So Why Don't You Post?

Sarahsmiles's Avatar
As a provider I have sometimes wondered why some gents like other girls and not me. The bottom line-I don't do it for them. And-so what? Guys have the choice to make who they spend their hard-earned $$$ with, and ladies have a choice who they choose to see and who not. It goes both ways. For the guys-there is a mighty plethera of hot girls with great tcb and service, so if I were a hobbyist faced with the delima that provider x shot me down, then I would simply say, "NEXT!" and just move on. As a provider-I have to question what about me is not as appealing as other ladies, step up my game and evaluate how I look, what I'm doing, how I advertise, etc. if I am wanting to attract more biz. The bottom line is you can't please everyone. Just have as much fun as you can with those you click with and enjoy yourself because that's what it's all about. As far as people not feeling comfortable to post, and guys not feeling comfortable with posting reviews-you have your OWN reasons. You don't have to explain them to anyone. No one is hobbying with your wallet, your personal interests, or aspects of your life that you need to protect, etc. And for the ladies that do or don't see certain guys-it's their bodies, there perogative, their decision. I have had heard of girls explain a number of different "prejudices" or "standards" that dictate who they will and won't see for xyz reason. Some to me are valid, others-not so much. You basically can't argue with free-will or need to explain yourself to anyone. Originally Posted by Devynn von Tease

What she said!! THG, you know that I love have been so kind to me. I don't really think I fully understand the question or dilemma that you are having, but I think that you should do what YOU are comfortable with and don't worry about the other stuff! It's been awhile since I saw you, and you know a lot about me and my "stuff" over the years. You chose to be a friend from a distance to avoid enabling me and that is understandable and shows how great you are.

DVT, I often feel the same way...not "fresh meat" a bad rep for awhile of which I earned all on my own so will take even longer to rebulid my credibility again, but I'm doing it. What I don't get, however, is how or WHY other providers make decisions to see or not see a hobbyist based on who else they see or whatever, especially if it is a provider that she has never even met. It's her choice, of course, but sometimes it seems a little shallow.

I have several clients that ask me what I think about so and so or who I would recommend for XYZ...and sometimes they even mention a provider by name. I NEVER have and NEVER WILL say anything that could be harmful to another provider as that is not my place and just isn't good business. Many providers, from what I have heard, feel that they are "protecting" clients from certain providers by "warning them" and say things that are damaging to another provider and her reputation. That provider...and I know this from personal experience...doesn't need help damaging her reputation. BUT, what if that provider turns her life around and gets back on track and in time, she proves it and those that have known her for awhile actually see those changes...yet has to deal with others that are constantly downing her without ever having met her or knowing the situation at hand?? It's just not cool!, I think I got way off track there but oddly enough feel better after having said My point, I think, is that it is what it is. Everyone is free to do as they please. We have to live with the consequences of our actions, and although it often DOES affect us (as it obviously does you, THG), we have to remember that often times it is "their issue" and whether we like it or not, they are entitled to have them. It's very hard for me to overcome some of my mistakes but I can't complain as I did it to myself. It IS up to me, however, to change that behavior and try to avoid those actions that got me to "that place" but also have to accept that some may choose to get over it and decide to enjoy my company while others may not! And there are too many fish in the sea...many a lot younger, tighter, and hotter than choose from so I can't...and don't...blame them. As for the other stuff, I'm not in certain "cliques" or whatever...okay...I'll live. I don't get a second or third or fourth chance to meet some great guys based on my actions in the past, that's what I get. BUT, if other providers choose not to see someone because of me or decide they don't like me for whatever reason, that is their choice but that also speaks volumes about their character and probably wouldn't make the best of friends for me anyway.

So, I feel like I just got some unnecessary comments (perhaps even unrelated to this thread) off of my chest. But when I see a GREAT guy start a thread about how he is worrying about whether he is right or wrong to do whatever...and I guess it makes me step outside of the box and say something (should take my own advice). If you don't want to post reviews, don't...if you do but are worried that other providers may turn you down in the future because of it, decide how you will feel about that as they are probably not worth it! Knowing you, an ugly disposition can turn even the most beautiful of women into a very ugly that's just my opinion.

