Mea Culpa

mrredcat43's Avatar
OP, don't be a pussy. NAME HER!!!!!!
Brandofan's Avatar
If you show up and she thinks its suppose to be someone else, your asking to get blacklisted, thrown out and still no appt. Originally Posted by LadyAnastasia
Or beaten. Or shot. Or stabbed. Or shit thrown at his car as he beats a hasty retreat. Worse shit has been done over even less, so why risk it?

OP, learn this lesson well: CASH IS KING! Are ATMs so hard to find in your neighborhood that using your personal phone linked to your bank account is really the best way to pay your hobby dues?
mtabsw's Avatar
Move on and name her. You already said she's not even worth 300 - how good of a session are you going to get IF you EVER get one??

Buyer's remorse is a given, so you're not losing anything if you cut your losses, gain back some of the self-respect she also took and find a more worthy companion.
Lessened learned the hard(expensive) way. Although report back if she follows through.
I mean she obviously knows you like what you get from her. Why lose future payments?
Bruce Fassbender's Avatar
People get hurt over bullshit like this.
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 07-26-2019, 03:43 PM
OP, don't be a pussy. NAME HER!!!!!! Originally Posted by mrredcat43
These guys are soft
OP if you don’t name her the you are the reason the ladies don't interact with us here in the Coed Section and think we are nothing but drama.

You are nothing more than the boy that cried wolf if you don’t give up her name!

The ladies themselves have advised to name her.

Plus Brandofan made a great point about using an app to pay instead of cash.

My guess / theory is you won’t give up the name and you will not get the promised session you are told you will get. Or you just did this to get something out of scaring “X” provider...
TallDallasGuy's Avatar
Had one the other day that wanted me to cash app $100 in advance to “prove my authenticity!”
Told her no, I only deal with cash. I don’t have any cash app apps.
Had one the other day that wanted me to cash app $100 in advance to “prove my authenticity!”
Told her no, I only deal with cash. I don’t have any cash app apps. Originally Posted by TallDallasGuy
Or beaten. Or shot. Or stabbed. Or shit thrown at his car as he beats a hasty retreat. Worse shit has been done over even less, so why risk it?

OP, learn this lesson well: CASH IS KING! Are ATMs so hard to find in your neighborhood that using your personal phone linked to your bank account is really the best way to pay your hobby dues? Originally Posted by Brandofan
You speak the truth
I haven't done much of hobbying these days. Probably a good thing I havent.
AmericanHardwood's Avatar
Just come here and cry about it ask for advise but do nothing.

Here’s the advise your wanting. Because it’s what your actually gonna do
TinMan's Avatar
I don’t blame you for holding off on naming her until you see if she follows through on her end. If she doesn’t, you need to name her, and then write it off without further action for the reasons cited by others in this thread.
orca's Avatar
  • orca
  • 07-27-2019, 09:54 AM
She's going to see you next week Oh..the week after that no..the following week. Only use cash!! The money is gone. Move on.
If you don’t name her ....or call her out then you only show women this behavior is ok and it continues

Women like her are the reason real trustworthy providers can’t get prepaid or even a deposit . They are fuvking up the game and the good clients for those that are genuine and looking for fun

Why can’t she see you this week ? Today ? Yesterday ? Tomorrow ? Or even a couple hours from now ? Cause it’s all bullshit and you’re getting strung along

Give her the benefit of the doubt if you like seem like the type of guy who’s very understanding ......but have Her set a date and time to pay up ...if she doesn’t then you name her and any consequences she feels are deserved imo

Yes this is a fun industry ...but it’s also a business and you can’t guck your customers over who keep you in business and expect to stay in business or not expect negative things written about your business ...
Op if you just like prepaying or like the convenience of the apps lots and lots of women here who will play along and still do their job when it’s time