CLIENT REVIEW suggestion box

KlassyKelliAnn's Avatar
I volunteer for the pilot project if this penguin ever jumps up and flies. Originally Posted by ANONONE

LOL! ^ That made me laugh.
fd150's Avatar
  • fd150
  • 05-11-2010, 11:59 PM
one thing I have noticed in getting references from mostly female providers (when I am able to reach them) they will tell u mostly good things especially if he is a regular..but sometimes its VERY helpful if u cant get in touch with a provider if the client has only seen one female provider...Not saying I am not going to do my job cause I rather trust a real voice any day of the week..Its just helpful if u cant reach her and the client is on a time schedule and traveling thru the area on business...
And one persons idea of something bad may not be anothers biggest thing is SAFETY and this place is for that...but there is always forms of improvement and helpful ways of doing business. There are a several female providers that I know personally and if they wrote a review on a guy being a regular then I WOULD TRUST THAT...i dont think its necessary to write about HIS PERFORMANCE but to tell if he is a easy going guy, is he difficult to deal with, does he set his appointments and keep them when doing a incall to you, does he have fetishes , etc...not saying review them the same way a provider is reviewed...
I can just see it now... client showcases with guys draping snuggies over their bellies for that more thinner look. Is this really what we want lol. Originally Posted by gimme_that

Lol, I think I would pay to see this
I disagree.

We already have implemented ways of keeping the providers safe by doing some homework and screening. I think that is all we need to know. Having correspondence with them personally to find out if there are any requests and what they like gives you a re-pore with them before you meet, which only adds to the sexual build up.

They are paying for us, and for that reason they should know what they are spending their hard earned money on. It should be a great experience for them. We are not paying, but rather we are the merchandise...we don't need to know anything other then they are safe and what they tell us themselves. We should be on our top game regardless. IMHO That's what defines a good provider. Originally Posted by Tiffany Cums
I agree. No client reviews. Providers would become biased based on personality traits, looks, etc... clients are paying, they have the right to post reviews and the right to choose whom they are seeing. If we start posting reviews on clients... that could potienally hurt the clients in the future when trying to book an appointment... " Sorry Billy, but your last review says that you were 5 min late, had stinky breath, and a funny looking nose..." Best I think to leave it as is, just my thoughts.
bluffcityguy's Avatar
The reason I am suggesting this is sometimes its tooo time consuming and interruptive on a short notice to get ahold of a provider if the CLIENT has referred someone that is out of town, cant be reached, is tooo busy and not able to return calls...As I have said in the past...anyone can write a fake review on a girl with escorts dot kom. But it saves time when we can pull up some info on a potential client with the notes someone has wrote from here...I TRUST THIS SITE BUT IN QUESTION ABOUT SOME OF THE OTHERS....sometimes it makes things faster and more effective ... I know several female providers and it would be great since they have been in this business alot longer than I that could write some notes down and being able to review if I CANT REACH THEM... Originally Posted by fd150
You and The Alpha Male ought to get together; you're both on the same page.

Basically (as I said to him), what you're describing already exists: Date-Check, Preferred 411, RoomService 2000. Is there a problem with joining one of those? Ok, RS2K, as far as I can tell, seems to be really big in Chicago and environs and not so much in the rest of the hobbying world, but still... P411 is very well respected in the South where you are, and DC isn't bad at all, as I can vouch from personal experience.

There's really no great need for a competing service to these, though if you think you can build a better mousetrap, you can buy yourself some web hosting, hire yourself a web designer/webmaster(mistress) (or barter for his/her services), build a website, and start marketing it. That's the beauty of the free market.


bluffcityguy's Avatar
I agree. No client reviews. Providers would become biased based on personality traits, looks, etc... clients are paying, they have the right to post reviews and the right to choose whom they are seeing. If we start posting reviews on clients... that could potienally hurt the clients in the future when trying to book an appointment... " Sorry Billy, but your last review says that you were 5 min late, had stinky breath, and a funny looking nose..." Best I think to leave it as is, just my thoughts. Originally Posted by LAVixian
I agree.