I apologize if this post turned into an opportunity to get some things off of my chest but the goal WAS to add to this thread. Whispers, I was going to PM you and have been thinking about it, but I am going to go out on a limb here...I realize that I am in no way at all your type and have never met you before yet have heard some not-so-great things about you. BUT, I just want to say that I agree with your posts probably about 99% of the time (the ones I have read anyway) and THAT statement right there just earned me a few more "points" against me from a few others, but it's TRUE!

And here it comes........
Whispers's Avatar
DVT, I often feel the same way...not "fresh meat" a bad rep for awhile of which I earned all on my own so will take even longer to rebulid my credibility again, but I'm doing it. Originally Posted by Sarahsmiles
You are to be respected for that darlin.... Much more so than the ones that trash their reputation then kiss up to some Mod on a Board and fabricate some stalking story and recreate themselve under a new name........

Many providers, from what I have heard, feel that they are "protecting" clients from certain providers by "warning them" and say things that are damaging to another provider and her reputation. That provider...and I know this from personal experience...doesn't need help damaging her reputation. BUT, what if that provider turns her life around and gets back on track and in time, she proves it and those that have known her for awhile actually see those changes...yet has to deal with others that are constantly downing her without ever having met her or knowing the situation at hand?? It's just not cool!
No mamm it is not.... and the proof can often be found in the reviews... I've seen soem ladies really turn around their reps over the years by taking some advice, putting in some effort, getting some great reviews and then following up with consistancy......

Who's approval is more important to you? Your competition or the guys that will spend their hard earned money on you?....

Whispers, I was going to PM you and have been thinking about it, but I am going to go out on a limb here...I realize that I am in no way at all your type and have never met you before yet have heard some not-so-great things about you.
I doubt you have heard a single negative thing about me from anyone with any first hand knowledge of me darlin.....

Feel free to PM me and ask me anything you like... It's not fashionable for a lady to agree with me but I can certainly point you to a few that do......

BUT, I just want to say that I agree with your posts probably about 99% of the time (the ones I have read anyway) and THAT statement right there just earned me a few more "points" against me from a few others, but it's TRUE!

And here it comes........

Don't let it get you down darlin...... On the surface agreeing with me on subjects might cost you a little flack.... But all it really displaayes is that you are step above some of your peers in that you take the time to actually read some of what is written and give it some thought..... People don't like some of what I have to say but I am not too often wrong about things.....

Tell you what.....

I've been working on a flaw in my personality.... I'm kind of shy, timid and withdrawn but will soon be attending a 2 day workshop on "Assertiveness" that I hope will help me come out of my shell and learn to speak up a bit more....

PM me and I'll let ya know the when and where if you would like to come!

  • boss1
  • 02-27-2010, 07:58 PM
Boy did you get it right Sophia.
runswithscissors's Avatar
harley, excellent thread, and if you will notice,as sophia stated, new members and lurkers may feel intimidated and afraid to suffer a bruised ego if they step out and post, and may also feel that there is a certain "clannishness" if that is indeed a word. All I can say to anyone that feels that way is to just jump in the pool and paddle around. It is always nice to see as many different opinions as possble on any subject.
knotty man's Avatar it me ? you gave your reasons for no longer posting and you seem at peace with your decision. so i dnt understand why most on this thread seem to think your having a seems to me you were asking others (newbs and lurkers) why "THEY" dont for me ,ive only recently began to post. i try to keep my comments light hearted and my words sweet as i may have to eat them far as reviews are concerned . i find it very hard to review a woman who is "light years" above me in the dating pool and just had my johnson in her mouth . i know im not the prettiest button on the blouse and the fact that these georgeous women are choosing to see me makes it very difficult for me to put things like "mommy marks" or average looks.Frankly, i dont see how you ladies can take it. I know if it were reversed and we could read things like "dunlap" or "dickie do" this site would empty out real fuckin quick.I commend you ladies for having such thick skins. But as to your question THG my reason for not reviewing is that i cant bring myself to say such unflattering remarks about any lovely lady that just chose to see me. i know im doing a disservice to this community ,but since i havent had a bad experience with any lady that ive seen(lucky or just doing my research)i find it very hard to say anything critical of her. As long as her service ,price and pics are what she states them to be then all is good and it doesnt need my confirmation.
Well, I don't post reviews because I don't see providers, so that's that. I don't post a lot these days, so let's go focus on that half of your question.

