Why Do Pundits Keep Saying Biden Is A Good Man, Just Past His Prime?

Low unemployment

Stock market indexes are high

GDP numbers are good

The economy has improved since Trump left

The dems have the right policy on abortion. Roe Vs Wade does not belong to the states.

Biden had a BAD debate night. The polls have not changed. Biden and Trump are still tied nationally in most polls. There are a lot of independent voters and rino republicans who are not voting for Trump under any circumstances. Originally Posted by adav8s28
Yet people are living pay check to pay check, can’t afford housing, can’t afford groceries, can’t afford gas, can’t afford insurance, can’t afford any more of Biden.
adav8s28's Avatar
Yet people are living pay check to pay check, can’t afford housing, can’t afford groceries, can’t afford gas, can’t afford insurance, can’t afford any more of Biden. Originally Posted by Jackie S
The people that you say are living check to check under Biden were living check to check under Trump. Trumps corporation tax cut did three things. 1. Helped the 1%. 2. Increased Stock buy backs. 3. Increased the one year Federal budget deficit.

Inflation was mostly caused by supply chain problems due to the pandemic that Trump mishandled. Trump did very little to control the spread. He did not believe in testing and isolating the positives. Thus, in the early going an infected person who was asymptomatic was not identified and infected everyone else. (Just as Dr Birx).

Inflation has gone from 7% down to 2% under Biden. Biden has created more jobs or more jobs have come back than any other president. The last time the unemployment has been this low for this amount of time "Bonanza" was the number one rated television show in "prime time television".

The reason people can't buy homes is because the Closeing Costs that the lending bank charges are so high. I know I just closed on a $225,000 condo in North Dallas. Getting a conventional mortgage cost an arm and a leg. Try talking to "Rocket Mortgage" The guy runs it owns the Cleveland Cavaliers basketball team. They are the worst. Yet they claim to write so many mortgages.

What do you mean "people can't afford health insurance"? Group health insurance from the employer is the cheapest health insurance there is. Most workers are getting that like around 260 million people. 92 percent of the population has some type of health insurance (1. Group health insurance thru the employer 2. ACA (Obamacare only 40 million people get this). 3. State Medicaid signed into law by LBJ in 1965). There is 8% of the population in the USA that don't get any of the three just mentioned.

Price of gas went up mainly because Putin invaded the Ukraine. 92 Octane spiked to $5.25 a gallon in North Dallas. It's around $3.85 a gallon right now. Shell and Chevron are more expensive than the Q-Trip or Racetrack gas stations.

Biden had a bad night. What really stood out is when Biden said he finally beat Medicare. I still can't figure out how he got there after preparing for two weeks at Camp David. He really lost his train of thought with that debate point.

Bottom line for me is there are two republicans I will never vote for president, Donald Trump and "lying" Ted Cruz. I would take Bush43 for a third term over Trump and Cruz. We all know what happened with Bush43.
The people that you say are living check to check under Biden were living check to check under Trump. Trumps corporation tax cut did three things. 1. Helped the 1%. 2. Increased Stock buy backs. 3. Increased the one year Federal budget deficit.

Inflation was mostly caused by supply chain problems due to the pandemic that Trump mishandled. Trump did very little to control the spread. He did not believe in testing and isolating the positives. Thus, in the early going an infected person who was asymptomatic was not identified and infected everyone else. (Just as Dr Birx).

Inflation has gone from 7% down to 2% under Biden. Biden has created more jobs or more jobs have come back than any other president. The last time the unemployment has been this low for this amount of time "Bonanza" was the number one rated television show in "prime time television".

The reason people can't buy homes is because the Closeing Costs that the lending bank charges are so high. I know I just closed on a $225,000 condo in North Dallas. Getting a conventional mortgage cost an arm and a leg. Try talking to "Rocket Mortgage" The guy runs it owns the Cleveland Cavaliers basketball team. They are the worst. Yet they claim to write so many mortgages.

What do you mean "people can't afford health insurance"? Group health insurance from the employer is the cheapest health insurance there is. Most workers are getting that like around 260 million people. 92 percent of the population has some type of health insurance (1. Group health insurance thru the employer 2. ACA (Obamacare only 40 million people get this). 3. State Medicaid signed into law by LBJ in 1965). There is 8% of the population in the USA that don't get any of the three just mentioned.

Price of gas went up mainly because Putin invaded the Ukraine. 92 Octane spiked to $5.25 a gallon in North Dallas. It's around $3.85 a gallon right now. Shell and Chevron are more expensive than the Q-Trip or Racetrack gas stations.

Biden had a bad night. What really stood out is when Biden said he finally beat Medicare. I still can't figure out how he got there after preparing for two weeks at Camp David. He really lost his train of thought with that debate point.

