I have no doubt that this administration would bring infected non US citizens to this country for treatment. I suspect the State Department has promised host countries as much...especially infected healthcare workers !

That promise is probably a key to getting local help in fighting the spread of ebola !
What is telling, is the initial vehement denials by this administration that contingency plans were being formulated.....we now now those denials were a lie. Again and again this administration is neck deep in their lies.

When will our national nightmare be over and this poser gone ?

Answer 740 days and counting down.
Next up?

Look to the administration to bring infected non US citizens to this country for treatment. They lied about the contingency planning; they are now lying when they tell us it won't happen ! It is how they roll.
boardman's Avatar
The administration has Jen Psaki out there saying this was the plan of some mid level bureaucrat. That play is getting old. Mid level bureaucrats don't formulate such detailed plans without direction from higher up.

They are covering all of their bases. They can say they tried but were shut down. The ones who want to believe it will. Those who don't are demonized as part of the mean old Republican establishment who want to push grandma off the cliff.

It's like saying I voted for the bill before I voted against it.

They don't even consider this lying.

The hope was that the possibility of pandemic would be enough to stir the masses into a frenzy. Looks like it's not gonna happen after all and the Dems are reaching for some way to get voters to the polls.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 10-30-2014, 08:22 AM
Lions and Tigers and Bears ....Oh My!

How many folks have Ebola in this country? Can any of you Chicken Little fear mongers tell me the number? Could you tell me the number of non healthcare workers that have caught Ebola?

Jesus I can't wait for the election to be over so you numbnuts will quit being spoon fed fear to get you off your ass and vote for the anti science party.

WTF, we SO FAR have one (1) death in Dallas TX, two (2) domestic cases (the nurses from Dallas who cared for the first guy), one (1) NYC doctor currently under treatment (who lied through his teeth to the NYPD about where he'd gone after arriving and before getting sick).

I saw something about a five-year-old being tested for Ebola, but I did not see anything about the test results.

We have one (1) nurse in Connecticut, who was Over There treating Ebola patients, who refuses to observe voluntary quarantine. Connecticut is trying to get a court order for involuntary quarantine.

I've seen one unsubstantiated claim that there have been several patients who were hospitalized with Ebola-like symptoms, who were "disappeared".

I also remember some years ago my mother mentioning chatter on various nursing insider forums she read, about patients with symptoms that were VERY close to smallpox. Those nurses were allegedly told in no uncertain terms NEVER to use the word "smallpox", and to call it something else (I don't remember the phrase now, but no such disease actually exists).

We still don't know what the alleged "breach of protocol" was that allowed the two nurses to become infected. We still don't know how the original guys roomies avoided getting infected.

The NYC hospital that is handling the NYC doctor and the five-year-old kid reportedly has had to transfer ICU patients to a different hospital, because two (2) Ebola patients is overwhelming their ICU staff. (I find this believable. ICU staff loads run one nurse for every one to two patients. Multiply by four to cover 24x7, and you have 2-4 nurses per patient. Ebola nursing requires 8 nurses per patient: 2 nurses per patient x 4 shifts, because the second nurse is backstopping the first, monitoring sterile and noninfection protocols. My source on base ICU staffing is personal conversation with the ICU nurse who took care of me for a few days, first shift, several years ago.)

In other words, WTF, Ebola has the very serious potential to become a VERY bad thing, even without importing patients.
Something was either weapon-ize, or they are trying to weapon-ize ebola.

Small pox, Hemorrhagic Fever aka "Tears of Red from the congo.

just another notch in the viral weapon belt.
boardman's Avatar
Ebola’s Hard To Catch — For The Average Person
At the same time, Ebola remains difficult to catch. It doesn’t secretly linger in your body for months. It’s not transmitted by mosquitos. You won’t get Ebola by sitting next to someone who’s not visibly ill in the subway or on the airplane.
Just look at the evidence from Dallas. The first patient diagnosed with Ebola in the United States, Thomas Duncan, first became contagious to others on September 24. That was now 22 days ago — one day longer than the maximum incubation time for Ebola — but none of the dozens of people in Dallas who interacted with Duncan outside of the hospital have gotten sick.
Instead, the only people who contracted Ebola from Duncan so far are two nurses who were with him as he received intensive care in the hospital, and when he was at his most contagious.
The average person infected with Ebola also only infects one to two other people, on average, Michaeleen Doucleff writes for NPR’s “Shots” Blog.
That’s not great — even two infections can lead to an exponential growth rate — but as NPR shows, it’s not as bad as many other illnesses.


Apparently Ebola is about as contagious as Hep C.
I'm not for voluntarily bringing patients, especially non citizens, into this country for treatment as it does pose an unnecessary risk to those we are asking to treat them. The civilian doctors and nurses going over there understand and accept the risks. Forcing military into that situation is a different story with differing sides of the argument about "volunteering".

The area is somewhat quarantined as there are no commercial flights going in or out of the area by the airlines' own doing, not mandated by Government...Good for them.

The virus scare is losing it's legs so now the issue is turning to civil rights over forced quarantine.
You can't make this shit up...Oh, Wait, they just did.
We also haven't had a nuclear explosion on our soil...would you suggest we not have appropriate safeguards and be diligent because such an event is rare?

Ebola pandemic; like ALL pandemics are rare but highly consequential events...like accidental nuclear detonations.

Quarantine and travel restricts are sensible containment measures. Measures that have been used by civilizations for eons.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 10-30-2014, 11:25 AM
Whirlaway is now trying to take Ebola nuclear!

Yssup Rider's Avatar
it's a fucking pandemic...make that a fucking epidemic...no, make that a BLACK PLAGUE!

If the best equipped place in the world to treat this disease is here, then why shouldn't we treat others?

maybe they'll all die of Obamacare when they get here!
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
it's a fucking pandemic...make that a fucking epidemic...no, make that a BLACK PLAGUE!

If the best equipped place in the world to treat this disease is here, then why shouldn't we treat others?

maybe they'll all die of Obamacare when they get here! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Where do you draw that line? You could treat all the world's sick patients, and become even more broke.
Why is it the responsibility of the USA to take care of the problem - who created it?

You country has 100 million poor people as it is, 17 trillion in debt, and most people are paycheck to paycheck who are paying the taxes, and you are letting in millions of new poor people each year. It is stupid.
The State Department says the cost to bring a single person to the us and provide treatment is $500,000 per person.

Fuck paying for the world's ebola patients.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 10-30-2014, 01:40 PM
Where do you draw that line? You could treat all the world's sick patients, and become even more broke.
Why is it the responsibility of the USA to take care of the problem - who created it?

You country has 100 million poor people as it is, 17 trillion in debt, and most people are paycheck to paycheck who are paying the taxes, and you are letting in millions of new poor people each year. It is stupid. Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
Don't forget to rant about how much Aid is given to Israel that could be spent here!
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 10-30-2014, 01:46 PM
The State Department says the cost to bring a single person to the us and provide treatment is $500,000 per person.

Fuck paying for the world's ebola patients. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Which countries do you want to provide aid to? Are you like JL and only want Israel as our charity case?