more records broken

the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
US average price of gasoline on January of 2020: $2.41/gallon
US average price of gasoline on December of 2021: $3.38/gallon

Estimated number of border crossers in 2019 (Trump's worst year): 900,000
Estimated number of border crossers in 2021: 2,000,000

Number of police officers murdered in 2020: 64
Number of police officers murdered in 2021: 88

Energy dependence in 2020: zero
Energy dependence in 2021: 21%

Number of military deaths in Afghanistan in twelve months of 2020: 11
Number of military deaths in Afghanistan in eight months of 2021: 13
VitaMan's Avatar
Thanks for sharing. You have been around a while.

VitaMan's Avatar
US average price of gasoline on January of 2020: $2.41/gallon
US average price of gasoline on December of 2021: $3.38/gallon

Estimated number of border crossers in 2019 (Trump's worst year): 900,000
Estimated number of border crossers in 2021: 2,000,000

Number of police officers murdered in 2020: 64
Number of police officers murdered in 2021: 88

Energy dependence in 2020: zero
Energy dependence in 2021: 21%

Number of military deaths in Afghanistan in twelve months of 2020: 11
Number of military deaths in Afghanistan in eight months of 2021: 13 Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn

Trying awfully hard to do.......who knows what.

If you are in love with Trump you should start a thread.
How many Afghanistan military deaths will the US have in 2022. I suspect it’ll be less that 2020 or 2021. One president actually ended our presence there while the other talked about it for 3 years.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
How many Afghanistan military deaths will the US have in 2022. I suspect it’ll be less that 2020 or 2021. One president actually ended our presence there while the other talked about it for 3 years. Originally Posted by NoirMan

he ended it in a shame. and left Americans behind. and armed the Taliban due to it. Biden's claims are all false on this. he was offered control of Kabul by the Taliban and turned it down. how fucking stupid is that? he was advised to keep troops at Bagram air base. he turned it down. this is why the Taliban eventually got all that military hardware we paid for that was supposed to go to the Afghan army. Trump's agreement did not cede control of the base. in fact, it would have kept control of it in perpetuity. just in case you don't know what "in perpetuity" means .. it means forever.

Biden was not bound by any agreement Trump made if he felt it was not the correct thing. that agreement was not a treaty that is binding. he did the exact opposite of the deal Trump made just to not adhere to the deal Trump made. and look what happened. a total disaster.

that's all on Brandon .. er Biden
bambino's Avatar
he ended it in a shame. and left Americans behind. and armed the Taliban due to it. Biden's claims are all false on this. he was offered control of Kabul by the Taliban and turned it down. how fucking stupid is that? he was advised to keep troops at Bagram air base. he turned it down. this is why the Taliban eventually got all that military hardware we paid for that was supposed to go to the Afghan army. Trump's agreement did not cede control of the base. in fact, it would have kept control of it in perpetuity. just in case you don't know what "in perpetuity" means .. it means forever.

Biden was not bound by any agreement Trump made if he felt it was not the correct thing. that agreement was not a treaty that is binding. he did the exact opposite of the deal Trump made just to not adhere to the deal Trump made. and look what happened. a total disaster.

that's all on Brandon .. er Biden Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
NoirMan er B1B is getting trucked tonight.
tman1847's Avatar
Damn it. Today is on pace to be the 46th record close.

Trump did 25% Dow growth during his time? Biden's S&P 500 is up 26% THIS YEAR. This during a pandemic, and goods and labor shortages.

Matter of fact, looking over the past Republican and Democrat Presidents, the Market favors Democrats in Office. Originally Posted by Chung Tran

You must know a secret the middle class and poor people are unaware of
How does that gain in stocks or a 401K help them pay for tomorrows 25% higher grocery bill. Their 50% higher trip to the gas pump. Their 20% higher utility bill to heat their home.
So how many US military will be killed in Afghanistan in 2022 TWK and Bambi. All the shot talking but no disagreement with what I actually typed.
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
Trying awfully hard to do.......who knows what.

If you are in love with Trump you should start a thread. Originally Posted by VitaMan
It's called the truth or as it is also known; facts and figures. Maybe you've seen them in passing.
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
How many Afghanistan military deaths will the US have in 2022. I suspect it’ll be less that 2020 or 2021. One president actually ended our presence there while the other talked about it for 3 years. Originally Posted by NoirMan
Ever hear of a guy named Marshall Petain? He stopped the German attacks against the French nation. He surrendered. As did Biden. Why in the world would any rational person want to claim abandoning Americans into the hands of thugs as some kind of accomplishment?
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
So how many US military will be killed in Afghanistan in 2022 TWK and Bambi. All the shot talking but no disagreement with what I actually typed. Originally Posted by NoirMan

first it's not quite 2022 yet and even if it was how many Americans were left behind? how many Afghans that helped the US were left behind? that are now being hunted down and executed by the Taliban? yeah you don't hear that on CNN or MSDNC.

i'd ask you to think before you post but that would be asking for a miracle of God.

State Department boasts fewer than 12 Americans left in Afghanistan, but countless allies remain

Four months after President Joe Biden’s botched Afghanistan bugout, the State Department is boasting that under a dozen Americans who want to get out remain stuck there.

Why should we believe that? For weeks after the chaotic retreat, Team Biden kept claiming it left only 100 or so US citizens behind, yet State now says it has “directly assisted” 479 Americans and 450 green-card holders (plus their immediate families) in getting back to America since the Aug. 31 military evacuation. And hundreds more got out without much State Department help.