However, the last time I talked with a provider about the reference system as it is (and this is a lady who verified me through Date-Check), she said that pretty much many providers (if not all) do pass along such information as part of reference checks, and she suggested that Date-Check does actually allow for noting such things in a hobbyist ok on that site (I wouldn't know how true that is; as a hobbyist I don't have access to the same interface that the providers see).


bluffcityguy's Avatar
Seriously it would be fun to read it in COED discussions. Originally Posted by ANONONE
No it wouldn't. It might be fun for you to feed your ego if you are indeed as awesome a lay as you think you are (and I get the feeling, no offense meant, that feeding your ego is the reason you're so enthusiastic about this idea), but the first time a provider posts a truly nasty review about a hobbyist we're going to see a flamewar/shitstorm of major proportions, and I get enough of those in Coed Discussions already.

If there really is a great groundswell of support for this misbegotten idea, keep it in another forum where those of us without immense egos to keep fed can just ignore it and concentrate on more important things.

Better still, just keep it away from here. If there's enough enthusiasm for a hobbyist review site, just create one. The fact that there doesn't seem to be one speaks volumes (to me) about the true demand for such a service.


so many times the strings are busted. It will always be controversial with some agreeing and some disagreeing. I did what one poster suggested and did create a site where references (not reviews) are written, and ladies can chime in and give their references and reply to others references. However it's a closed area and the clients are not allowed access. Not every provider is allowed in either - they have to be known, drama free, and honest. References are asked to be objective, stating only facts and not opinions. Ladies can reply either agreeing or disagreeing with written statements. I don't care if you're the paying customer.. I'm the business owner of this body and reserve the right to refuse service to anyone. There will always be more customers. This is a safety issue between business owners, plain and simple.

"Providers would become biased based on personality traits, looks, etc... clients are paying, they have the right to post reviews and the right to choose whom they are seeing. If we start posting reviews on clients... that could potienally hurt the clients in the future when trying to book an appointment... " Sorry Billy, but your last review says that you were 5 min late, had stinky breath, and a funny looking nose..."

Some providers may have the luxury to be that picky about their clients but there are a lot that can't. If there were no safety issues with "Billy" I'd see him, knowing he MAY be five minutes late, have breath mints available, and avoid staring at his nose. To me, that information would be used in a positive way to make the session better and avoid embarrassment.

Yes, I know there are several sites and back channels, all with pro's and con's, just like my site. All it is is an additional tool for the ladies safety which will benefit the client in the long run as long as it stays moderated such as it is now. It will shorten the "waiting for references to check back time" which benefits the client. Information such as the client having a foot fetish will give the ladies a heads up to get a pedicure prior to the appointment. Any information that is not a safety alert can only serve to benefit you on your next appointment because of our effort to anticipate your needs.
KlassyKelliAnn's Avatar
Yes, I know there are several sites and back channels, all with pro's and con's, just like my site. All it is is an additional tool for the ladies safety which will benefit the client in the long run as long as it stays moderated such as it is now. It will shorten the "waiting for references to check back time" which benefits the client. Information such as the client having a foot fetish will give the ladies a heads up to get a pedicure prior to the appointment. Any information that is not a safety alert can only serve to benefit you on your next appointment because of our effort to anticipate your needs. Originally Posted by TxBrandy
TxBrandy, I agree. I think most smart hobbyists do their homework using a multiple variety of tools with which to do their homework. It keeps them as safe as possible against LE, scamming providers and much much more. They have reviews to look at, alerts, word of mouth and so on.

So why not allow a more abundant tool or add one to the bunch for the ladies. IMHO, we are more at risk because we are women and the provider. Such a site like the one you have is a great tool. It is objective and not opinionated. It will help keep many many smart women safe.

IMO, another tool for the gents to use in order to keep their safety and discretion in tact is absolutely awesome as it is imperative!