1) I'm not a registered provider and am not advertising or hoping to get business, so I think it's kind of dumb for me to post anything at all, actually. I just find this whole community (at times) fascinating and I enjoy the interaction and I miss some of you kids!

2) I see many women (current and past) post nonstop and since it drives me bonkers, I'm sure it drives many people even more bonkers. The girls who consistently post new pictures or pictures of themselves dressed up as the next holiday or links to new videos or sexy stories or flirt with every...single...hobbyist...or the girls who simply repeat opinions that are already stated are girls that make me roll my eyes. There are many regular posters that I actually adore. I don't want to be in similar company of the girls who make me roll my eyes, so I try to keep quiet when I can.

3) I post long posts. That shit gets annoying. I can hardly summon up the energy to read others' long posts, so I don't expect everyone else to work-up the energy for me. So, I like to space out my novella-length posts to where only one is up and running at a time.

4) I'm allergic to drama.

5) I blog (because keeping a diary is so twentieth century) so I usually save my more meaningful hobby related thoughts to the Wordpress blog. It keeps me from taking up too much of anyone else's space.

6) The best way to win over a boy is to play hard to get!
Ready2Rock's Avatar
I've really got to feel compelled by the subject matter before I'll bother to post, and I'll usually keep comments brief. As far as drama, I don't need it or have time for it. I find some of it slightly amusing but boring and pointless when it progresses past a certain level. Too many other real-world people and activities worthy of attention for me to get caught up in this or any other Web forum. It's an occasional fantasy for me, that's all. As far as seeing ladies, I've never been turned down in 7+ years and don't imagine that will ever be a problem. I'll still post a review now and then, but only if I need to write one in order to maintain my membership or if I've had an unusually good time with a lady.
ztonk's Avatar
  • ztonk
  • 02-28-2010, 08:15 AM
Thanks for posting knotty man!

But as to your question THG my reason for not reviewing is that i cant bring myself to say such unflattering remarks about any lovely lady that just chose to see me. i know im doing a disservice to this community ,but since i havent had a bad experience with any lady that ive seen(lucky or just doing my research)i find it very hard to say anything critical of her. As long as her service ,price and pics are what she states them to be then all is good and it doesnt need my confirmation. Originally Posted by knotty man
If it helps any, this is where I was when I started posting. I was just tickled to have such beautiful women spending time with me. But don't forget that a provider is not your girlfriend. Sure, for that hour you are with her, she's going to make you feel like "king of the world". But she's a businesswoman either making a living or enhancing her lifestyle.

Sometimes posting a review that just confirms that she is who she says and does what she says is a good thing. Most guys look for recent (<3 or <6 months) reviews. It is reassuring when doing the research to know that SexyProviderA is still at the top of her game.

Consider this all-too-common scenario: you take a chance and see "well-reviewed" SexyProviderA and your session isn't super. Maybe a common menu item is not there, maybe her attitude is rough, maybe she isn't as "fresh" as she should be. Most newbies will say "Oh, it is just me. Oh well." or "Maybe it was something *I* did." or "Awww, I don't want to hurt her feelings." and not post. But time and time again, someone will call a lady out, and the review is met with a chorus of responses like "Yeah, I had a similar thing happen when I saw her." or "I thought it was just me."

You don't have to go into graphic detail in a review, you don't have to share every (or any!) imperfection. When I read a review, I'm looking at her attitude, her menu, and confirmation that her description is accurate.
knotty man's Avatar
thanx for the pointers ztonk. i understand this whole fantasy thing and i never let that get out of hand. its just that i cant even be rude or critical of the girl at the checkout register much less a woman who just took a load of my love lotion. but i will try to work on it and become a useful member of this community. hopefully i can reach a happy medium of being insightful while not critiquing a woman who outside this fantasy world i would not even have a chance with. i feel like clark kent mustve felt. i just wanna tell everyone"Look at all these gorgeous women...and i can fuck everyone of them!!" been registered n the hobby for almost a year and still as giddy as a 16 yr old girl in prom night
Sensual Sophia's Avatar
thanx for the pointers ztonk. i understand this whole fantasy thing and i never let that get out of hand. its just that i cant even be rude or critical of the girl at the checkout register much less a woman who just took a load of my love lotion. but i will try to work on it and become a useful member of this community. hopefully i can reach a happy medium of being insightful while not critiquing a woman who outside this fantasy world i would not even have a chance with. i feel like clark kent mustve felt. i just wanna tell everyone"Look at all these gorgeous women...and i can fuck everyone of them!!" been registered n the hobby for almost a year and still as giddy as a 16 yr old girl in prom night Originally Posted by knotty man
This is interesting insight from the hobbyist perspective. Thanks for sharing your feelings so frankly. It's actually pretty nice to hear that we as providers are making anyone giddy! Makes me feel better about my job.