Nor is State discussing just how many green-card holders — legal US residents — remain.

State says it’s relocated 2,200-plus Afghan allies who worked with US forces these last two decades and are at great risk of Taliban retaliation if they stay. But tens or even hundreds of thousands are likely still stuck.

oh what's this?? Biden is lyin'!! who knew???

Over 900 American citizens, permanent residents left Afghanistan with U.S. help -agency

December 13, 2021

WASHINGTON, Dec 13 (Reuters) - The United States has helped over 900 American citizens and lawful permanent residents to leave Afghanistan and relocate to the United States since Aug. 31, after the chaotic end to the American war there, the U.S. State Department said on Monday.

Biden is a liar
VitaMan's Avatar
It's called the truth or as it is also known; facts and figures. Maybe you've seen them in passing. Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn

It's nice to hear that you are in love with Trump.

What is has to do with records being broken in the stock market and current employment results, you fail to mention.
Chung Tran's Avatar
You must know a secret the middle class and poor people are unaware of
How does that gain in stocks or a 401K help them pay for tomorrows 25% higher grocery bill. Their 50% higher trip to the gas pump. Their 20% higher utility bill to heat their home. Originally Posted by tman1847
Huh? You are making up those figures. Inflation is 8.2%, which is 1/3 of the S&P 500's gains in 2021. Voodoo Economics, you are!

It's nice to hear that you are in love with Trump.

What is has to do with records being broken in the stock market and current employment results, you fail to mention. Originally Posted by VitaMan
Damn it. Did you have to embarrass these folks further, by bringing up the FACT that unemployment claims are the lowest since 1969? This while the Qanon Right keeps babbling that jobs are going unfilled because people are being paid to stay home. Bullshit, they are.

you can prove that, right?

I can indeed.. Read below, and weep.

the market has gone up during every president since FDR. butt you knew that, right? Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
No it hasn't. Not even close. Nixon and George W. Bush were deeply negative!

And Democrat Presidents have more than DOUBLE the stock market performance of Republicans.. Read it, and scream aloud that you are changing Party Affiliation
The market had a pitfall on March and did rebound through the end of this year. I do not care who gets the credit, give it to Biden, fine. He has had a few victories, well let's say one victory the stock market is up.

Unemployment claims are not at record all time lows, NEW unemployment claims are at a record all time lows. The word new is very important here. As everyone was already unemployed no one else left to make a new claim. The market for employees is an empmoyees market as no one applies for jobs and no one is willing to work in the labor intensive jobs. Even the restaurants and fast food places seem to all have signs up that they are hiring. I have never seen any signs up for employees in my several decades of life. No new people to claim unemployment so not a real record I would boast about but whatever.

I believe we currently have the worst President this country has ever had in its entire existence. He has erred in all aspects of politics, from domestic issues to foreign affairs. Russia is in place to invade Ukraine and one should ask why now? Maybe Russia saw our debacle in Afghanistan and feel while the US is at a weak point they should strike. The Afghanistan fiasco has had world wide effect.

Every Democrat I know and I know quite a few will never vote for Biden again. They also will not vote for a Democrat in their areas for Congress. The Democrats killed themselves by being in power and showing the people what their agenda is - more power for them. Why get rid of Filibuster, why try to stack the deck in the Courts, why attack their own, Manchin, Sinema? The Democrats are the Republicans best friends by just doing their stupidity and the majority of people see it an disagree.

Budens poll numbers are way down with no prospect of ever improving. CNN like Biden could never tell the truth or their ratings would crash. Ever poll reported had Biden in the mid 30s for approval ratings while CNN alone said Buden was in the mid 40s.

Biden did lie about Afghanistan and who knows what else. But I think all politicians lie so no surprise there.

My country is divided and a complete shambles, and we have 3 more years of this shit. Fasten your seat belts folks, it will get worse before it gets better. We are living in very bad times and our leadership has only one response, to make it worse.
Chung Tran's Avatar
The market had a pitfall on March and did rebound through the end of this year. I do not care who gets the credit, give it to Biden, fine. He has had a few victories, well let's say one victory the stock market is up.

Unemployment claims are not at record all time lows, NEW unemployment claims are at a record all time lows. The word new is very important here. As everyone was already unemployed no one else left to make a new claim. The market for employees is an empmoyees market as no one applies for jobs and no one is willing to work in the labor intensive jobs. Even the restaurants and fast food places seem to all have signs up that they are hiring.

Every Democrat I know and I know quite a few will never vote for Biden again. They also will not vote for a Democrat in their areas for Congress. The Democrats killed themselves by being in power and showing the people what their agenda is - more power for them. Why get rid of Filibuster, why try to stack the deck in the Courts, why attack their own, Manchin, Sinema? Originally Posted by Computerwise
Continual claims are the lowest since pre-Covid, when your Boy Trump was saying HIS economy was the best in history!

Nice try, though.

Fast food places need to pay more. People got tired of working for $7.25, and being sent home right after showing up for their shifts.

Filibuster? It allows Republicans to kill the Agenda of the President and Congress, all 3 branches elected and controlled by Democrats. You love it, of course, just like you loved when Obama's Judge candidates were all blocked, then Trump (and you) bragged that he filled more Judge positions than anyone in history. Trump stacked the deck. Why did he?