So why not the same for the ladies...? Someone said it is NOT a double standard, ummmmm, YES it is. Both parties must maintain safety and discretion. I hear many men say to one another- We are all in this together, we have to spread the word and help one another out, etc, etc.
The ladies say and do the same- but in all actuality- anyone who is a fan of this hobby and has respect for both the gents and ladies alike- need to be more sympathetic, if you will, to eachs own tools needed in order to acheive this.

On the subject someone brought up on whether a gent sucks in bed or not- that is ignorant. We ladies look at sex in more ways than a man does, sorry but it is true. We are not basic fickle creatures, there is more to it than that and that is why we demand respect. I dont see why this would be included in one of OUR reviews because THAT is NOT what it is all about. The REAL reason for ANY review out to be whether or not the girl is fun, pleasant, has a good attitude, was nice, did not steal or scam you, did not have you robbed, beated or is not LE. Period. This whole she did this and this and this is just BS and for attention and man ego. But if that is your thing, then hey go for it. Whatever. Some guys probably only read the reviews when they feel the urge to beat the meat. Again, to each his own!

For a woman- we use the reviews as they were meant to be used - to get the word out that a man is legit, clean, respectful, discreet, nice, and to post any problems if they occured. That is all that is needed and nothing more. That is all that is needed for a providers review too but maybe a bit more like was this or that which was advertised correct and so on.

Anyway, no one get their panties in a bunch. This is just MY opinion. Many have stated theirs. Opinions are like assholes, remember, we all have one.
Including me! Love ya all!

lionheart's Avatar
So why not the same for the ladies...? Someone said it is NOT a double standard, ummmmm, YES it is. Both parties must maintain safety and discretion. KKA Originally Posted by KlassyKelliAnn
Ok, since you have a great interest in establishing equality of information here, then upon initial contact why don't you girls start sending the hobbiests your real names, real place of employment, and be prepared to show a valid photo ID upon our first meeting. After all fair is fair, right? You do want to get rid of the double standards right? If it's a level playing field you want, then be prepared to back that up and not pick and choose when you want the equal sharing of information and when you don't. Now granted, maybe you are one of the few providers who would be ok with this, but I suspect you would be in a less than 1% minority.

This would be only one of the problems with hobbiest reviews. You can say all day long that only xyz information will be posted here, but we all know that there would be regular instances of emotional rants that post waaayyy too much info, outing hobbiests, etc.

Just sayin...
Ok, since you have a great interest in establishing equality of information here, then upon initial contact why don't you girls start sending the hobbiests your real names, real place of employment, and be prepared to show a valid photo ID upon our first meeting. After all fair is fair, right? You do want to get rid of the double standards right? If it's a level playing field you want, then be prepared to back that up and not pick and choose when you want the equal sharing of information and when you don't. Now granted, maybe you are one of the few providers who would be ok with this, but I suspect you would be in a less than 1% minority. Originally Posted by lionheart
When it comes to safety and knowing whether a person (be it provider or hobbyist) is legit, there should be no double standard. LE men set up appointments with the ladies to get them busted and they lie about names and references (which is why we check them out). Also, it is far more common for men to commit acts of violence towards the ladies than it is vice versa. This is why we check you out. Now yes, a female LE can bust the men but nine times out of ten they aren't even going to ask for your name or references prior to the appointment, just tell you to show up. Naturally you guys can have a board and a place to discuss who might be LE or unsafe and/or you can let your brothers know if the lady is legit and has good TCB skills.... OH wait, you guys DO have that...

This would be only one of the problems with hobbiest reviews. You can say all day long that only xyz information will be posted here, but we all know that there would be regular instances of emotional rants that post waaayyy too much info, outing hobbiests, etc. Originally Posted by lionheart
No, you don't know that... Unless you are thinking that written reference on a hobbyist will have the same information as a review done by a hobbyist on a lady. If done correctly the system would not allow TMI and would not allow personal information on legit hobbyists.
lionheart's Avatar
When it comes to safety and knowing whether a person (be it provider or hobbyist) is legit, there should be no double standard. Originally Posted by TxBrandy
Yes, safety is important for us all, hun. However I’m not sure if you’re agreeing that there should be no double standard only in this case or at any time? Are you saying you will gladly send the hobbiest your real name, real employment info, and provide valid ID? Refer to my previous comment about not picking and choosing when you want an equality of information and when you don’t.

