. You saw how we were on our knees when COVID was here. Couldn’t buy a car, washer, dishwasher, nothing that had computer chips in it. So both sides keep playing games with one another and see where we end up. Right now China could take us over pretty easy.
Over the years they have shipped most of the factories to non speaking countries. What products are made in the US now a day? The CEO’s are here filling their pockets and letting our country slip away. That is what happens when you got rid of the unions. The fat got fatter.
I agree with you in the 80’s the unions went overboard. You see what happened.