Bottom line for me is there are two republicans I will never vote for president, Donald Trump and "lying" Ted Cruz. I would take Bush43 for a third term over Trump and Cruz. We all know what happened with Bush43. Originally Posted by adav8s28

Wow, not a single thing even close to reality.
adav8s28's Avatar
Wow, not a single thing even close to reality. Originally Posted by farmstud60
This link says backs up what was said before. Biden created a record number of jobs. Trump increased the deficit by twice the amount that Biden did. Most of the inflation was caused by the pandemic that Trump mishandled. The stock market has performed better under Biden.

As for healthcare just look at the link that has the score for Obamacare that was done by the CBO. 92% of all citizens in the USA have some type of health insurance. Group health insurance from the employer, Obamacare (private plan, expanded Medicaid) or regular Medicaid signed into law by LBJ in 1965. Before the ACA was passed only 80% of USA citizens had health insurance.


Your problem is you NEVER post a link to back up what you say.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
Doesn't stop him from calling everyone else a liar.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
This link says backs up what was said before. Biden created a record number of jobs. Trump increased the deficit by twice the amount that Biden did. Most of the inflation was caused by the pandemic that Trump mishandled. The stock market has performed better under Biden.

As for healthcare just look at the link that has the score for Obamacare that was done by the CBO. 92% of all citizens in the USA have some type of health insurance. Group health insurance from the employer, Obamacare (private plan, expanded Medicaid) or regular Medicaid signed into law by LBJ in 1965. Before the ACA was passed only 80% of USA citizens had health insurance.


Your problem is you NEVER post a link to back up what you say. Originally Posted by adav8s28

The Truth?? Trump supporters can't handle the truth! They make it up as they go along, much as Trump did during the debate when he made 30 incorrect statements.
The Truth?? Trump supporters can't handle the truth! They make it up as they go along, much as Trump did during the debate when he made 30 incorrect statements. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
... This thread concerns Biden (NOT Trump supporters)
and what the news pundits say about him.

Look what's happened in just a week or so... Reports of
Joe Biden being "top of his game" and "razor sharp" and
"laser focused" have surely turned into "Joe has problems"
and "Biden needs to step aside"...

Look how FAST the media pundits have thrown Joe Biden
to the wolves... Tossed aside like yesterday's rubbish!

A "good man, just past his prime" who they DON'T WANT
to be President any longer! ...

#### Salty
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
... This thread concerns Biden (NOT Trump supporters)
and what the news pundits say about him.

Look what's happened in just a week or so... Reports of
Joe Biden being "top of his game" and "razor sharp" and
"laser focused" have surely turned into "Joe has problems"
and "Biden needs to step aside"...

Look how FAST the media pundits have thrown Joe Biden
to the wolves... Tossed aside like yesterday's rubbish!

A "good man, just past his prime" who they DON'T WANT
to be President any longer! ...

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
Any post about Biden relates to Trump. It's unfair to discuss one without the other in most cases.

Biden had a terrible night and now Trump supporters are saying he's been incompetent since he took office. Biden won the 2020 debates by most people's opinion. Biden has had many positives since taking office, the most prominent in my opinion being the infrastructure bill, which Trump promised to get done in 2016 and never did. When Biden leaves office, I doubt historians will rank him lower than Trump.

As for your comments about Biden being thrown under the bus -- polls have shown all along that voters do not want either Biden or Trump in 2024 but it is very difficult to go against the incumbent POTUS. Even now, if Biden refuses to leave the contest he will have the support of ALL Democrats in Congress. Even those few who are publicly asking Biden to remove himself from the race will support him if he stays in.
biomed1's Avatar
Any post about Biden relates to Trump. It's unfair to discuss one without the other in most cases. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
I refer the Poster to Guideline # 6.
#6 - Respect the topics presented by those who start a thread. Attempts to derail a thread or change it's direction is referred to as thread hijack and will be discouraged. Attempts to guide a thread in the right direction are appreciated, while responses to posts which hijack a thread are not.
Precious_b's Avatar
Seems like a stall tactic while they look for tasty condiments to place on the chite-sandwich they've served up. Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do

Than you righty rights have the patience of Methusala (sp). Joey been in politics for many decades and not one court case he is named defendant that you have shown.

The Economy has improved back to what it was before the Pandemic. It wasn't because of anything miraculous Biden did. Furthermore sitting Presidents don't have bad nights, their opponents do. The DNC has been carrying Biden. I think they realize it's time to drop that chump. Originally Posted by Levianon17
... This thread concerns Biden (NOT Trump supporters)
and what the news pundits say about him. ... Originally Posted by Salty Again
You forgot to tell your buddy above that.
texassapper's Avatar