Liberal group attacks senators wife with racial slurs

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
She was born in Taiwan (not the People's Republic of China) and came to this country at the age of 8. Lets not get people confused with the people's and the national china. To imply that Chao is responsible for jobs going to the PROC is sheer stupidity.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Since I started this thread maybe we can make this about why Judd, the democrats, and the Progressive Kentucky reacted so quickly to the allegation? That is if there was nothing to it.
LexusLover's Avatar
She was born in Taiwan (not the People's Republic of China) ..... Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Did I write she was born in the "People's Republic of China" .... no ...

I said she was born in the "Republic of China" ...

which is the OFFICIAL name for ... errrr.....Taiwan!!!!!

So she is offended that someone might call her "Chinese" because she was born in .... The REPUBLIC OF CHINA!!!

I'm pissed because someone would call me an "American" because I was born in the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA!!~!!
LexusLover's Avatar
Since I started this thread maybe we can make this about why Judd, the democrats, and the Progressive Kentucky reacted so quickly to the allegation? That is if there was nothing to it. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Because they don't want to piss off our bankers, the People's Republic of China, so they can borrow lots more money, drive us further into debt, and they are a bunch of obsessively, over-sensitive "race" watchers .... it's not about "race" ....

.... it's about a "nationality" ... silly boy.

But the dumb part is ... she probably is "chineses" since most in the Republic of China are Chinese.... so .... what's the problem ... Mitch and his wife want to distance themselves from their bankers?

No are "we" really going to fret over what ...

... "Judd, the democrats, and the Progressive Kentucky" ...... think?

One first might want to explore if they "think" at all, before trying to figure why?
Did I write she was born in the "People's Republic of China" .... no ...

I said she was born in the "Republic of China" ...

which is the OFFICIAL name for ... errrr.....Taiwan!!!!!

So she is offended that someone might call her "Chinese" because she was born in .... The REPUBLIC OF CHINA!!!

I'm pissed because someone would call me an "American" because I was born in the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA!!~!! Originally Posted by LexusLover
I'm pissed you call yourself an American...
LexusLover's Avatar
I'm pissed you call yourself an American... Originally Posted by EXTXOILMAN
Who said I did? You can't read any better than JDB CAN.

And JDB ... before you start dragging out a bunch of bullshit blog crap .... to pacify the "politically correct" crowd who want to suck up to "money bags"!

Mitch's bride was born in 1953 .... within the Republic of China! Shall we hunt the certificate?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
BarleySwine, you keep putting this on Ashley Judd as a player this horrible racist attack. I don't get that out of any of stories. Just a tweet denouncing racism. WTF? You're off the hook.
Liberals are the most racist of them all. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
Yeah, sure. You know how nuts you are, right?
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Now that I can get back in and finish what I started.

I never wrote that you did say she was from Communist China. I said that some people here of low intellect would be confused between the two. I also said I wondered why you even brought it up.

As for one of to show me where I said that Ashley Judd was behind this or responsible for this slur. I wrote that she apologized for the slur. You would have to ask her why she did that or maybe you can divine the answer What slut.
The same people who embrace illegal immigrants are now attacking the wife of GOP Senator Mitch McConnell, Elaine Chao. Citing her ethnicity as the reason jobs are going to China the Kentucky senate race is looking to be very nasty. Ms Chao came to the US at eight years old from Taiwan. She is a naturalized American and former cabinet official. Even Ashley Judd had to disavow this racist, liberal group. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn

Oh my goodness. Imagine that somebody would attack the wife of the leader of the GOP senate minority in the United States! That would almost be like attacking the wife of the President of the United States! And, of course, we all know that such a thing would never happen. The FLOTUS would never be subjected to such attacks because the GOP is so respectful that wives would never be viewed as fair game?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Now that I can get back in and finish what I started.

I never wrote that you did say she was from Communist China. I said that some people here of low intellect would be confused between the two. I also said I wondered why you even brought it up.

As for one of to show me where I said that Ashley Judd was behind this or responsible for this slur. I wrote that she apologized for the slur. You would have to ask her why she did that or maybe you can divine the answer What slut. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Lets see, you've mentioned Ashley Judd, the actress, in the majority of your posts in this threads, more to the point as a member of the singing group "the democrats and Judd."

Whats your point if not to lump them together as somehow responsible for the superPAC they "had" to apologize for.

Is it the Hollywood career you hate about her, or he fact that she is a woman? Could you be more dramatic?

And I'm probably not the only one wondering that, "dude."
I B Hankering's Avatar
She was born in Taiwan (not the People's Republic of China) and came to this country at the age of 8. Lets not get people confused with the people's and the national china. To imply that Chao is responsible for jobs going to the PROC is sheer stupidity. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Yes. The libertards at Progress Kentucky are attacking her because of her place of birth and her Chinese ethnicity. The implicit insult lays in the libertard left’s insinuation that Chao is not and cannot be a loyal American because she was born in Taiwan even though she immigrated at the early age of eight and became a naturalized citizen of the U.S. You are also right in asserting that the Republic of China is not to be confused with People’s Republic of China.
LexusLover's Avatar
You are also right in asserting that the Republic of China is not to be confused with People’s Republic of China. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Thank you. May be he understands your wording better than mine.

She was born in 1953 in the Republic of China.

The entire contrived "issue" is not even about "race" ...

..... it's also not about "enthnicity" ...

... it's about nationality and at the center of a long international debate on that issue.

Questioning her loyalty is the same as questioning Obaminable's based on his ....

.... "ethnicity" and/or "nationality" .... to be "proven" by a birth certificate.

I have good reason to believe that her "papers" when she entered the U.S. said:

"Republic of China" .... ALL OVER THEM..... because until 1971-2 (or thereabouts) that little island so affectionately now called "Taiwan" was referred to properly (even in the United Nations) as the "Republic of China" ....

But if someone wants to create an issue ... then fabricating a dispute from nothing is always helpful .. at least for their therapy. ... it doesn't enhance their crediblity.
LexusLover's Avatar
Now that I can get back in and finish what I started. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
You were actually "finished" with your first post in this thread. Just don't know it.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 03-04-2013, 11:10 AM
thanks for another yaaaaawner JD ...
aside from the fact the lady had enough moxy to marry "Turtle Boy" there isnt squat to the story

nice try tho teach