LE men set up appointments with the ladies to get them busted and they lie about names and references (which is why we check them out). Also, it is far more common for men to commit acts of violence towards the ladies than it is vice versa. This is why we check you out. Now yes, a female LE can bust the men but nine times out of ten they aren't even going to ask for your name or references prior to the appointment, just tell you to show up. Originally Posted by TxBrandy
Exactly, for all of our safety you should always check references, whether it be providers or verification sites, etc. When I notice a provider not doing any verification at all, it is an immediate red flag for the reasons you stated above. The fact is, that this thread is about hobbiest reviews. The points you are making are verification issues, and your post does not include one thing that is not covered by the providers only and alert sections here along with the umpteen different verification sites that already exist, i.e. P411, RS2K, Datecheck, TER Whitelist, etc.

Naturally you guys can have a board and a place to discuss who might be LE or unsafe and/or you can let your brothers know if the lady is legit and has good TCB skills.... OH wait, you guys DO have that... Originally Posted by TxBrandy
Oh, wait, you girls DO have that…too…that’s the purpose of the providers only section.

If done correctly the system would not allow TMI and would not allow personal information on legit hobbyists. Originally Posted by TxBrandy
I agree if we are talking specifically about eccie, they do a good job of preventing outing. It would depend on each specific website and would only work properly under a heavily moderated environment such as here. On that note, if we are talking specifically about eccie, remember that eccie has an enforceable no-review option for the providers. Surely since you are against the double standards and all, you would agree that hobbiests would have the same option, right? Just making sure. I suspect the list of hobbiests who would not opt out of reviews would be very short.

The bottom line is that there are plenty of verification sites already. If the hobbiest is ok then he will have provider references and/or verification from the numerous sites that do that. If he is not ok, and you have some alert-worthy information, then you should post that in either the alert section or the provider’s only section which are both there for this purpose. If he is a newbie and has no references or verification, then he obviously couldn’t have any reviews anyway, so nix that. The only thing left would be a bunch of drama and/or ego-inflating comments which is the last thing we need here. Less drama time equals more play time
We could go back and forth about the subject in general all day long. How about we agree to disagree on some aspects. Yes, there will always be double standards, in every society. Our physiologic makeup is different. Men can walk around shirtless whereas women would get arrested. There are places for equality and no double standards, such as crime and employment. The hobbyist world is no different, there are some natural double standards and in some areas it is equal. As I stated before, it will always be a controversial subject and there is not point in arguing/discussing it any further.


btw - your sig line made me LOL
lionheart's Avatar
Men can walk around shirtless whereas women would get arrested. Originally Posted by TxBrandy
You make a good point here, wouldn't it be a great day if we could get rid of that double standard!

You make some very thoughtful posts, miss brandy. This will be one of those things that will probably be cussed and discussed until the end of time.
I disagree.

We already have implemented ways of keeping the providers safe by doing some homework and screening. I think that is all we need to know. Having correspondence with them personally to find out if there are any requests and what they like gives you a re-pore with them before you meet, which only adds to the sexual build up.

They are paying for us, and for that reason they should know what they are spending their hard earned money on. It should be a great experience for them. We are not paying, but rather we are the merchandise...we don't need to know anything other then they are safe and what they tell us themselves. We should be on our top game regardless. IMHO That's what defines a good provider. Originally Posted by Tiffany Cums
I disagree...

I for one would like to know if the gent I'm going to be intimate with is rough, talks down to providers, is unfriendly, barks commands etc.

If I am going to see one client today, and I have say two choices, I would much rather be with someone I know beforehand to be nice, easy-going, gentle..than someone known to be rough and difficult. I would like to hear in detail the views of how a particular gent has been with other providers.

I know there are dozens of alerts on gents that are well known and verified as OK.

Even though we are the "merchandise" it doesn't mean we don't have a say on who we decide to be intimate with. H