Obama Approval Ratings For 7th Year Top George W. Bush's So Far

  • shanm
  • 03-30-2015, 09:06 PM
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Hitler was popular, too.
I suspect this will bring along a tear or two!

Or three!

Read it and , Suckers!

http://www.bloomberg.com/politics/ar...-bush-s-so-far Originally Posted by bigtex
Neither one is worth a shit. so what are you trying to prove? Comparing Bush and Obama is like comparing two shit Quarterbacks, maybe one can throw a few inches further than the other, but neither one is accurate past ten feet.

Neither one is worth a shit. so what are you trying to prove? Comparing Bush and Obama is like comparing two shit Quarterbacks, maybe one can throw a few inches further than the other, but neither one is accurate past ten feet.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
Jimbo, there are a couple of points at play. First and foremost, most of our resident Idiot's who bitch and moan about Obama on a daily basis, are the same Idiot's who voted for The Shrub twice. And most did so without even blinking an eye!

In LLIdiot's case, he spent the better part of 8 years defending Shrubbie's every move and then the better part of the next 8 years bitching and moaning about Obama's every move.

The reasons I use LLIdiot as an illustration is because he is the Patriarchal Idiot and our posting history together goes all the way back to the ill fated and ill advised Spring of 2003 invasion of Iraq.

The 2nd point at play is that Shrubbie's average approvals are indeed much worse than Obama's. As it relates to recent past President's, Obama's compare favorably to many of them, up to and including Ronald Reagan.

Yikes, that should create yet another uproar in Idiotville

Scroll down for the Approval Ratings of the past 20 US Presidents:

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
What was the latest number? 30 members of the press have taken jobs at the Obama White House. So much for any credibility Tampon has.
LexusLover's Avatar
...voted for The Shrub twice. And most did so without even blinking an eye! .. Originally Posted by bigtex
That 20-20 xray vision sees into the voting booths ...

.... as well as sand dunes 6,000 miles away.

For bigtitties as long as someone is "popular" no matter what they do or don't do is ok, and as long as their "approval" ratings are higher than Bush's, he's fine too.

Whether he was blinking or not, or even had his eyes closed, I wouldn't care, but he voted for Obaminable 2x's, and for some reason that makes him a genius.
he voted for Obaminable 2x's. Originally Posted by LexusLover
What does LLIdiot and 4x's have in common?

4x's is the number of times the Patriarch of the Idiot Klan, errr Clan voted for a Wilted Shrub.

4x's qualifies LLIdiot for exclusive GLUTTON FOR PUNISHMENT status.
What was the latest number? 30 members of the press have taken jobs at the Obama White House. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Go back to searching for the missing 777. There are hundreds of remote, deserted islands that you have yet to visit.

Let us know when you find it? Ya' hear?
Jimbo, there are a couple of points at play. First and foremost, most of our resident Idiot's who bitch and moan about Obama on a daily basis, are the same Idiot's who voted for The Shrub twice. And most did so without even blinking an eye!

In LLIdiot's case, he spent the better part of 8 years defending Shrubbie's every move and then the better part of the next 8 years bitching and moaning about Obama's every move.

The reasons I use LLIdiot as an illustration is because he is the Patriarchal Idiot and our posting history together goes all the way back to the ill fated and ill advised Spring of 2003 invasion of Iraq.

The 2nd point at play is that Shrubbie's average approvals are indeed much worse than Obama's. As it relates to recent past President's, Obama's compare favorably to many of them, up to and including Ronald Reagan.

Yikes, that should create yet another uproar in Idiotville

Scroll down for the Approval Ratings of the past 20 US Presidents:

http://knowmore.washingtonpost.com/2...t-presidents/g Originally Posted by bigtex
So is there some sort of vendetta going on?

LexusLover's Avatar
So is there some sort of vendetta going on?

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
Yes. BigTitties was a McCain "Man" (using that term loosely, of course) in the 2000 primaries, and he claims Bush's operatives played dirty tricks on McCain. So he started hating Bush and anyone who voted for him. See our "history" precedes the 2003 RE-INVASION of IRAQ.

Which, of course, doesn't explain why he voted for Obaminable over McCain; but inconsistences are BigTitties's trade mark ...like trashing draft dodgers, but voting for Clinton ... (and campaigning for him) 2 times. It seems his ethical standards are flexible.
  • shanm
  • 03-31-2015, 10:40 AM
So is there some sort of vendetta going on?

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
More like "stupid" is going on.

You see LLIdiot was even dumb enough to vote for Mitt Romney. Even though Romney definitely did not include him in the 53% esteemed citizens that he was trying to help.
LLIdiot has been on welfare for quite sometime and was therefore ineligible for 53% status.
More like "stupid" is going on.

You see LLIdiot was even dumb enough to vote for Mitt Romney. Even though Romney definitely did not include him in the 53% esteemed citizens that he was trying to help.
LLIdiot has been on welfare for quite sometime and was therefore ineligible for 53% status. Originally Posted by shanm
So what are you doing, standing in for bigtex?

So with the boot licking, ass kissing Main Stream Media ignoring all of President Obama's shortcomings, and going after President Bush with the vengence of a Hun, are we supposed to be surprised?

History will treat President Bush with the dignity of a President who lead the Country through difficult times, and President Obama as the smarmy little Demagogue that he is. Originally Posted by Jackie S
History will credit Bush with perhaps the largest single foreign policy mistake ever made by a POTUS. There is very little else for which he will be remembered.
Yes. BigTitties was a McCain "Man" (using that term loosely, of course) in the 2000 primaries, and he claims Bush's operatives played dirty tricks on McCain. Originally Posted by LexusLover

Actually I did prefer John McCain over the Shrub for the 2000 Republican nomination. I also preferred Gore for the 2000 Democratic nomination.

Are those crimes? If not, what's your point?

(No, I'm not referring to the point on the tippy top of LLIdiot's pearly white, cone shaped hat.)

Truth be known, I have the utmost respect and admiration for JMac. Especially as it relates to his years of dedicated service to this country.

I ask once again, what's your point?

Which, of course, doesn't explain why he voted for Obaminable over McCain Originally Posted by LexusLover

JMac selected Sarah (Gov. Quitter) Palin to be his running mate in 2008.

Absolutely Pit-I-Ful!

Need I say more?
rioseco's Avatar
Actually I did prefer John McCain over the Shrub for the 2000 Republican nomination. I also preferred Gore for the 2000 Democratic nomination. So what's your point? And no, I'm not referring to the point on the tippy top of LLIdiot's pearly white, cone shaped hat.

Truth be known, I have the utmost respect and admiration for JMac, especially for his dedicated service to our country.

As it relates to JMac's 2008 race against Obama. He selected Sarah (Gov. Quitter) Palin to be his running mate. Absolutely Pit-i-ful!

Need I say more? Originally Posted by bigtex
Sometimes quitting is not a bad thing. Look if your best boy Barack had quit six years ago we would owe 8 trillion less dollars to the Chinese and still enjoy some measure of respect and distinction around the globe. Instead we now stand for nothing, and are mocked and despised by our own allies.