It's odd. I rarely get negative comments in my reviews (or at least not that I know of) and I know I'm not perfect, so I have always wondered why. I think it is perfectly acceptable to be accurate without being mean. For example, I know I carry a fair amount of weight in my hips and thighs. If someone pointed that out, I wouldn't be offended if they said it matter-of-factly. Now if they went out of their way to make an insult of it, sure my feelings would be hurt. I think we all know the difference.

Back on the P, Elephant wrote a review of a provider friend of mine where he said she was gorgeous but could maybe tone up in the stomach a bit. I see nothing wrong with that. Heck, we could all stand to tone up a bit. If a woman has mommy marks, it's not like she's unaware of it. Many guys don't mind them but for a few, it's a big turn-off. If you don't mention them, then she could end up having a bad session when some guys shows up to the door expecting one thing and gets another.

But in the end, body descriptions only go so far -- just mentioning that the pix are accurate (or not accurate) is probably the best thing that you can do for the provider and the hobbyist.
knotty man's Avatar
sophia, you are one of the few here who are in the stratosphere of providers. i dont think i have ever read anything but good stuff about you. and any superlatives i can think if have already been used to describe you and my adding to them would be redundent, especially when my comments would be in the company of other more respected hobbyists such as monk. im like the flea standing next to the elephant shouting " Yeah, we'll BOTH kick your asses!! .as far as critique, i know i'm shall we say slightly overweight and i know my speedos arent filled out to par. but, knowing it and having someone point it out are entirely different. and if my skin is that delicate im certainly not going to cast stones in my own terrarium. but, as you said i can post that her pics ,price and services are as promised. and i can do that in the review comments rather than in actual reviews.........atleast for now anyways. i hope that will suffice. ps. its great to be under you .....AGAIN!!
Sensual Sophia's Avatar
sophia, you are one of the few here who are in the stratosphere of providers. i dont think i have ever read anything but good stuff about you. Originally Posted by knotty man

Wow. Thanks. *blush*

...and any superlatives i can think if have already been used to describe you and my adding to them would be redundent, especially when my comments would be in the company of other more respected hobbyists such as monk. im like the flea standing next to the elephant shouting " Yeah, we'll BOTH kick your asses!! .as far as critique, i know i'm shall we say slightly overweight and i know my speedos arent filled out to par. but, knowing it and having someone point it out are entirely different. and if my skin is that delicate im certainly not going to cast stones in my own terrarium. but, as you said i can post that her pics ,price and services are as promised. and i can do that in the review comments rather than in actual reviews.........atleast for now anyways. i hope that will suffice. ps. its great to be under you .....AGAIN!! Originally Posted by knotty man
It's too bad you feel that way about reviews. It really shouldn't be a writing competition. I totally respect you choosing not to review, but I don't think anyone should be afraid of not measuring up to another hobbyist's prose.
dookiexp's Avatar
I can only echo what sophia says, This is not a contest to have the best reviews. If people get use from my reviews great if not oh well i tried.

I find all reviews useful unless its like a two line paragraph in the rest of section as saying it was great is pointless if you recommend her. As long as some simple details are added like TCB and how things went down i get something from that review even if its 6-8 lines long.
rekcaSxT's Avatar
People always compliment me on my reviews, and I used to feel intimidated by a Monk review. But we all have a style. I try to be accurate and descriptive with a dash of titillating detail to keep it interesting.

I haven't written any in a while, but I also haven't seen anyone knew in a while. But that is about to change. Look for probably 3 new ones in March.
sixxbach's Avatar

thanks for the post. yes the best way to any man (me) is to play hard to get.... wink wink